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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    What I'm saying is that I don't like the direction. They have a new multiplayer director, and as far as I'm concerned they've made a hash of it. They haven't reinvigorated it, but the small things they have changed have been bad choices.
  2. Better to not be try-hard like Diageo. He was gagging for an award, even if it meant the exponential decay of respect points. Aww.
  3. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Ahem I gave my friend a KZ2 beta code and played it a heck of a lot. Secondly, you don't need to have played as a sniper to know how irritating they are. You can read their class abilities, you face them in the game online, and I tried them in botmode, where every ability is made available. So please, hush yo' mouth. Have you suddenly undergone a drastic mood swing again, one where you'll utterly slate something and then turn around and tell us it's Jesus on toast? No little changes can save it, that's just fact.
  4. fUCK OFF Ryuk
  5. dwarf

    SSX (2012)

    Everyone's quite hasty to shit on it, but if we take it as a new game in it's own right and think about what the experience could offer, I'd be inclined to say it could be really awesome. Awesome or terrible. But I can imagine hurtling down mountains at breakneck speed, IN HD, with snow flying past your face whilst shit is crumbling around you - potentially a good idea. It's not exactly the SSX everyone was expecting (who was actually highly anticipating an SSX game announcement for these systems really?) , but I'd rather they tried something a bit different. Why is everyone so keen to play the same bloody game? There may still be a bit of dark humour lobbed in, and whatever happens, it's hardly going to be realistic gameplay wise! Unless you all thought jumping from a helicopter in front of an avalanche was normal, adaptive behaviour?
  6. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Newsflash: that matters for shit. It wasn't the bugs that ruined it, it's this half-baked new approach they're doing. It isn't even new or different. The KZ2 beta was far more solid. And it led to KZ2...
  7. I S-Ranked ExciteTruck and can safely say that it didn't really offer the same tight racingl experience that exists in Motorstorm. Both are good games though.
  8. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    He's the best character (followed closely by Roger, Don & then Peggy) but you might want to recall that comment. You'll figure. And yeah I won't be getting it, they've just sidestepped with the multiplayer whilst also making it slightly worse. They've added about two weapons, both of which are sidearms. They've made the sniper class jokingly annoying, and taken away spawn grenades and fucked with the class system to make it more boring. And everyone has C4. It's shit.
  9. dwarf

    Killzone 3

  10. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I'm sorry Jamieson, but you know shit all about the franchise son. Please do not comment further. Sit yo' ass down and watch Mad Men.
  11. I think it'd be an applicable point to say that this looks good?
  12. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    They can do what they like with the campaign as far as I'm concerned, because I'm never going to play it. Why? They screwed the multiplayer.
  13. The fundamentals won't have changed though, it'll still have the problem that they don't supply you with enough boost / it doesn't cool down quickly enough, even when considering air/water. Still, it does look darn promising as a new take on the series, I liked Pacific Rift a lot and this just looks to be making it more 'fun'.
  14. Well shit. I'll most likely buy it when it's around 15 quid but that's only because I have jack all money. I'm rating the big air and general gorgeousness of when things are flying around on the screen. It's the exaggerated physics that always make me smile in Motorstorm. And as I said - running people over for ultimate victory!
  15. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/festival-mode-motorstorm-apocalypse/708994 This footage makes it look rather exciting. Also, thread title change pray? When's it out?
  16. dwarf

    Mad Men

    What a cracking third series! The best so far I think in fact.
  17. Well Imma take a gander at what it is then, as I've decided if I am to finish it, it won't be done on hardcore unless it's something worth chasing. Please hold for a disgusted edit. Edit: Cunt! Is that for real? Basically there isn't one, not that I'm spoiling things for those who didn't know. I'm just breaking it to you early. Ergh.
  18. But then that would ruin the whole point of doing it, remove the trophy chance, and I would be kicking myself at all the ammo and shit I'd been chucking away. Also, the 'end reward' still slightly entices me. Maybe I should just finish the main quests and after the award (which if it's a physical item you keep I assume with every other thing in your inventory after the epilogue?) I'll just continue with side-quests if I feel like it.
  19. dwarf

    Mad Men

    Half way through season 3 and it's kept up the same incredible standard. It's too interesting for it's own good, I don't know how it does it but damn! Fantastic acting is obviously one thing. I have a minor criticism, which almost isn't worth mentioning but it's the only 0.001% bad thing I can say about it (apart from the odd actor change of Bobby Draper which matters for shit seeing as he isn't really in it) is that there's lots of scenes where Don appears to be reflecting on the things people say to him, whether it's direct or indirect, about his life and how he could be a better person, but he doesn't choose to act on it or his behaviours in following scenes don't reflect his thoughts or values. Blargle! But yeah, there's been a few 'lol's this season, and I have to say - Peter Campbell is the most interesting person to watch, he's played extraordinarily well.
  20. Seriously not rating this game. I've got around 30 assigned quests, and I don't know where to start with them. They all require me to go dotting around the map back and forth back and forth, and yet I don't really know if the xp or item rewards will be substantial enough to make them worth my time. On top of that, if you're fast travelling everywhere you have to monitor you're bloomin' sleep and hunger etc, which is just tedious and of course wasn't a problem in Fallout 3 because hardcore mode didn't exist. And by hardcore they meant 'unnecessarily fucking irritating'. There's way too much dialogue in this game as well, I think Obsidian misjudged the gameplay balance a heck of a lot. As well as that, as I've said, the environment just doesn't appeal to me. Not just aesthetically, but the way it's been designed. Large proportions of the map and just big open spaces with locales dotted around, previously you got a much greater feeling of structure. Yeah, it's fair to say I'm not enjoying it that much. I want to but a hell of a lot of it is just damned dull. The splodges of humour here and there don't save it.
  21. @Debug But you're missing the point that it's almost certainly for the greater good, and as a feature, yes it was niche, and no, I don't think those users are seriously that concerned about it. It's just a melodrama about consumer rights. To be frank, your toaster analogy was turd anyway. If we're going to stick with it though, the problem is more along the lines of 'damn, we left a carbon monoxide diode in there that after a lot of toasting could kill both our custom and business partners'. I wouldn't have had to raise this point if you'd done it the proper way, as we've always known the PS3 was comparable to TEH BARBECUE!
  22. Is there potential for mega haxing in online games over PSN? That would annoy me, because I've experienced very few cases thus far.
  23. Oh dear. I think now would be as good a time as any to point out that in that context it's 'affects', not 'effects'. Also, that's a fairly bold thing to enter with as a new member. Or should I say troll, as the name would suggest? Either way I can't see us getting on. --- As for my take on things - I don't see it as a big issue. Pretty much every console has been hacked, and bracketing myself into being one of those average Joe consumers, it'll likely mean little difference for me. However, I'd be inclined to say that Sony had the right to remove the OtherOS thing, did anything of interest ever come of it anyway? It's their console, and I think they're justified to be limiting who it's made available to. Not sure why anyone would get in a fuss over the fact that it was a feature advertised on the box, when they almost certainly paid no attention to it.
  24. Didn't realise I was voted for as negative member, which miserable cunt did that? :0 (jokez) Was as unaware of DweZ. Not certain what should be made of that, ehm. Yeah. And at Mr. Rez, you need to see how fucking hilarious it was from my angle, the bumbling loonacy/armageddon/brashness was just beautiful, like you x
  25. I thought someone would try and come in with some smartass wit but no, he actually said "I'm a far more interesting game." And that was it.
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