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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. ^That said I think Marth is still better. I agree though.
  2. This game is so much more awesome than I'd thought it would be. And that's impressive. When I started playing I was stunned to see that it plays quite a bit different than melee, but in a much better way. Standard attacks, aerial attacks are much easier/fun to use and everything just seems slicker to pull off. The final smashes are so cool too, everything I thought they'd be. The main people I used I didn't expect to touch at all. Diddy Kong, Lucas and Lucario are awesome in this. Almost all characters are immense. Pit, Meta Knight, Ike, Marth and some of the veterans are all used by be a lot of the time. I think the stand out two from what I've played have to be Pit and Lucas. I was somewhat let down by Snake and Sonic. Neither of them are bad it's just I don't think they really suit the game. Sonic has very samey moves and is too fast, Snake is too slow for my liking, although he's probably awesome in the right hands Dyson I just love it. Everything has been improved tenfold practically. Super, super game. Some moments you cant help but smile (Anyone else chuckle at that bit when falco gets dragged away by Diddy and fox just holds his arms in the air because it happened to him too?) Items like cracker launcher, flame thing, pit fall and smart bomb are quality additions. And Tellyn, I feel for you when it arrived i cried and laughed and had a fit in the space of a couple of seconds. It feels like Ive done something criminally clever. DEDEDE IS SHITE
  3. Can someone answer my above question, and Im also trying to find out how to create taunt messages.
  4. Might later. The Brawl stages are much better than in Melee! Easiest way to unlock Snake and Sonic please?
  5. Wow this is much better than I thought it would be and it definetly has a much different style. Dunno how anyone can say samus and bowser have weak Final Smash. Man this is cool.
  6. It best be. Does your Mum know, because if it is and it does arrive today people will learn that humans do hibernate. Will it say on the R FUCK IT JUST ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe it. Im holding it in my hands. After 3 years wait. Mine... What a nice co-incidence!
  7. When does your post arrive then? Im really ticked off, now would be the perfect time to get it, but instead I have to think of something else to do now. Unless it magically arrives late.
  8. I have it! I wish
  9. In essays I always end up using the word 'That' umpteen times. The problem is THAT there is hardly any way of avoiding it. Ok I could've just said the last sentence without it but it sounds wrong.
  10. Oh right that's their claim to fame? I thought they had worked on bigger titles. Oh well, Rogue Squadron does look good I guess.
  11. dwarf


    Chuckle moment there.
  12. I know. You have to reminisce now though.
  13. Sounds technical stuff, does look great, but I want to see good graphics in something that's a bit more realistic, because nothing on Wii can challenge in that department atm. Be it racing/fighting/shooting Id like it to be more realistic in appearance.
  14. dwarf

    Wii FPS

    ^Also I think there's less fun sniping someone with a mouse than on an anologue/remote.
  15. Apparently there's white text under my comment. Hey Dys, I'll be getting it tomorrow and will get that first brawl experience I was talking about
  16. It won't but it would be good if it encouraged other developers. I'd like to know what the game is if they are so confident. What is their claim to fame?
  17. Wario impressions please! Hmm UC is good, even if there are too few levels. Call me a sucker but I'm tempted to buy the new worms wii game SO even though review say it is poor and that there'll probably a better version for it in a years time similar to DS. Online etc. MK, NM, Worms, Brawl alone is adequette for a good time, dunno where the money is coming from though. Where can you get money trees these days? Premier League footie?
  18. I somehow doubt Wii 'good graphics' statements. Not until 2010 will I believe anyone will really push it. You can't really call any current graphics outstanding, good yes, but that's largely due to poor competition.
  19. Ive already ordered it (last wed) just waiting for the brawl copy. Got it for 50 quid so no great snags. I don't see myself getting bored with this seeing as Melee is still quality on multiplayer. I haven't seen anyone's wario impressions. Im guessing he isnt to great because of this. Think he looks like a good edition from photos and stuff, havent seen him in motion.
  20. dwarf

    Wii FPS

    ^ That's a bit of BS because its a different skill playing on 360 than on PC. Sure if you linked up 360 FPS players against PC FPS players then PC would come out on top but when pitted against people with equal tools (ie anologue vs anologue) with a console you still have quality 'hardcore' players just as much as you get the PC 'hardcore' players. You get people with the same gaming prowess anywhere you venture. And I guess gaming is more of a sport for you. Which is OK. It isnt as enjoyable but if it's pure skill and competition you're after...
  21. And that's as far as the details go? Im sure they would have at least specified a genre.
  22. What is Factor 5 making, is it for an adult audience?
  23. Oh wait you click the second tab at the bottom.
  24. This is crap compared to GTA, it tries hard to outdo it but fails in every department. joke
  25. So I can join in with this too and win something?
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