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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Go to notification preferences in console setting Daz.
  2. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Good good. I'm not too bothered about it myself but I guess it will stop my friend winging about FPS games that don't allow for teamage.
  3. Well, the new rumble technology is so strong now that it puts the room under a richter scale 4 earthquake, immersing the player when playing shooting games etc.
  4. Yeah that's a good price for a Dual Shock 3, in the stores it's around £100 because of the relatively new rumble technology.
  5. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Unless it says 1-2 players on the back then it won't happen. Actually no, because the first had split-screen with bots... I take it that it won't have co-op but if it does, then great. I'm enjoying Resistance 2 online so much now that I can definetly wait for this.
  6. What part are you talking about? I don't think Resistance had a part that bad, but I agree those parts are annoying.
  7. Cheers for the heads-up
  8. I have a wireless connection that isn't too great and there usually isnt lag. The awesomeness of the online mode has really stunned me over the past few days, I've got pretty damn good and have won about 9/10 deathmatches today. Levelling up is fun just for the cool armour, I'm turning into a nerd lol.
  9. Yeah it gets much better. I've now ranked up to lvel 15 which gives you the Snake Eyes(Pulse Cannon)/LAARK beserk which is quality, gives you 1 primary and 1 secondry fire with either weapon depending whether you're chimeran or human. The pulse cannon can muller everyone within a mid-range radius with it's secondry which is intense
  10. I use neither, although I did like the Wii one. For some reason my PS3 browser takes ages to load stuff.
  11. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Ah right I thought it was because of that. Good that you can customize too. I wonder if they can do split-screen online like resistance - I love it. Thing is it wasn't possible in the beta. The grenades are especially fun; Cook grenade. Lob it. Ricochet off wall into Helghast. Blip. DONE.
  12. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Yeah I wasn't sure what the medic thing was for but I guess you can get staright back into the action and finish off the people that you were doing damage to. And 8 maps is fine, Resistance has too many. As for co-op - I'm only guessing, Killzone 1 didnt have it.
  13. Has everyone stopped playing this or something? I am putting it in occasionally for an hour and it is still very entertaining.
  14. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    It's going to be a great game. Why does turning speed matter so much anyway? If someone's behind you shooting you then it's expected that they kill you isn't it? If it's overly slow I understand but I have never found it an issue. (In online FPS)
  15. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    It's very late Feb for US, 27th/28th I think. I don't think there is a co-op mode. The falling over animations can be a bit slow sometimes, but they look good when there is no lag. Or do you mean when people fall over then get back up again? Basically if you get shot down you will squirm on the floor for a few seconds, during this time medics can heal you straight back up. The person that shot you still gets the kill for it I think though. --- The reason I say it Daz is that you usually like innovation, brightness and stuff whereas this is a shooting game that contains neither. The red and yellow glows are cool though.
  16. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=usiwyBR1zpI Shotgun gameplay footage. (the little blips tell you that you've killed someone)
  17. You tried my level yet Choze? I'd like to know what you make of it
  18. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Adjusting aiming preferences is a standard in FPS now I think. As for bullets, I'd say it is more than Cod4 but much less than Resistance if you've played those games - which is a good balance I think.
  19. I assume you meant you don't like those?
  20. Yeah when I play a game I complete it on normal first. Then I want to jump straight into the top difficulty and that isn't always possible (Uncharted and Resistance cough)
  21. What I get annoyed with sometimes with trophies is that they ad time-consuming trophies which gets in the way of platinums. Rewarding people for playing for a long time is pointless, isnt even commendable and encourages too much time to be spent on it. If I'm rewarded I want it to be an award based on doing something well.
  22. Just wondering what everyone thinks of the system behind achievements and trophies really. Do you care about them much, do you think they could be improved etc? What goals are you currently going for? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for me I think they're not a vital thing but they are worth having. I want to say that I don't care about trophies on the playstation but the problem is that I do. This is because I think they can make a game seem too challenging and turn into a contest to get things instead of having the natural fun-factor. I'm currently trying to attain a gold trophy on Motorstorm: Pacific Rift by getting golds for all 96 Festival events (eek!) which I probably would try hard to do even if there was no trophy for it - I'm at 55 Golds so far with no bronze or silvers so it is going well. I do wonder sometimes though why some trophies are really easy to get yet they're golds... You can get a gold trophy on buzz for playing 50 solo games (It's called Lonesome or something) even though by acing the Wipeout single player campaign (which is renowned for being SOLID) still only bags you a gold.... Weird.
  23. You should have bought Pacific Rift. It is monumentally better than the first Motorstorm imo and so much more fun to play. Better visuals, more varied, quicker loading times, splitscreen and loads of other fixes. Also you can't argue with the brilliant Monstertruck shunting matches online - Especially funny on the cliff edge level lol.
  24. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Did you find in the beta though that the multiplayer weapons weren't quite varied enough? Some of the assault rifles pretty much did the same thing. Shooting someone down is very fun however, especially when you crack someone in the grid with a shotgun. Good times.
  25. I remember David Hayter disagreeing with Kojima over the ending:
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