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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Daft you are such a sucker for co-op! I'm more of a competitive individual myself.
  2. Scratch that, it looks awesome.
  3. Flunky? (Fierce Uncle) Or were you already an uncle?
  4. I thought the whole episode felt quite awkward, it didn't really flow that well and there were some non-jokes filling the time in the programme. Hopefully things will improve. Oh and I forgot to mention, that politician was a complete cock. Smug, not funny and laughed at his own material even when it was shite.
  5. I'm not against the idea of multiplayer, it's just it won't be a longterm attraction. 8 player games can only be interesting for a short while. Still looks cool though.
  6. Andy Mcnab writes those rip-off Anthony Horowitz spy books. What a tosser, first he makes me read page after page of bullshit and then he cancels an interesting new videogame idea.
  7. Yeah there should be more use of Sixaxis in Home. I think the best example of motion control in a PS3 game was in R&C. That was fun and actually controlled very well, it was natural and worked. (Talking about the glider thing) Thing about that game is that they had some good ideas but only used it once or twice.
  8. Hehe they know they are in for an argument when they see that blue tidal wave of a comment cresting on the page. Then splash, you're all over them. not sure about the last bit.
  9. Get Monkey Ball! You will not regret it, it is my 3rd favourite Cube game. Trust me on this. The style and appeal may be freakish but it has a certain charm and packs a brilliant puzzle single player mode as well as hilarious multiplayer stuff. Not to be missed.
  10. Hehe I think the font change is a good idea because it is easier to distinguish the arrogant 'look at me I'm different' people from the good. In all seriousness I don't mind, I mean if you deem it necessary to catch our attention just so your pointless comments are read then fine. obviously I'm joking. yes I am joking
  11. That would actually be fun - Internet judges. Ask for wit, if you don't get it, move onto the next forumer. And yeah it would be hard trying to convince people to change forums because it's another place to settle into. Although it's easier when you unnecessarily change your font colour
  12. Only Capcom with Resi 5 has commited the sin of having DLC pretty much on the disc. I don't any other game has that so maybe you're wrong on that side of it.
  13. Play Metroid Prime again! 2 recommendations that I doubt anyone else would make: Worms 3D and Warioware: Mega Party Games (if you have friends lol) Second Sight, Super Monkey Ball. Of those you should definetly get Super Monkey Ball, that game is God. (Don't get the 2nd, its just a gimmick fest) Oh and 2 other games: Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones was good as was SSX on Tour. (On tour was the closest thing to the best SSX - the original) Edit: apparently Chibi Robo is a quirky title
  14. I think we got confused on what the definition of patches can be dakota. Patches aren't just bug fixes but they can add actual features and modes. And Ganepark, have you ever actually experienced a game where you get pissed off because a patch fixes something? After a year of having the PS3 I have not once thought a patch update a negative thing - The games I've had it with have only served as an improvement to what I would have found a complete game anyway - they just serve as enhancements. You could delay Metroid games to add even more scans and enemies so that it releases in 10 years but there would be very little point, patching would be the better option. If it could be done in a short amount of time, then fine, delay it.
  15. Yeah I thought the April Fools may have actually claimed a few victims. What forums are meant to be good?
  16. Yeah in this case it isn't severe - only a couple of quids worth DLC really. And Fallout 3, a game that I like. Don't mind that much though because the DLC looked crap anyway.
  17. You can understand it from a business point of view but if the developers were more human and took pride in the fact that they offered their work to everyone so that it could be enjoyed by all then the problem wouldn't occur. As it is supply vs demand means this'll continue to happen.
  18. I'm sorry but THIS is spot on. Patches rarely get launched on release of a game. Without patches the games would all release later than necessary and flaws would never be able to get rid of. DLC is usually done well - Resistance 2 for example, the developers actually asked and looked around to find out what the community wanted and 5 months later they release a good map pack, and patch to add an already full co-op mode an extra difficulty with more levels (for free). Patches are the way forward an in the vast majority of cases are done for genuine reasons. I would understand the 'incomplete game shipping' argument if it wasn't BS.
  19. ^ I heard that and was surprised that Lampard is fairly educated. He did repeat himself a few times but that's understandable in a situation like that. Was quite heated.
  20. I was thinking earlier, not sure if this is a good idea or not, but could we like, invite people from other forums to come over here? The other consoles board has been pretty dead recently and I thought it might be a good idea if we scouted around to find some good people to join in discussions and stuff - get a few new faces ya know?
  21. Half-life 2 is such a good game. The atmosphere and puzzles were great. If they made the enemies slightly more believable then it would be perfect. I still got scared by the bug-thing that followed you through the caverns in episode 2 (i think) despite it bascically being a blob.
  22. Interesting article. Had to skim some parts though because boring in places.
  23. They definetly chose the right logo, although I guess it is iconic.
  24. It is unreasonable to expect a game to ship a game that is 100% perfect. If there are flaws with the campaign and menus and stuff then yeah they should finish it off if they know they are there. But some things are untestable. If they get 100 people to playthrough the game to check for flaws it is still possible for a gamebreaking error to be present, and likewise with online multiplayer, glitches are found every so often. Patches are one of the greatest things to happen this generation, but Wii developers seem to ignore it. It would have taken Nintendo seconds to remove the Twilight Princess glitch.
  25. Yeah FarCry 2 is awful. The controls are half as precise as Killzone and it never felt like I was getting anywhere. As for the online mode... Shite is the word. Slightly laggy an doesn't feel rewarding. Plus deathmatces have rubbish spawns where you always get shot from behind. It is just as well I am borrowing it. Me and my friend occasionally go on it just to do some team kills, it never gets old. It just teaches the userbase to stop playing it lol. If I cared about the stats I wouldn't play it, but when you can fun round RPGing your team in the face and then going Rambo with a knife you can't fail to have fun.
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