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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I actually expect it to be a let down tbh. I really wouldn't mind if it was some metaphorical video thing that makes you think a bit or makes you question what you expected to come from the expedition.
  2. Nice cartoon. I remember making the original thread for it but under a different username, which was way before I ever thought about buying what Sony had to offer. It was because I was thinking about getting a 360 at the time. I was a Wii-boy back then lol.
  3. If that's what Xi was then I'd say that was a massive let-down. I'd like it to be the start of a videogame that is entirely based on similar puzzles and logic/skill. I won't lie I still want that PS3 platformer.
  4. Oh dear. That's bad. Almost as cringey was the clearly artificial akwardness of the silence during the lift sequence.
  5. Tube me. But it's just the arm positioning which appears to undermine the straight people out there!
  6. It was against Fabregas, but I thought instantly it was a brilliant tackle. So surprised to see the finger point myself.
  7. Don't bother wasting money on the N64 version after you've played TTYD. That's what I did (got it on VC) and while it is still a brilliant game it doesn't quite have the length, the brilliance and the options of the GC version. SPM isn't really the same as PM because it's a different genre. Haven't played it though.
  8. I think until the whole thing is made seamless and quicker it's not going to work. And I don't think the loading screens can be helped. To get my attention they will have to restrict the loading times, make sure that if you press a button to play something it does play and also make sure that there isn't overcrowding. If they intice you with a little minigame like bowling then at least you shouldn't have to wait. It's pathetic. And iron out the camp run... Christ it's amazing you get anywhere at all in Home. I go on occasionally to see if I can piss people off, draw attention to myself by being a tosser and generally offending, like saying 'Is your dad a baker? Because you have nice buns!' to every female avatar. Yes childish but I have cheap pleasures.
  9. I don't want to sound shallow but for me I can't really take much of the anime art style, the game is a bit too 'fluffy' in that the game doesn't really make it seem like you are involved in a believable war. You shoot someone and 'tut-tut' they go down like Ronaldo. I think that's enough of a reason. I thought the demo was OK.
  10. I try not to be, please forgive! I'm not the typical type because if I think anything is shit (ala Home - excluding Xi) I will be the first to say.
  11. Yeah what a travesty, I mean why should 1 mans split-second decision rule out a player for what could be the most important game in his career? Stupid, stupid rules. He is a machine in midfield and always keeps on the look out for dangers. It makes me sick when I see Berbatov just nonchelantly standing still. At least Ronaldon offers something to the team.
  12. Looking back I apologise but before I perceived it as a snide comment.
  13. How is the 360 not a rival console? It competes against the ps3 for sales and it divides people on what they buy in many circumstances, it just happens that I preferred the look of Playstation (as in games). It is a rival console. Neither is there a war, it's just that it is annoying that the 2 HD machines couldn't become one because it means consumers have to miss out on stuff unless they have both, which is annoying. Both offer relatively similar things.
  14. Well no it's just it obviously isn't easy to keep this sort of game running purely on the basis that software sales will make enough revenue. I thought that comment I made sounded rash but oh well, I guess I'm just happy and having a pop at the rival console at the same time.
  15. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I squeezed quite a lot out of my first play-through with positive karma up to level 20 but that was the only trophy I got because they patched it the day I achieved it, so I'm re running through being evil. It's more fun so far, not having to worry about stealing and killing. I still feel bad doing it though which is stupid.
  16. Sorry I forgot that Xbox 360 allows you to play 250 players online for free. I'm just relieved that it's a one-off charge because I think it looks amazingly good for the amount on screen at once. Apparently any noise or explosion you hear in the distance is actually part of the battle. None of it is staged - it's all real-time stuff.
  17. That is brilliant news, lets hope they launch some mega powerful servers. The guns look brilliant.
  18. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I wouldn't buy the DLC I don't think, doesn't look like you get a whole lot for the money. Plus I don't think Fallout is that cinematic. Just look at the last mission.
  19. Look what SCG posted: Perceived god damn. PERCEIVED!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Do I sound like I'm repeating myself? It's grey, motherfu**ing grey!!!!
  21. Christ, someone make a poll in the general chit chat board. This needs to be resolved.
  22. This is what my N64 always looked like (and still looks like) and I think it is grey. I think that's pretty conclusive. Girls have better colour palletes or something so we should ask them more. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NINTENDO-64,-N64-GREY-CONSOLE-+-7-GAMES-%26-CONTROLLER-UK_W0QQitemZ190281912323QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NINTENDO-64,-N64-GREY-CONSOLE-+-10-GAMES-%26-CONTROLLER!_W0QQitemZ190275837143QQcmdZViewItem
  23. Yeah I have one of those yellow ones, and the yellow Gameboy. For some reason it works with Nintendo stuff.
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