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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. As a non-proud member of Swindon I am going to the Big-Weekend tomorrow! Not really that excited but it should be fun.
  2. dwarf


    What types of enemies? All ive seen are the reapers, teleport guy and rock monster thing.
  3. Is it possible to beat people via luck in this game? Obviously professionals will always do well but would it be fairly simple to mash the right buttons and end up winning?
  4. Fallout 3? That game was amazing and even surpassed my expectations!
  5. Farcry 2 only managed to be boring for me. I didn't get what was special about the environment... It was like uncharted but just not as enchanting or good. I'm so glad I only borrowed it
  6. Just watched the newest Tekken 6 trailer from the store, looked pretty good but it seems like they are bigging up the breakable floors as though it's really exciting. Also found it funny at the start of the video it says 'What are you waiting for?' Maybe the release?
  7. So you lied about the Resistance area Choze lol
  8. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I just don't like snipers. The only time I use them is when there is a smug cock that think's he is good by camping, so if they kill me I change to scout, put a bullet through their skull and then carry on doing my thing.
  9. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    The mech bit was too easy really, as was the ATAC thing. I only really knew that I was Sev. I heard Rico and other names a lot but could never match them to the respective bodies. I think the bit I enjoyed most was the bolt gun section in Pyrrus simply because it was slightly different and fun above anything. The sniping section sucked though.
  10. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Well they can't all be described like that, Resistance 2 you werent just aiming and shooting with a rifle, you actually had enemies that streamed towards you, big (albeit presentational) bosses and more sort of robot enemies which took a few missiles to take down. That's why I mentioned that the gun should be a perk or something. Obviously it wouldn't work if anyone could use it.
  11. TP I thought was a great game but there were quite a few dungeons that were annoying and sometimes hard to navigate. Overall it was a good game but sometimes annoying. Plus I think items became redundant after 1 use in a dungeon.
  12. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I wasn't sure there was a story in KZ. I just didn't find the KZ campaign fun. For me it was too slow, there weren't many enemy varieties. (The chaingun people that you had to shoot their backpack for were laughable) KZ just felt like a sequence of Helghast defending buildings and stuff which got boring fast. I wanted to enjoy it. I think the best part of it all was the bolt-gun thing that launched enemies backwards. That was awesome! Yet it only appeared once, maybe twice in the game. They should feature it as a perk or something in the online mode.
  13. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    God why don't you admit the campaign was bad? I enjoyed the campaign in Resistance because it was much faster paced and you got what you expected. Plus the online mode is quality, just doesn't have the userbase it used to hold. You need some teaching in good games man, you don't like HL for christs sake!
  14. Why a thread? And you need to get over San Andreas.
  15. dwarf


    That looks awesome. Didn't know the climbing,gliding and zipping along electricity lines granted that much freedom.
  16. Why and how can this game be laggy? It's froze on me twice so I cba. Didn't realise how bad my connection was.
  17. How do you find? I'm a noob Edit dw
  18. Oh wow I remember this. So fun! I wonder if this will degenerate into nob-drawing. I hope so.
  19. As sort of mentioned it isn't always easy to tell what you would do. If you imagine properly, I don't know what you would do. For the first hour you'd be in denial, probably be on msn asking around. What is certain is that I would have to punch someone in the face, properly.
  20. Never played DN but if development time gets in the decades it isn't possible for it to not be released. Obviously they can't have been working that hard/efficiently for all those 10 years but someone else will have to take it on. Thing is over 10 years so much has changed maybe everything is out of date. That has probably been their biggest problem.
  21. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Shame the campaign was boring. Just annoying when enemies take cover too often when you hit them a couple of times. Realistic but tedious. Plus I didn't feel that any of it was that special. As I was playing I just felt like I was wasting time when I could be online.
  22. Well they aren't releasing 3 here. Unless that's just a time thing.
  23. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Yeah but to be fair he does take quite a lot of lead. Well he did when I faced him on hard mode.
  24. There's tons but I remember hating the GC Waverace despite the praise. It was just boring and if you look past the decent effects there wasn't that much fun to be had and little meat to the gameplay. Sold it after a few days.
  25. 1) I guess you're right, still you can't help but get annoyed 2) I don't want to repeat myself.
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