OK so my phone is a fudging old Sony Ericsson. I'm currently ripping myself by topping up £10 a pop on 02 payasyago. I need a good phone for under £100 (please don't suggest unresponsive touch-screen ones, I've only seen the iPhone do touch screen well personally) and a good deal for it. I don't mind what network either.
I'd like to know if there's any good deals you guys know of, prefferably £5-10. If it's a contract, £5 a month would be much better, if those deals exist. Otherwise a £10 top-up every now and then that lands free texts would be great.
I don't mind paying for calls because I don't use them much, texts is vat i vant.
I thought the recent £5 top up with unlimited texts on 02 payasyago was perfect, but a friend told me that you actually have to top up 10 quid and then 5 quid is deducted, but gives you free texts. Mehh, it's confusing.
Also, headphones, I'd like a stonking pair of headphones. Budget limited to £50 though. Don't want buds.
Whilst you may not get much for 50 smackers, they've got to be better than the free ones that come with Apple products.