What if you ate that bad meat huh.
Sometimes bad things happen to prevent worse unforseeable things from happening. Thats my mentality anyway.
No point in stressing about these things.
Ive got a feeling If I buy a 360 it will sit in the corner picking up dust. Once you go Wii you dont go back. It will feel to primitive and last gen. I'll stick with Nintendo thanks, never, ever, failed me before.
I wouldn't be surprised if sony copied ANYTHING!!
I really like those speaker Ideas. Genius. Especially the Stethoscope one!
Also for an Eternal darkness (one can hope). When the Insanity meter fills you hear screams and howling and other creepy stuff.
Speaker is a GREAT idea.
No one mentioned me:indeed:
Mine goes to Stocka- Fellow gooner and a massive contributions to the Forum by far the coolest mod.
DCK- For thinking in the same ways I do!:heh:and always having something good to say.
The Bard- For giving me an enemy!
System_Error- Entertaning posts and Interesting debates discussions.
Fierce Link- 2nd best Mod:heh:
Diemetrix-Joint best mod with Stocka. Oozes cool all the time and is extremely wise too.
Hellfire- For making me realise that no matter how dumb you are theres always someone stupider than you! (joking)
If I didn't mention you I either forgot to or don't give a shit about you.
Its a massive problem and it needs to be addressed. That video did all it needed to emphasise the seriousness of the matter. FIFA need to take desicive action against Racism.