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Everything posted by Demuwan

  1. He's the reason I haven't been on IGN for months! *each to their own*
  2. I feel like heaving:(
  3. Got one more on the 23rd. Classical Civilisation literature paper.
  4. Thats what I love about it. Im not criticising items, quite the contrary actually!
  5. Im still gobsmacked you guys prefer Marth. I have never faced anyone good with Marth other than my Bro. (he's pretty good). In 64 Kirby was so much better. Easily my best char so I was dissapointed in Melee when I played as him. Still a good char though. My mentality is never to judge someone on who they play as because I think if you use the char you like best to the max you can beat someone regardless of their char. Not to Mention Smash is as much about luck (with items etc) as it is skill thats what makes it so excellent.
  6. No worries mate I quite like you too:wink: . You shouldn't take these things to heart especially not with me! and the 'Nintendork' thing isn't an insult just a little joke. ONTOPIC: I use Roy because I have grown accustomed to him and find him a very balanced character. I am actually quite surprised much of you prefer Marth.
  7. Im pretty sure Smash has been out for 5yrs hasn't it. *feels like 5 to me anyway* Obviously you need to grow a sense of humour.:awesome: It comes naturally to most but you must be.... ...special The guy in that vid is quite good! Thats why im glad this game is online. Finally we can see where the real talent is and we don't need to go to any silly competition to find out. If they nail the online on this game it will probably be my fav game ever!!
  8. That was worth it!!!!! The hatred really seeped through that. I was waiting for this response. Just wanted to see who had the most patience. I thought it would be Goron 3 that cracked first, he was amazingly patient with my cocky ass. Anyway, I found your response damm funny. Just playing about by the way Bard. Its my sick sense of humour that activates when I am most bored BTW I could PWN you using just my feet with Roy. EDIT: *just kidding*
  9. Who do you play as? Its not who you play as. But HOW you optimise your character
  10. I play as ROY and having been playing this game straight for 5yrs. I don't think that I am beatable.:awesome: Some people need to get over SNAKING. There is always an excuse for people to whine about.
  11. I could PWN all of you N00BS:awesome:
  12. You could press a button to jump on 64 you could use the ^C button if I remember correctly.
  13. I know the game will completely OWN. However If I am to give an honest opinion of the graphics they are adequate only for a frachise as exceptional as the Metroid one. EDIT: THESE screens look damm nice though http://media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748547/imgs_1.html
  14. To me when I saw the graphics I was like meh... Im still waiting for Nintendo to blow me off my seat. The have done it to me so many times so I know its comming eventually. I just dont know when. We'll have to wait and see...
  15. Still haven't been blown away yet. Maybe when we get some higher quality vids. But the Graphics haven't WOWed me put it that way. We'll wait and see fingers cross.: peace:
  16. Thanx for the help given. I appreciate it:santa:
  17. I have a 42" Samsung Plasma I really love it and so any samsung TV has to be the highest quality. However I would opt for a 32" TV just because of the extra size I think its worth it.
  18. Nice Floor mate But mines REAL wood not laminate;)
  19. I just found out my DVD recorder has a HDMI out. So I will use that from now on since its the best connection out there. ps what is the difference between HDMI and DVI? pss lol IS £80 for a Monster Gold HDMI a rip off or are they just that expensive.
  20. Thanx for your help. But I still don't understand why someone would make a newer card that is worse than the old model. It seems ridiculous to me.
  21. Impossible. 10/10 average best game ever period.
  22. But surely the model I hav now is an upgrade of the 6800. Or Im guessing just beacuse its a higher number doesn't mean its better. which card is more expensive my 7300LE or the 6800 ure suggesting?
  23. Thanx a lot for yout help! Also since you seem to know what ure atlking about. Im using a scart connection for my SKY and DVD but Im not sure If im getting the most out of these connections. Do you suggest RGB scart or S-video. It has to be user-friendly because Im a bit crap at all this
  24. Demuwan


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