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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. That was a very good article, with some fair points and criticisms about all the companies. The Revos controller certainly would've added to the mix - he should really do an updated version.
  2. Yeah, it's like some kinf of wierd role-reversal. Nintendo have got their products plastered over busses, magazines, TV and the inetrnet. Sony mean while just don't seemt o be trying anymore. What's with that?
  3. Well, the price point of the console is something that's going to important to both us and the Revos success, isn't it? I think it merits discussion.
  4. There were a number of new and original franchises for the N64 - Glover, Blast Corps, etc. Still didn't help the fact that the machine was over powered, over priced, supported an unusual format and was expensive and difficult to develop for. Totally unlike the PS3 obviously. P.S. -I'm not trying to dis Sony or anything - just drawing some intresting parralels.
  5. There have been other rumours of a $200/£110 price point. These rumours are slightly more substantial, typically taken from those weird cryptic comments Iwata loves. Everytime Nintendo holds a press confrence, I bet jouranlists have to secretly go through a large maze filled with a large number of puzzles and traps, each more devious then the last, before finally having to best Reginald Fils-Aime in unarmed combat just to get their questions answerd.
  6. Sony's Playstation devsion has really been acting strangely recently - sueing importers left, right and centre, not willing to accept threats from new and revitalised rivals, even ripping off other peoples franchises now. Didn't Nintendo make some similar mistakes when it was in control of the market some years ago? It's like watching history repeat itself. In ten years, will Sony Playstation become the big market innovator after a metioric fall from power? It would sure be a weird world to live in.
  7. Apparently it got rave-reviews when it opened in Australia, and it's the no.1 contender for an animation Oscar. Although I reckon it'll have it all to do against Howls Moving Castle. Should be good.
  8. I'm not sure how it works exactly, but basically every time someone makes and sells a DVD player, they have to pay a small royalty fee to the guy(s) who invented/patented the DVD - that's why there's exactly the same DVD logo on every single DVD playing device - your PC, your DVD player, your games console, everything. Basically someone, somewhere is extraordinarly rich.
  9. As much as I would pick Nintendo over anyone else, I reckon your missing out on some good games with your xbox. Go out and buy Halo2 or Project Gotham or something - get-em cheap second-hand - they'll be tons of it once 360 is released. Credit's where credit's due. As for the charging for the add-on, they do that because you have to pay royalities to "the DVD company" on each DVD-playing device you sell. But because the revo won't be DVD capable out the box, you won't need to pay for the DVD function unless you buy the add-on. Same deal with the Xbox remote.
  10. Thats what they all said about Resi4 though.
  11. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we saw a FP Zelda - it would make sense with the DS touch screen. Maybe with the Revo too. The controller sword slashing - functionanlity as seen in the video would make it cool.
  12. You can get the same news but with a different slant HERE. It's tone is somewhat more positive, and to be honest, something sort of similar will be happening to all the console manufacturers with the next gen around the corner. At least Nintendo are making a decent profit anyway.
  13. I doubt it'll be anywhere near as much as $300 (although that wouldn't be at all bad) - Possibly $200, definitly no-more then $250. And if I'm wrong, I will personally eat my entire games collection. You think I'm joking. don't you?
  14. Lemme' get this straight - pidgeons have succesfully found a lifestyle where all they ever need do is eat, sleep and whatever they hell they feel like. And we're looking DOWN ON THEM?
  15. Well, we don't know anything about specs yet, but I'm fully expecting the Revo to considerably more powerful then the GC, maybe a little way shy of the 360. I reckon such a machine would be perfectly possible at around $200/-odd. Maybe about $250 tops (round about £140 - still £70 cheaper then the basic 360 unit). It not having a hard-drive or needing to fulfill HD support should make it more then possible for Nintendo to sell a decent machine at a relatively good price and still make a profit.
  16. I... I think... I think my head is exploding....
  17. $99? Yeah right. I honestly don't see this happening. Stick another 100 dollars on there. Now your talking more sense. I'm expecting the Revo to be cheaper then competition, but not that cheap. GBMicros are priced around there aren't they? A machine costing $200, maybe a little more, would be enough to provide decent graphical performance while remaining significantly cheaper then the competition. Unless Nintendo have stumbled across some crazy new manufacturing technique to keep costs down, like reserecting the actual undead hordes to work in their factory as zombie slaves, this simply isn't, ever, going to happen.
  18. I'll probably be going with a Xbox360, at least for this generation - my bro had a Xbox which was pretty cool. I like a lot of the franchises, like Halo, Project Gotham and it looks like Rare are finally getting round to releasing some damn games. It'll also be cheaper then the PS3, but thats got some great franchises too - Metal Gear Solid, Gran Tourismo and all the best F1 games. And Sly Racoon - man, I LOVE Sly Racoon. All of this is secondary to the Revolution though. I'll maybe buy that a year after launch to stock up my collection on nice and cheap second-hand games, and then maybe get a 360 a year after that. By then prices should be way down.
  19. I would like to sign up to the "graphics aren't the most imporatant thing in games" camp. Also, not a great deal of us are likely to obtain a HD TV within the next 5 years, so I'm not too bothered by the whole HD support thang. Do you have a HD TV? If you don't know, you don't have one. I don't think there's much point until more TV broadcasting and DVDs start going HD standard anyway.
  20. Processor AMD Athlon 64 1810MHz Display Card NVIDIA GeForce 6600 Memory 512MB Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Free Disk Space 21.72GB Display Card Memory 128MB Display Driver Version DirectX Version 9.0c Optical Drive CD/DVD Sound Card Realtek AC97 Audio among the top 16% Hey, cool, I though my computer would be ranked lower. Good boy Goose-Force 64, remind me to get you that RAM and DVD-RW I promised you for Christmas. Probably needs a little extra Hard-drive space too. What does everyone else put in their "Computer Name and Description" menu?
  21. I always go with Talim. I love fast characters with good attack. Gets bruised easily though - you just can't use her defensively.
  22. Ace Combat Revolution, Ridge Racer Revolution and Viruta Tennis Revolution. Three games that would work well with the controller. Lets face it, if the console name remains, this is what they're all gonna' be called.
  23. God, I hate the religious right, and I'm talking to you as a Christian. They just do say and say the most pointless things, be they the Pope, the Neocons or Osama Bin Ladin. Since when do they get off telling people how to live their lives? Dungens and Dragons was accused by the same people of encoyuraging people to worship the devil. I'm also fed up with the way these people keep finding "hidden messages" when they play pop songs backwards. I hate people who think everyone should be forced to worship god in schools - If I believe in a god, and you don't, ya' know what? Thats fine! What exactly do these people think they're doing with their lives? How does going around trying to control people and bitching at them when they don't do what you tell them help anybody, including God? In fact, I'm willing to bet good, hard cash that if Jesus came down to earth today, he'd probably wear a T-shirt saying "I roll twenties"!
  24. I expect there to be a good level of third-party support. Nintendo worked hard getting third-party support for GC, and I think they succeded. With third-party support also clamoring to get on the DS bandwagon as well as developers such as Square-Enix declaring their concrete support early-on, I'm not expecting a lack of games to be a major problem on the new system.
  25. Yeah, I love these toons. My fav episode is the one where Germaine picking out a new pair of pants at "PAG". And the English one is called "Begley", although I always thought he should have been a red squirrel. "It makes you look like a cheap slut who's crying out for attention. That's always good in these superficial socities, isn't it?"
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