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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. If characters are a bit slower overall from Melee, I'll be interested to see how my old friend Cpt. Falcon handles. As I said before I always go for agility and attack power. Maybe Sonic or Fox might be my tipple this time around.
  2. Ooh, that's a point. No Uni for me this week either. This year I can just spend the day hidden under my duvet with a stiff whisky and swear at things I see.
  3. I know it's on the main page, but it doesn't seem to be in this thread. It needs to be.
  4. I believe silver members can join custom games.
  5. http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,,2224908,00.html
  6. What about sprited away, he mentioned he wanted to join in earlier.
  7. Come one guys, hurry up and PM each other if you need a partner. This isn't WoW, you can't just hang around some magical rock with "LFG" hovering over your heads.
  8. I miss the Ronin style chasing thrills of the first one myself. I'd love to see Criterion get back to that.
  9. Tough, I'm going to anyway. And yes, he comes pretty close. When he was governor, Mike Huckabee freed a multiple convicted murderer and rapist (two more women died as a result) and later he attempted to use his power as Governor to deny an abortion and related support to a pregnant fifteen year old girl suffering from severe down syndrome who had been raped by her step father (thus breaking federal law.)
  10. Whee! Happy birthday TM!
  11. Yeah, we'll play a variety of stuff if we can - generally anything that'll allow the group to stick together. We're just here to enjoy the game together.
  12. Everyone gonna be joining the party tonight at nine?
  13. Oh Jesus christ, I've just checked the listings for my local mutliplex. They're not showing There Will Be Blood or No Country For Old Men, but are showing National Treasure 2, Definitely Maybe, Underdog, Ocean's Thirteen and Dirty Dancing (yes, Dirty-bloody-Dancing.) This sucks considerable bollocks.
  14. We should be demanding better scheduling for Europe in general to be honest. Or better yet, an end to region locking all together.
  15. What the fuck have I done today? I got up at nine, spent some time on here, went for a walk, watch an episode of Star Trek while cooking a Shepard's pie then listened to a few tracks of Johnny Cash. And now it past 1am. How the hell did those things keep me preoccupied until from 9am untill 1am? Did I black out or something?
  16. Fantastic title anyway. Gets to the point. Doesn't pull any punches, you might say.
  17. The punk style rather suits you.
  18. I'll see you there!
  19. You should PM someone. Seem to be at least of couple of people needing a team mate.
  20. Ok, thanks guys, that's put me a little at my ease. Routers can just be such temperamental little buggers sometimes.
  21. Hey guys, just a quick question. I have a small wireless internet router, which is fine but it only has the one ethernet port. If I buy a basic 8-port ethernet switch/hub, I can just plug that into the router and have my wired devices all on the internet without the router and the ethernet switch having arguments right? Normally I wouldn't ask, but I've spent far too many hours of my life wrestling with internet routers for various reasons to fork over £20 of my money without making doubly sure.
  22. In all god honesty I'd rather face a million strong Persian army with 299 actual gay men then that lot. We might not do as well, but I'd bet there would be considerably less crying about it.
  23. [Dr Strangelove]Gentlemen! You can't fight in here! This is a war room![/Dr Strangelove]
  24. Me and martinist are teaming up.
  25. Why would Esquiel vote against someone he tried to bale out though?
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