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Everything posted by James_banned

  1. I've only been here a few days and I love you already for that bit of sheer genius. The star get thing wasn't to shabby either.
  2. The Linksys WAG54GS. Constantly disconnecting from the internet and now it won't even send out a wireless signal. Google searches suggest I'm not the only one whos had such problems. Should really get rid of it soon.
  3. I'm going to be honest with you. I've never heard of it.
  4. I have a couple of questions: 1) Whats with GLA and stuff like that in peoples sigs? and 2) Is this forum always as crazy as it seems from my first few days here?
  5. is the T-shirt the same design as the wristband mentioned above? If so I have it too. People are like "Cool shirt" until they find out its Zelda.
  6. Tomorrow ?
  7. Meat is great although I mostly eat t through ham sandwiches or pepperoni. hate any fat in meat though makes me feel sick for some reason.
  8. Last things I bought where: A Greggs Chocolate muffin (about the only decent thing they do) and Lottery tickets for my mum.
  9. You overuse the word MEGATON
  10. You can only play Bloc Party and The Strokes in co-op? Well I'm bummed.
  11. Personally I find Radiohead a bit boring. Might download In Rainbows though since its so cheap.
  12. Yep it was so very much easier than pressing up.
  13. My days been alright however it has been ruined by Linksys and there pathetic excuse for a gateway that is the WAG54GS meaning I no longer have working wireless.
  14. I can see your logic in working that out but I can assure I am not 12 and that the spelling of male is a mere typo. Although admittedly I do have a very immature sense of humour but it keeps me happy and at the end of the day I'd rather be happy than worry what others think of me.
  15. You think I'm 12? Thanks man that means a lot to me.
  16. Are you being serious?
  17. I'm going to trade Resi 4 in for this at Game.
  18. Mine came yesterday. They're certainly erm different lol. Only have 1 wiimote but order 4
  19. Depends what part you were "eating"
  20. Paedophile! joke don't hurt me
  21. Taste good though:heh:
  22. Wowo thast agood score.;
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