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Everything posted by Kav

  1. For no reason at all, I did them without he Master Sword. Just because I hadn't decided to go looking for it.
  2. Maybe it's just me, I've felt Zelda's character has been great! haha
  3. I've not found it to be bad. It's not great, but it's ok... I find it less annoying than many other games, The Witcher 3's accents do my head in more than any of the voice acting in Zelda!
  4. It's funny, all the negatives people are mentioning are what I'm considering positives.
  5. If it means we get more games on Switch that wouldn't normally have come because they don't fit on the cartridges then I'm all for it. I'd rather have games than not have them!
  6. Kav

    Destiny 2

    It needs to change a lot from the first to get me back on board. It became to repetitive and a bit of a piss-take I felt (new weapons making your previous exotics obsolete unless you upgraded them, but doing so would lose the unlocks on the weapon).
  7. You can also use an arrow to cut the rope necklace and it falls to the floor.
  8. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    I use the same hand I masturbate with, it's had plenty of exercise and is in great shape as a result! Haha
  9. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    Both are good and have advantages/disadvantages, there are plenty of people on the forum who know that I'm no slouch with dual analogue but at the same time, I'm probably a little better with the ol' wiimote (my favourite FPS control, even over keyboard & mouse).
  10. You're strong enough straight away. All you need do is hunt, gather and cook and you can get many additional hearts and boosts... you absolutely don't need Shrines to get stronger.
  11. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    People must have really shaky hands if they think the gyro controls are bad.
  12. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    It should definitely allow for both, it'd be much better! A few adjustments added to what the first game had and this game could be great. If it stays like the first, it's just good... but for me the frustrations of the first outweighed the good, so I'd give it a miss. I hope they do rectify them!
  13. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    One that I think is a poor one. A very poor one! What if you're playing and end up on a team of just rollers (you can't see what will be in the lobby) so you think you should change to help balance your team... you can't! It's a silly decision! The game could be made so much better with a few tweaks! At the moment, 3 games was all it took for me to get tired of it. If it remains like the first, lacking all these options, I'll not bother. There are more fun games out there that do things much better too!
  14. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    It's exactly like like Splatoon, which isn't a bad thing, but in some ways isn't a good thing... the inability to change weapons in-game or even in-lobby does not fill me with confidence.
  15. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    0/10 if there's no option to mute..?
  16. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    I didn't get on myself as I was letting my mrs' brother check it out as he's never played Splatoon. As I've said before, I hope they add the features the game was in need of for release! I can't see me purchasing it otherwise.
  17. No, because nobody has bought Destiny 2 before.
  18. We will be paying for online with Switch anyway, so I don't want to pay for an "upgrade fee" or anything.
  19. I'll only take an interest if I don't have to pay for the same games once again. Buying the same things on Wii, 3DS and WiiU was eneough, not again!
  20. You can still unequip them, just run from enemies. As long as they're unequipped you're unlikely to be struck.
  21. Why not just unequip your metallic items and run through the area to your horse?
  22. I'd not put it past them given how they tell you to not use it near any wireless devices... yet they're bloody launching a mobile phone app to work alongside the console for online. Fucking dumbasses!
  23. What are people's thoughts on 4-player, if you've played it of course? Are there enough games for a 9yr old and a 5yr old to have a good amount of fun?
  24. Got an Orzly protector and case... these ones: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Screen-Protector-Nintendo-Switch-Tempered/dp/B01N9RG3XS https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B01NAUKS62/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1489845580&sr=8-2π=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=orzly+nintendo+switch&dpPl=1&dpID=41EcaNTDJgL&ref=plSrch
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