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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Your opinion of him will change. At first I didn't like him and found him annoying but after a while, you'll love him! Riki is great!
  2. The Gunslinger is far too much of a beast on this game! Nothing stands a chance, I'm destroying bosses in seconds, it's unreal!
  3. Kav


    This is one of the videos I'm talking about. Not truly representative of actual gameplay.
  4. Kav


    That's the video I was thinking of, the game was nothing like that. It looked similar but played nothing like that. Especially te sword-fighting... which was unbelievably dog turd in the game. Ubi are doing the same with ZombiU, they've "touched up" videos just like they did with Red Steel.
  5. Kav


    Sorry 'Beats but it's far too much of a ball-ache to do on my phone (I don't have a PC or laptop, I'm always online on my mobile)
  6. Kav


    They did it in their E3 announcement "gameplay" videos of both Red Steel and ZombiU. Hell, in their ZombiU video the hands holding the controller weren't real and they touted that as a gameplay trailer!
  7. Kav


    Ubisoft Are well known for "jazzing up" videos they show of "gameplay". I just don't have faith in them that those vids are actual gameplay vids, representative of the actual in game visuals. As pointed out, quite brilliantly I must say, with the reference to Red Steel. They showed "gameplay videos" of that which wasn't like the actual gameplay itself at all. If this game doesn't have online co-op it will be a travesty!
  8. Holy crap that showreel is the dog's!!!
  9. Kav


    So how do you go about using the coloured pens on this?
  10. Gon from Tekken 3 would fit into Smash Bros quite well too. Mokujin could change to another random move set each time he's knocked off the battlefield. I wouldn't mind a couple characters making it in.
  11. @Mokong X\-C But pinball is crap!
  12. My word, the Gunslinger is such a beast on this! I've started a file as one and he just destroys everything in no time, nothing stands a chance! I've started files as a Vindicator and Alchitect so far and whereas they're cool and awesome in their own way, so far they don't stand up to the Gunslinger... beast!
  13. But pinball is poop.
  14. I would kill for Monster Hunter on WiiU! Really looking forward to this too though of course.
  15. Was there any news on this in the slightest at E3 at all?
  16. I've just bought this, I'll get online later on methinks. I've only just created the four profiles so far and not actually played any of it, haha. Looking forward to gaming with you guys!
  17. It just gets worse and worse! Way to fuck up big time Nintendo!
  18. If Retro are working on a classic Nintendo franchise then I'd want it to with be Metroid or Zelda. F-Zero and Starfox just aren't the calibre of game that Retro deserve to be working on. I hope they're working on a new IP, something epic!
  19. Oh that Zelda one is shweeeeeet! Loving the Boo, Mario and Yoshi ones too.
  20. Skyward Swords controls were sublime! I'd not want them changed at all... except maybe the swimming. I don't like this "make it accessible for everyone" approach, Zelda is for the hardcore Nintendo fan, same with Metroid, screw trying to get your granny playing them!
  21. This. This post here says it all. Come on Nintendo, where's your proof? You've had a year to present it to us!
  22. This word right here is the problem. It's not undoubtedly at all, there is doubt as we've had no inclination as to there being games coming from them other than EA and even then EA wouldn't say whether or not that we'd be getting the same content etc as the other console versions. The fact that Nintendo haven't answered questions that fans have wanted answers to since last years E3 and when they have been directly asked they've just skirted around the question is a joke. That's not how to get consumers on board!
  23. Kav


    Not if there are enough zombies. It'd be frantic having to go to cover team mates whilst they have to work on getting a door open or something, especially when you have limited ammo/weapons.
  24. Kav


    This absolutely needs online co-op. It'd be a blast having four of you, each starting at different points having to meet up and survive together. When one of you gets bitten, they respawn somewhere else and have to get back to the group, the group could then take out your previous characters zombie and collect your items for you. But if it's single player only survival mode, I'll not bother at all. I see this being the WiiU's Red Steel.
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