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Everything posted by Kav

  1. The same goes with religious people. I have plenty of friends who are religious, all from different religions, none of them talk about their religion to me. You're saying it's ok to avoid religious people but not homosexuals... you are discriminating. Also, you'd said that religion wasn't as personal as race or sexuality. It is. To some people their religion is much more personal than anything else. You can't say that it's not just because you don't think it is.
  2. Short, sweet, but not quite correct.
  3. @Sheikah, are you not discriminating against people that hold different beliefs to yours by "calling them out and challenging their beliefs" though? You don't treat other people like that, why those with different beliefs? Why can't you accept they have the right to believe what they do, if they're not preaching or acting out?
  4. I'm a creature of habit, I can't not read it, it's over of my weekly ritual. Haha I must say, I preferred this chapter to many of those that came before it.
  5. I can't wait for episode 7 of Gundam Unicorn, it feels like we've been waiting an age! This weeks Naruto... again, I just can't seem to care anymore and I just want to know how it ends. One Piece however continues to be all kinds of awesome!
  6. Not that entirely, but you'd said that people with anti-gay views/beliefs will act differently and that we should challenge them. The thing is, they may well not act differently and if they don't then why should we challenge them and not tolerate their beliefs... that is being bigoted towards them is it not? It's that you'd said that they will act differently and hadn't considered that they may not, as some people don't. You'd be being intolerant to those people.
  7. Hold on @Sheikah, are you and Diageo not being bigoted toward people who are anti-gay then? You've both said those with hateful beliefs toward homosexuality will treat them differently. They may treat them differently, but they may not. You're not saying they will. That's bigoted then is it not, going by your post.
  8. What Zechs has said in this thread isn't bigoted. People hold the right to have opinions. One could argue calling him a bigot is the "big man on the internet" case here.
  9. Never mind freedom of speech, some people here want rid of freedom of thought! Haha That's not necessarily true. It's may, but it may not. The two of my friends I was talking about earlier, one gay and one against homosexuality, they're very good friends. The one against homosexuality is a born again christian, he believes that his gay mate will burn in hellfire for doing what he's doing, but he accepts it's who he is and accepts that the gay lad doesn't believe in god, heaven or hell so that doesn't bother him. They get on great and he doesn't treat him differently to any of us.
  10. Nope, I'm happy to give anal to a girl. Straight sex anal sex doesn't disgust me.
  11. To the first part, I agree. However, just because someone's belief may find homosexuality wrong/disgusting, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is a hateful belief. As I've said, I know plenty of gay people, family and friends. I have no issue with them and don't in any way hate them... whereas I have said I think it's a natural thing, it does disgust me. Not that someone is gay, I don't mind someone being gay, but for me "ew, you want to put what where?", I find that disgusting. Now I don't mean offence by this, plenty of things disgust me. I know a guy that likes his girlfriend pissing on him, that disgusts me. When I'm with a girl I love going down on her and if the mood takes, I will merrily lick her asshole, that disgusts some of my friends. But there's nothing hateful in any of that disgust. Also, as highlighted, the may do... they also may not. I just don't think we should challenge them unless it's a topic of conversation or if they speak out, act out or preach.
  12. You agree yet without MH3U and CoD online would you have enjoyed your WiiU anywhere near as much? Especially because of MH3U, I know how much you loved that!
  13. Launch day - Twilight Princess took care of that! I'm not suggesting there aren't, why I'm saying it's down to these two are because they're Nintendo's big online games. If they don't have voice-chat it just confirms to me that Nintendo have completely lost touch with me. That's the importance of these two.
  14. That's the funny thing, on the Wii my hardcore gaming needs were satisfied.
  15. My prediction is Gamecube numbers at best... but I do have doubts it'll reach even those figures.
  16. These are the two games which it all is riding on, if either one doesn't have voice-chat or their online performance is sub-par (Brawl was atrocious online) then a Nintendo console can no longer be my main console. I'll play it sparingly for the big Nintendo titles and I'll pick up another console to satiate my gaming thirst.
  17. For me it's that Nintendo are losing touch with me, a fan of theirs. I've owned a NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii, WiiU, Gameboy, GBC, GBA, DS and a 3DS. I've grown up playing Nintendo games and love their franchises. It was a blast playing multiplayer on the N64 and GC with my brother and my friends round at ours... now we've all grown up, moved out and to different cities, we can't get together and play those games readily so online is the best option for us. This is where Nintendo are losing touch with me. I want to play with my friends and chat and have a laugh with them but Nintendo are hell-bent on making that as difficult as possible!
  18. Last gen I'd have disagreed but they've taken too many mis-steps with the WiiU and their attitude toward online gaming for me that I no longer want them to make consoles. I'd love it if either Microsoft or Sony bought Nintendo. I'd say Sony for the games, although I can't stand the Dualshock 4... even though it's design is a lot better than prior Dualshocks, it still doesn't sit well with me because if the positioning of the analogue sticks. In fact, I much prefer the positioning of the Gamepad's analogue sticks and buttons. Advertising one game for 3 weeks is not a "huge marketing campaign for the second half of the year".
  19. This is the game that will define the WiiU for me. It needs decent online with voice-chat. If this doesn't happen I will have lost faith in Nintendo!
  20. Hold on Serebii, this time last year you were telling us of how Nintendo were planning to market the hell out of the machine in the second half of the year... that never happened. How do you still have your faith? To be honest, mine has gone, Nintendo as a console manufacturer are rubbish, as a game developer there's none better (in my opinion).
  21. So am I the only one that didn't bother rebuilding Colony 6? Haha
  22. I just think people have a right to an opinion. I don't see any problem whatsoever on an opinion. As I say, my problem is if it is acted upon, prejudice is raised or if they preach it. That's not fair to others.
  23. In many a way I agree with you but I do t think we need challenge them unless the act out or preach against it. There's nóging wrong with them having their views on it. If they have such views but never act out or preach then that's perfectly fine. They're entitled to their opinion and just as I think they shouldn't preach, neither should we.
  24. A cow sprouting wings and flying to the moon. It is unnatural and so it doesn't happen. :p
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