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Everything posted by CompSci

  1. when does the uk preordering start?????
  2. http://www.play.com/Games/GameCube/HP/3-/110516/Official_Nintendo_WaveBird_Wireless_Controller/Product.html to late man u missed this great offer however http://www.dvdstars.com/product.php?section=G&fcc=gbp&prodid=70197&gad=COX7t4ECEgjZNXQ8S_BoPhiPgKD9AyDh8vgP
  3. lol i thought the first image was real and the 2nd was from the game
  4. why does every thing looked so jaggie, did Nintendo skimp on the AA features on the wii? i think your right, i'll try resi 4 which has progressive scan support so that should make it look better
  5. i just loaded up resident evil for the GNC on my wii, and it looks crap i mean mega crap, the colors look all saturated and blurry and jaggies every where btw i am using my the wii component cable to connect the wii to my 32inch HDTV and it works flawlessly with wii games and super mario 64, so my question is does resident evil look crap for every body else?
  6. alright guys i just got my wavebird (from play for £17.99) and i must admit its awesome for n64 games its a must no doubt about it, however for snes games like DKC it a no no, to award controls any how money well spend, once summer 2k7 approachs i am goner have a resident evil game month where i beat all the resi games in chronological order (story wise) i.e 0,1,2 ,3,code veronica, 4 its goner be awesome and hopefully they will have progressive scan support
  7. that demo over 6 months old, its out in japan right now and they are raving about it yes a shooter on the 360!
  8. This my friend it is a wonderful splitter to not be fooled by its cheap lookingness (and its price), its flawless it has no signal degradation, when you load a component signal thru it, it is like it the component lead is connected straight into the telly however there is one flaw i must admit, there is no any interference shielding, this will not affect most people since most people to not keep their tv's next to microwaves or washing machines (well usually) anyway read the reviews of it on the site http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-2q-49-en-15-YPbPr%2BPower%2BBox-70-3cb.html
  9. link for wavebirds £17.99 http://play.com/play247.asp?page=title&r=GC&title=110516&source=996&engine=froogle&keyword=Official+Nintendo+WaveBird+Wireless+Controller
  10. aright guys i just installed the component cable, and i must admit at first i saw no difference, but when i change the setting to 480p via the wii screen option its like night and day, the wii home screen is much cleaner and red steel and zelda looks great now also super Mario 64 looks more colorful (just how i remembered it) now, too bad it still has jaggies oh well, £25 well spent
  11. : peace: now to play zelda as it was intended
  12. which do your prefer for VC games? me well the CC is just too small for my hands, GC it is note play are selling wavebird's for 17.99 http://play.com/play247.asp?page=title&r=GC&title=110516&source=996&engine=froogle&keyword=Official+Nintendo+WaveBird+Wireless+Controller
  13. yes at last time to start reading all 6 books again,
  14. RESI 5 news "We haven't smelled any decaying Umbrella Corp. corpses for quite some time now. Capcom might be going all hushy-hushy on us about Resident Evil 5, but worry you not. Jun Takeuchi just spilled some zombie juice on the much-awaited sequel, and it's anything but decaying corpses. He's pitching that this next RE installment that's coming out for both the 360 and PS3 could only possibly be available by 2008. "Ouch," you might be saying. That really is a long wait, indeed. However, the wait could just be worth it. Takeuchi states that Capcom wants the picture rate to run on 60fps . Lovely. The engine they're using makes it possible for them to produce realistic facial expressions and animations. They're even boasting of some good hair days for the characters as each strand of hair would be modelled from root to tip! Takeuchi reveals that RE5 would have more interactive environments this time around - much more interactive than its predecessors. More than this, he even hints that hot and cold temperatures would play a crucial element in the gameplay. The temperature of your surroundings would supposedly determine your character's stability. If all this is any indication, then 2008 doesn't seem all that bad. Why? Would you want Capcom to release a stale corpse of a game, or would you rather have them come out with a zombie feast that's minced to perfection?"
  15. I doubt the official cables will be released on the 22nd, beginning of next seems most likely, but just brought official jap wii cables on eBay for £25 so i am not fussed any more
  16. New simpsons is lame/not as good as it used to be/season 7-8 ftw
  17. i just couldn't wait any longer so i brought the component cables for £25 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=017&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=270066538887&rd=1&rd=1 but i have got 2 pre orders on the component cables when they are released to the uk, which will go on eBay (yeah i know, but i need the money) for some profiteering
  18. i thought they where doing a all new pop for the wii?
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