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Everything posted by CompSci

  1. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=95E24C87-8732-48D5-8689-AB826E7B8FDF&displaylang=en
  2. i got confirmation from my game supplier that the official component cables are released tomorrow, unless they are delayed again :shock:
  3. it ain't out yet
  4. but when u do you, u would have missed out a awesome deal
  5. DEAL OF THE CENTURY http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=001&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=110064905274&rd=1&rd=1 this one of the best SD card you can get, and its at a awesome Price of £32.99 (inc P&P) RRP £50 - 60, it much more effective then the "gaming" wii card, which realistically is a standard generic sandisk sd card painted white, however the Sandisk EXTREME 3 2gb has a read and write speed of 20mb per second awesome all features explained here http://www.sandisk.com/Products/Item(1973)-SDSDX3-2048-SanDisk_Extreme_III_SD_2GB.aspx do not miss out on this awesome deal
  6. it is a great system
  7. me too,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. pic quality ain't that great but u get the jist of it
  9. well my experience with curry's (online) was fantastic, apart from the 10% discount and free delivery, i was told i would get the console 5 days after launch but low and behold on launch day it arrived, wow simply awesome now i know who i will be pre ordering my PS3 from and hopefully there will be another discount code posted
  10. official cables are delayed till some time next week
  11. some amusement while where waiting "Heba Elgamal, who had been camping outside the store in an alley for two days, was first in line for a console at the HMV store, and it was presented to him by Ian Wright. Elgamal bought The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess with his purchase, and Wright asked him if Zelda was a fighting game--which didn't go down well with the crowd." ahh bless him
  12. come on DHL delivery dude, where art thou? Ident Code Current Status Date Time Signatory Branch XXXXXXX Out for delivery 08/12/06 06:39 LICHFIELD SERVICE CENTRE
  13. not the official ones, damn i guess they are delayed
  14. my asda has Call of duty 3 and tony hawks out on the self now ready to buy, no Zelda though
  15. so the cables are not delayed but just out of stock?
  16. me too but i got a early lecture tomorrow, to which can not miss so i guess it gonar be the PS3 launch that i will be going to at midnight
  17. man that sucks, oh well i guess i can wait a little longer to play zelda at its best, back to gears of war then
  18. HAs the component cable been delayed? i am asking this because all my wii stuff has been dispatched except for this, so what is the deal has it been delayed?
  19. so has the component cable been delayed then? or is it just with Game?
  22. in order to guarantee that your wii will be shipped on Friday, you should have received your 2nd email (process confirmation) by now, if you haven't then i am afraid you will have to wait till the 2nd shipment of the wii's to arrive, which should be some time next week my 2nd email arrived yesterday at 4:30pm NOTE Currys and PC world operate under the same business group, thus the ordering system is th e same
  23. at least you got a tenner off your next wii game
  24. SHOULD be getting mine tomorrow which is surprising because with curry's online it takes at least 3 days after release date to get the item to you
  25. dude isn't the 20% woolies staff discount day passed? well it is at my store damn so the 10% discount will do, however when the ps3 come i am determine to get the 20%
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