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Everything posted by Funktion

  1. According to VGP the US release is supposedly region-free. I might import the US L.E.. Just wondering, for those who previously imported US/JP releases: -if they release any DLC/updates, would I be able to download then from the European marketplace (do the European downloads usually work with US releases?) -does the PAL vs NTSC graphical quality differences still apply (in which the US, in theory, would be inferior in terms of resolution) in HD?
  2. I am thinking about picking up a PSP (basically for 3 games: the new Castlevania, plus Mega Man Powered Up and Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins... :p), and I have a couple of questions: -does anyone know a good "protector"/cover, or whatever it's called (one of those plastic covers that fits the console and protects both the screen and console, only leaving the buttons uncovered; I don't mean the thin protectors like those for the DS screens, I mean an actual plastic cover) -can I download content for PSP games from other territories? I know the games are region-free, but if I pick up, for example, a US game, will I be able to download the bonus content available from either the US or European store? And how does the console actually connect to the internet?
  3. Omega Five is pretty cool, one of my favorite XBLA games currently available, and it has a 2 player (offline) mode. If you like shooters then give the demo a try.
  4. I'm still buying this game on day one, since I'm really looking forward to it, but this situation is extremely disappointing because the blood splashes look pretty awesome (like a bizarre cartoon) and fit well with the style of the game. I'll surely have this in mind on future releases by this publisher, and you can be sure I'll avoid them. Well, just one more situation where the fact that the Wii isn't region free just plain sucks... I'll be damned if on the next generation of home consoles I'll buy a Nintendo console in Europe.
  5. I'm actually somewhat happy the Wii version is different. That means I'll be picking it up + the 360 version, and I'll have two new Ghostbusters games to play! But yeah, it's sad that one year after the console has been released some developers still follow the idiotic notion that Wii owners = kids, so the games have to be made with an younger audience in mind. Why can't they accept that there's Wii owners older than 12, and that we also appreciate "mature" storylines and content?
  6. Is it confirmed that the European Collector's Edition includes a bonus dvd? All I see mentioned at European online stores is the figure, even the picture shows a regular edition inside the box. I have the L.E. pre-ordered, but if it's missing the extra goodies that are on the US release I'll just get the regular edition (and if I do that it'll be at a later date: just for this month I have currently pre-ordered, besides AC: Mass Effect Collector's Edition, Mario Galaxy, Kane & Lynch Collector's Edition, Game Center CX (Japanese DS game) and UT3 Collector's Edition; wait, I just noticed I also have Lifesigns (DS game) pre-ordered for several months now; and I really wanted to buy a couple of US DS games, like Contra 4 and Megaman ZX Advent, but there's no way I'll have any time to play all this games... ).
  7. Next Fatal Frame on Wii: Meh... Next Fatal Frame on Wii being developed by Grasshopper: OMG Day One Purchase!!! Suda and his gang rock... : peace:
  8. I really hope Nintendo releases an update soon to add more "pages" to the console's menu (I only have 3 slots left), not to mention they need to do something about the storage capability of the console.
  9. I doubt I'll bother... I'm picking up the game today, and I was just deciding if it was worth waiting a bit (in case the retail copies were actually recalled from stores and "corrected" copies were made available) or if I was going to pick it up anyway.
  10. Just wondering: about the recently announced "recall" of the game, are NoE just replacing copies of the game that are returned directly to them or will these "corrected" copies be made available at retail?
  11. A couple of questions, not really "issues", but any help is appreciated: -I want to deleted all content from my Wii (except the settings + the shop channel info, because I have nearly 40 games that I don't want to lose... ), so I can re-download all games. I originally downloaded them using a wireless wifi connection, but the distance between my computer (where the USB connector is) and the console is a bit significant and the signal is very weak and unstable; since I'm a bit paranoid about data corruption with the downloads due to the less than optimal conditions, and since I'm about to receive a LAN adapter to connect it directly, I want to download all games in "safer" conditions. Can I use the format option on the settings menu (will it delete the store's info), or do I have to manually deleted everything? -also, my console got pretty dirty (it has some black spots for some reason); what do you guys use to clean it without scratching it too much?
  12. Bomberman is great fun, especially after switching the camera (I'm not a fan of the default view of the game). For me it joined Castlevania: SOTN, Jetpac Refuelled and Pacman C.E. as my top games from the XBLA service. I have to join you guys one of these days. What games have you been playing, and at what time?
  13. I'm planning on building a new PC, but frankly I've been quite out of touch with the current generation of processors, graphics cards, ... I need to choose a graphics card, but like I mentioned I'm not really up-to-date with the latest generation of cards. I want a good card for a decent price, a middle-range card (I really don't want to pay 500 or 600 euros for a graphics card... ) compatible with the latest shaders/... Any suggestions?
  14. Yeah, I saw that, but the Amazon marketplace also has lots of piracy, it's not really all that different from Ebay. In fact you see lots of companies and users that list the items in both...
  15. I don't live in the UK...
  16. This is a bit OOT, but I want to purchase the Halo Triple Pack and I can't find it anywhere, so I was thinking about getting it on Ebay. I usually avoid Ebay because there's lots of piracy around (pretty much all GBA games are bootlegs), and most of the times it's very hard to know if the product you buy is original or a well done bootleg (I've seen dvds from there that were pretty much identical to the original products, only the code underneath the disc was different). I really don't want to "waste" money just to get a bootleg release... Does anyone know how "good" the Xbox games bootlegs are, I mean, are they hard to distinguish from the real deal (for example, do they include the "colored" part in the middle of the disc)? Is there any good way of telling is it's a bootleg?
  17. Jetpac Refuelled is pretty fun, and it has lots of content for it's 400 points price (including the original Spectrum game, and things like a cool looking dashboard theme you unlock when you reach level 64). There's also a few decent games for 400 points like TMNT 1989, Smash TV, Gauntlet, ..., but frankly I consider Jetpac Refuelled, Castlevania: SOTN and Pacman C.E. the best games currently available on XBLA, so Jetpac Refuelled is my favorite 400 points game. Give the demo a try, and see if you like it.
  18. Don't worry about the number of weapons, this game rocks... : peace: I love FPS's with some "meat" to it, be it adventure elements, RPG elements, ... The Darkness is one of those games. And while I'm not really the kind of gamer that gets crazy about graphics (for me it's gameplay above all; I still enjoy playing games on my Spectrum 48k... well, except the loading part ) this game looks awesome! God bless my HD TV...
  19. Did you pre-order the Japanese or the US edition of PW3? The Japanese edition is cheaper (for example it costs less than £15 with shipping included from Yesasia), it comes out a little earlier (August), and it includes both the Japanese and English language versions. But yeah, you have a tough choice to make. Super Paper Mario will probably last you longer than any of the other two games though, since it's supposedly a very long game. But PW3 is apparently the best in the series...
  20. Last time I checked Nintendo was the Publisher and was handling localization of the European version of Trauma Center: Second Opinion... I know Atlus handled the US version, but I don't think they are handling the European localization of the game. But even if they are, do you really think the cause of the delay is the translation of the game's text? 9 months to translate a game that is far from "text heavy"? Look at Kirby: Canvas Curse/Kirby: Power Paintbrush, Metroid Prime Pinball, Elite Beat Agents, Kirby Mouse Attack (7 months to translate a platformer?), and many more, whose "fault" is that? You know I'm not a troll, and I'm not a 12 year old "whiner" either, I'm a genuine Nintendo fan who follows this company since their very first console. It upsets me that the European territory is always treated as a 3rd rate market when we have every condition to rival the US as a market, and we are far bigger than the Japanese market. We pay more for our products (yeah, I know, taxes blah blah blah; it sure explains why games that are released at budget prices elsewhere are always full price here, and other similar situations), we get things at much later dates (if at all), and are we supposed to say thank you? Are you seriously happy with the way things are? Do you really think they are doing the best they can?
  21. So August 10 is a strategic date!!! Now I know why I've been waiting since last year for Trauma Center - Second Opinion... Or why people are waiting for, say, Metroid Prime Pinball for over a year and a half...
  22. Why would you be flamed? Is there anyone still not pissed off about NoE? Seriously, next generation I'll think twice about buying a Nintendo home console, unless the games are region-free. I said the same thing this generation and I ended up buying a Wii (I'm weak... ), but this is seriously pissing me off. It's unbelievable the total disrespect Nintendo shows for the European (and Australian) market. It seems Nintendo of Europe's calendar only has 3 dates on the whole year, since they for some idiotic reason decide to release all their games in 3 or 4 dates, leaving us without games for most of the year. Let's look at the competition: I see Microsoft releasing their games at the same time (or with a difference of days) as the US market, and they are starting to make an effort to subtitle and dub games in other languages (see Blue Dragon, which will have dubs and subtitles in a ridiculous amount of languages); I see Sony translating games for small markets such as the Portuguese market (my country), and actually updating or making games for this very same market (for example, a Singstar game with local bands), and still releasing games faster than NoE. And NoE never even bothered to translate something like Brain Training for our market, never mind the more "text heavy" efforts. It's unbelievable how little things change with NoE. Not even the huge success they are having with the DS and the Wii makes them improve the way they handle our market. People shouldn't have to import consoles to have games to play. Yeah, it's great to be a Nintendo fan... in Japan and the US...
  23. Seriously, this is simply ridiculous. I won't even comment about the Super Paper Mario release date, since unfortunately it's more or less the expected date. But Trauma Center delayed again? For god's sake it was a launch title in the US, and we are getting it in August (if it doesn't get delayed again)??? And look at games like Mega Man ZX for the DS, I bought it last September (US version), and it's only getting released here this week??? Elite Beat Agents arriving 8 months later??? It's tough to be a Nintendo fan here in Europe. Unfortunately it's like I predicted before the Wii was released, we keep waiting and waiting while Japan and the US gets the cool games. One of the reasons I enjoy the DS so much is that besides the great games it's region free, and I can import the US and JP games I want without having to wait a year or so to get them, if they get released here at all (WarioWare: Twisted! for the GBA anyone?). Oh well, I bought an Xbox 360 and I've been having fun. In the meantime my Wii is sitting there, waiting for games like Super Paper Mario. Unlike some people I won't be selling my console, but I won't be buying the 4th or 5th Brain Training title in a year or so, or cheap PS2 ports either just to have something to play.
  24. Yeah, think of it as a soap opera: Ms. Pacman is torn between the 2 Pacmen, and she seems to be preferring the old Pacman, and Pacman CE is running away in shame, with his heart broken... I've been playing Pacman CE pretty much every time I turn on the console, and since I have all 12 achievements I remembered to play the other two and try to get the achievements I was missing (which, for Ms. Pacman was pretty much all, since I bought the game the day Pacman CE was announced and I barely played it). I played other games in the meantime, but since I didn't connect to the internet it's still showing that 5 games.
  25. Yeah, I have Monster Madness, The Darkness and Overlord pre-ordered... And now, thanks to your mention of Gameplay having those above mention games "cheap", I'll probably pick up Vampire Rain (which was £37.99 at Gameplay last time I checked; they dropped it by £10). I know the game is kinda universally hated (based on the Demo, which is out on the Japanese XBL; it's worth noting that like Eternal Sonata the demo plays in full English if your Dashboard is set to English), but for some reason I enjoyed the demo, both the SP and MP modes. The game has a B-movie feel to it (B-game? ), with a nice atmosphere (always night, always raining). The SP is very unforgiving, it's all about stealth until you can find a shotgun or sniper (pistols and machine guns are pretty useless, since the vampires are fast as hell, can jump buildings and they kill you in less than a second with 2 hits), and even then you don't want to miss your shots, or your dead. The MP mode has a few Humans vs Vampires modes, and from what I played online it's actually quite fun (even people who hated the SP portion of the demo seem to enjoy the MP). The Vampires are still stupidly powerful (again jumping buildings, ...), but if you play as a Vampire you get much less points for each kill.
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