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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. god i loved it last night. I watched the episode on BBC 3 which is next weeks BBC 2 episode and it was brilliant. Sooo many good thing happening (good as in bad but it is good to watch).
  2. Yeah i want the odd one who always wears pink to win. she is the best person manager there.
  3. mike-zim


    i will be getting this game as i think it is unique. if it is shit i will trade it in and hopefully get a better game to wash away the awfullness of this one.
  4. I think alex was the only one that deserved saving in that task. the rest are totally useless.
  5. mike-zim


    unfortunately i dont think it will. they have cut out air and water creatures. i relly wanted an underwter civilisation.
  6. I really want an F1 game for the Wii, also an RTS along the lines of Cossaks would be nice. but for me the UBER game would be an MMO. come on it is a must. if nintendo did it first it would be done well.
  7. problem with ST is that it is old content now. No one will do it. everyone is in outland. well thats the way it was a few months ago.
  8. lol i loved the second episode!! the toe flying off was hilarious
  9. mike-zim


    well i will get the DS version for sure (mobile gaming). if the is Wii/DS connectivity then i will wait for the Wii version. If not then PC it is
  10. Really!!! shit i have missed a bit while i have been away! oh well i am back now! MWAHAHAHAHAHA
  11. mike-zim


    I had to BUMP this. It looks great, i also hear that there is a Wii version. That leaves me with a predicerment. Do i get the PC version or do i wait for the Wii version???? AAARRRGGGHHH
  12. been away for a while, but so has arab-freak so i thought this would be long dead. lolzer.
  13. lol he speaketh the truth
  14. well hopefully the whole boardroom dispute can get sorted. Once that is done give benitez the cash he needs and lets give it a damn good go next season. Oh and where do you think Henry will end up????
  15. Sunken Temple was the best. i loved it when i did it first.
  16. LOL i am liking it. i might have to watch season 3 through some other means
  17. well i am off nowe to get a good seat for tonights game. cant wait.
  18. I really hope liverpool do it tonight. I hate cheatsea with a passion and i really hope we do em tonight. a Man U Liverpool final is much better than a Man U Chelsea final lets face it.
  19. maybe they want to rival SPORE!!! you start with a single cell and build and empire. become the creator of all!!!!
  20. that is so true. Hell i think PS3 and PSP have had more connectivity than DS and Wii. That is just plain POOR
  21. i have won all races and got a B before.
  22. lol that is what my brother used to do. but i truely am glad i stopped playing WoW. I enjoyed my time while it lasted but in the end it is a game, too many people are obsessed.
  23. lol doh:shakehead
  24. Sweet can't WAIT!!!!!!
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