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Everything posted by tapedeck
Nintendo Too Dependant on 1st Party Releases?
tapedeck replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Indeed Jammy. I agree. We could be seeing the turn around of many developers just like the Project Reality to PS1 situation. Cartridges were the problem then. Expensive format meant everyone flocked to the "cheaper to develop for" PS1. Now instead of cartridges, HD and Blueray are the main problems. Surely the same thing that happened in 1994-1996 will happen. Devs will see the cost factor and consumers will see the "cool" factor of the Wii (similar to PS1) and lots will jump ship. I'm just applying logic from the history of the videogame market. The only places to look are the past and present and certainly it seems that the Wii is in a very good position right now. Long may it continue. There is much more variety now so I don't see how consoles cannot co-exist with each other. I do think that the Wii is in the strongest position though. Even though MS and Sony have much more to offer software side. In some ways I really do think that the market MS and Sony target (gamers, tech heads) is tiny compared to a new market of non-gamers and casual gamers..Another topic entirely I'm sure... -
LEGEND Paradigms cancelled project you are correct !
Nintendo Too Dependant on 1st Party Releases?
tapedeck replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Jammy speaks the truth. Everyone wanted to jump on the Nintendo bandwagon back in the 80's and 90's and Nintendo made them pay the money to do so. Sensible really in the world of business. Then they floundered sales wise with the N64 and GAMECUBE yet still made enough money to maintain their own business. And yes jammy, you are spot on when you talk about Rayman and Red Steel as not being top sellers (in relation to Nintendo efforts). Yet the money Ubisoft made from those games would have been 'profitable' income. The fact Red Steel 2 and Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 are in development (ALREADY) shows this fact more than words could ever show. With the amount of people buying the Wii brings more chance for sales to rise. With casual and NEW gamers entering the market because of Wii, Wii itself becomes the OPPORTUNITY for more software to sell. Remember, the promise and the potential of both income AND artistic innovation offered on the Wii are irresistable to all companies. There are many companies who aren't Capcom, aren't Sega or EA and neither have the financial resources or the trappings of "expected" traditional gaming to produce what the powerhouses have done in the past. These are the developers who will also win on Wii. Wii means: 'Small investment, large potential payoff.' This is why we will see so much third party activity on Wii. Just my penny worth. -
Anyone got any clues on the one I posted. System: N64 and quite cheeky.
Yoshi's Island was a masterclass in design. Utterly fantastic and refreshing. To the person who asked about Rocket: Robot on Wheels....A really good game. Showing its age now obviously. But it was a GIANT leap above anything 3D platformer related on any other system..Yet pales when put next to Banjo and Mario on the N64. I think you can't go wrong with Starfox Adventures on the cube. Sure it's not the greatest game ever, yet for the price your getting a decent game with (still) lush visuals. And at least the space battles are pretty good. Monster House on the cube is also pretty good. Quite easy yet is like Resi for kids. Pretty good. I also think the Lego Star wars games are pretty good. Number 1 is ok but Lego Star Wars 2 on the cube is really good fun. (Co-op rules) Then there is Beyond Good and Evil which is fantastic. Ubi had some good showings on the cube with Prince of Persia too. Hopefully we see their 3d platform loving continue. I do agree with the sphinx, kao and Ty comments though. Fun games with some challenge involved. And well worth picking up for a tenner.
Lego Star Wars 2 is pretty rare on the cube as GAME only stocked it. I also finally found Monster House (Resi for kids lol). And of course Beyond Good and Evil and Zelda colectors edition are pretty rare. Other than that it kinda depends where you live. Gamestation have so many titles second hand that if they don't have it in your local store I'm sure they can phone around. (If they can be bothered).
Oooo fun. There are some gorgeous desktops on here. Anyone like this??
My Freeloader for the cube was only used for Animal Crossing (and some cheap US games)! I do think AC and the subsequent sales of AC:WW potentially changed the views of Nintendo on what Europe sees. I was suprised we got Doshin the giant though! I think most were so suprised it got left on the shelf... Hopefully Nintendo have learnt their lesson in regards to NOT releasing 'bizzarro' games in Blighty. And the Wii needs all the original software it can get. Bring this game to Blighty please - and sooner rather than later! Nintendo release dates are still as messed up as ever afterall. We could see this in 2 years if Nintendo cannot translate "clown fish" into German. I'd buy this tomorrow if possible.
I dunno what's worse...Moore shooting his water all over or Kaplan cheating on Matty Cassamassina. Seriously though, that has just mentally scarred me, yet kept me intruiged. Kaplan. I salute you for your sheer bawdy unprofessionalism. Here's hoping you and Moore hop into bed together....
Dunno...But I was ROBBED on the perimeter screen. Spindizzy worlds was awesome on the SNES. lol. They certainly don't make them like they used to! Here's a good one
These nice shots, the co-op diving and the apparent use of SD card music has me salivating for this now. Can't wait to go swimming alongside the dolphins whilst getting some classical music seeping through my speakers. Or maybe some britpop whilst invstigating some ruins. Unique. It reminds me of an underwater Pilotwings. Without the gyrocopter obviously. The co-op features could be interesting too. Chatting could be limited due to the limitations of a divers sign language . Or it could be handled in other unique ways...keypad input? Who knows. Either way, I'm suprised to see this appear all of a sudden. And apparently due for release in the not-too-distant future. I hope it makes it to these shores. Ecco could even guest star ;p
Is it Perimeter: Emperor's Testament? its tough. Think the menu is from that.
Let Retro set the standard with Metroid and then give them the space to do what they want. Half of the reason Nintendo seem to have quibbles with past 2nd party devs is their insistance on keeping them tied to the same liscences. Retro are obviously hugely talented and probably have a vast understanding of how the DS, Wii and Wiimote work. Metroid has proved that. That's why they should maybe go onto something similar with the Metroid engine - as I fear it would just go to waste, which would be a shame from what we've seen so far. There is also no doubt that Ravenblade (and was it Thunder Rally?) looked interesting. These people are obviously uber talented. It will be interesting to see what they make next. After the launch of Metroid I think Retro will be the developer to watch. Who knows...They could be similar to Rare and try their hands at all genres hitting a technological level on the Wii that only Nintendo themselves can match. It's about time we were excited about Metroid and it seems the newest screens have impressed everyone. Long live Rare-tro. I mean RETRO!
I like fellow gamers thoughts and I really do believe that the thoughts and opinions of many long-term Nintendo gamers are far more crafted than many others in this industry. We've seen the highs and lows of this company afterall. And in a world where horrific, soul-destroying comporate existance owns all, Nintendo are almost an 'anti-corporation' and something in which we can all gain the innocence of harmless play in. (Ok, I'll stop now...) I believe we will see the same opinion Jammy. People will look back and say that the current adverts were part of the Wii and DS success stories. - Innovative in this field. - And yeah Mike, I hope the inclusion of celebrities is something that isn't used all of the time as the main draw. Like Iain Wright and son - They were just cheesy. I still think Nicole Kidman was a good idea in regards to getting females into gaming though.
I couldn't help but be impressed by Nintendo's use of megastar Nicole Kidman as the TV face for Brain Age. The advert was well directed, short and simple and really got across what the game is about. (Not hot women increasing their knowledge!) Infact, there seems to be much more focus on the gamers rather than the games than ever before. Rewind to the early to mid 1990's when Nintendo adverts briefly featured 'celebrities' like Rick Mayall or Nigel Manson. Videogame adverts were mainly showcases for the graphics with set pieces being shown, (such as Mario leaping on goombas heads in 16-bit glory) this was a common factor with all game advertising in the early 90's. This of course has remained throughout the years. As much as Sony changed the breadth of the gaming landscape, the advertising was often too heavily focused (or not focused at all) on the games. Sony's advertising for the Playstation brand seems, at times, to aim to confuse people as much as possible. Microsofts advertising seems to go down the other route (similar to the 90's) of showing as much of the game as possible. No doubt then what the selling point is there. It's therefore interesting to see how Nintendo advertising has changed. Prolifically bad in the late 90's (whilst thou get the girl or play like one?), they seem to have been forced into good advertising by the graphical limitations of the DS and Wii. The focus is on soft, homely backgrounds mainly consisting of white interiors (Llewellyn Bowen standards naturally). The white backgrounds completely fit in with the Wii and DS colour schemes. (And the iPod's saturation). But by NOT showing the games as much and focusing on the gamers reaction - it's almost intruiging to non-gamers and gamers alike. Nintendo advertising has moved on vastly and they seem to offer the most 'adult like' videogame adverts curently on TV. Nintendo print adverts have always been clever and humorous - yet their TV commercials are now on such a level that, if they run for one minute to twenty seconds - the viewer doesn't feel alienated nor confused. So should they stay as they are and keep the fine balance of footage and gamers. Or do you still think Nintendo have a long way to go? Thoughts anyone?
I completely agree with this. If Mario Party had been titled Mii party I really do think it would have sold more units. They could have branded it into a "Generations" title too. If Nintendo can get an online party game in production starring Mii characters they would have a bonafide hit on their hands...This could pave the way for......A party channel (incorporating Miis) where you could play on a game board (which is updated now and then with new tile sets and mini's). I really think there is so much scope for the Wii that Nintendo and other developers have a huge opportunity to develop new characters and franchises. Characters with directly controllable limbs or weapons via wiimote functionality is already apparent and also increasing immersion. Thus solidifying these characters in the mindset of gamers. Harry Potter for instance feels much more immersive on the Wii via wand motion than it's other iterations have ever done. And I feel like I want to use that characters attributes more and more. It's the same in The Godfather and Zelda. I feel directly responsible for the actions on screen, in real-time. And coupled with generally lower development costs, there is now a larger opportunity for developers to take a risk and make new franchises with these immersive attributes as standard. It's a shame that in the last few years we haven't seen the likes of a new Sonic, Mario, Parrappa the rapper, Crash Bandicoot, Earthworm Jim, Croc, Nights, Rayman and even Gex-like characters on home consoles. Most of the last few years has seen the recycling of pre-existing 'licensed' characters. I hope with the Wii we start to see more original characters with actions we are directly responsible for.
Cricket on Wii sounds too good to resist. Plus dads would buy it like they've been buying Tiger Woods. And it would rekindle Aussies sales;) As long as there is a (Drunken) Freddy Flintoff pedalow mini game ..I'm sold!
I second the theory that it's a c&c game. C&C3?
Its almost a shame that the revamped E3 won't have as much cover as previous years I as really think this could be the first E3 where Nintendo products are in shorter supply than 3rd party titles. This E3 will really back up the astonishing start the Wii has had. And I feel MS and Sony really need to have something other than updates to major FPS and race titles on show. People should come away very happy. We will probably get in-depth previews of metroid and more details on Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros and there will be many suprises from lots of developers. I really hope we see more Western developers embrace the DS and Wii platforms. Japan is heaving with development for Wii and DS at the moment and it's about time this was reflected in the eyes of Western developers. Along with Wii music, health etc I also hope we see more original racing and FPS games for the Wii. Thus shortening the lack of these genres in relation to the other consoles. Should be interesting either way. This could be one of the first expo's where the journos have to really nail the details in their previews and not just rely on screenshots to show the games off. That's why I think it's a shame not as many people will get to play the 'in-development' Wii games. Either way, I'm excited at the premise of both seeing AND reading about the innovative ways developers have spent their time (especially) with the wiimote.
I agree with the statements about the immediate future of the Wii and the mass franchise use in the run up to Christmas. But in 2008 will we see the same thing? Traditionally Nintendo have used franchises to sell consoles and maintain existing owners interests (whether at launch or midway through a consoles lifetime). All Nintendo consoles / ideas have launched with a mascot of some sort. (Even the Virtual Console!) Of course, most platforms launched with Mario and when they didn't the launch was always followed by (think Smash bros) a franchise heavy game. The SNES etc also had a franchise game every now and then to maintain Nintendo ownership and when sales started to slow down. (Like Super Mario World 2) Only natural of course - It's good business sense. So the Wii has Galaxy, Brawl and Metroid on the way both to sell Wii consoles and maintain existing fans. I think Nintendo would have finished one of those games out by now if the Wii hadn't been such a runaway success. Yet they can now use the power of brand recognition for Christmas and in 2008. I think (as much as we love Mario et al) Nintendo should use the Wii success as a chance to develop or re-introduce franchises. Nintendo could develop the Mii usage in games and make them become a staple inclusion of a Nintendo system. (Really make personalisation paramount - Before Sony/MS do). Sure, Nintendo will always put out a new Zelda / Mario game every now and then (ala DS) but the Brain Training, Wii Sports, Wii Health, Wii music etc are all going to do extremely well in the market place and seem to naturally fit the things Mario has been expected to do for so long now.
It was a nervous time when the Gamecube launched as having no Mario was (to most) suicidal. Almost unthinkable! But it was interesting..Pivotal. I think Nintendo planned on the GC having more original content yet when the sales failed to light up the globe they reverted to bringing Mario and Co. off the shelf in a similar vein to the N64 years. (Golf, Baseball, Football, Tennis) Fast forward and as the Wii launched we got Zelda and Wii Sports. One of which satisfied long-term Nintendo fans. I really don't think many Nintendo fans were looking at Wii Sports as a better indication of what the Wii was capable of. We were all staring at Twilight Princess. (Ironic then that the public (and many gamers) saw Wii Sports as the best thing ever...And not Zelda). There have been many other non-Nintendo character designs which have had staying power over the years - Games of varying quality - And there have been some games with just enough charm to get into our minds. Here's looking at you Earthworm Jim, Bubsy, Croc, Gex, Parrappa. The difference between these characters and Nintendo franchises is most of them were whored out across sequals and other consoles thus ruining their reputation. Look at something as simple as Pong...Overly produced resulting in many mixed memories of how well it worked. Then there's Dizzy..haphazzardly put onto the Gamegear and Megadrive..with little effort compared to the excellent originals. It's even commonplace today as we see Crash Bandicoot, Spyro and Sonic slapped across all systems available (including mobile phones) for cash. That's where Nintendo's franchises differ. Bar some poor 3DO and PC titles, the frachises are unique and after the 90's, Nintendo pulled the reigns back in by only allowing close developers to use their characters. Yet with the Wii we have seen a major shift in Nintendo franchise usage through Mii integration. Miyamoto even mentioned Wii Sports tennis originally had two versions for testers...Mario themed and Mii themed. We know which one was preferred. Mario stands for quality, ease of play (not to be confused with easy games) and fun. How remarkable would it be if the Mii characters took this idea as their selling point? This would mean all games on the Wii with Mii character inplementation would insinuate ease of play and quality. If this happened, where would that leave traditional franchises like Zelda, Metrioid and Mario in new people's mind-sets? This could mean we wont see Mario golf. We see "Wii Golf" with Mii characters. We wouldn't see Mario, Kirby or Wario plastered all over identikit puzzlers and baseball excursions. We would probably see the return of these traditional characters into the geners in which they came from. Thus the mascots of Nintendo become the players and Mario, Zelda, Samus Kirby, etc become comforting friends and (as is current) escapisms into their respective genres/worlds. Maybe the existing franchises would sell more copies if this became the norm? Any more theories?
What a pleasant suprise this is...I'm actually enjoying it more than I thought I would! It certainly takes a while to get the controls down and to understand how the wand works in relation to your hand in 3D space - but after that it's a breeze. Lifting objects, twirling them around and battling with the wand is generally involving. If this feature had been put in something like Wind Waker (ala baton waving) we would probably have raved about it. The wand use creates some genuinely interesting puzzles and, coupled with motions like 'Wingardium Leviosa' I cannot see how the other versions of the game can be as good. Using the wiimote like a wand makes this one stand out from the crowd. As many of you may have read there are some small niggles like camera troubles now and then and some in-game cut scene shaninigans. But nothing you generally don't find in other games. Put simply, I've only ever seen the Potter films and the wand feature and chance to explore a living, breathing Hogwarts is what I bought this for. I've not yet been disapointed. Even my fiance plays this lots and, although she has "noob" frustrations, she genuinely enjoys the game. It's got atmosphere, fittin visuals, plenty to do and good Wii finctionality. Definately a game worth picking up.
It's ironic there has been RTS style discussion here recently. If this comes I'd be happy. Sid Meiers original is still astounding today :¬)
Are we now in charge of when the next gen arrives?
tapedeck replied to tapedeck's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Maybe I should edit, I meant in relation to MS and SONY's financial might, Nintendo have found their niche 'against' them. They have indeed gone after a different market which is a niche in itself. From the dictionary: Niche market, a focused, targetable portion (subset) of a market sector. I still see the subset as these non-gamers, who have money to give to the industry. Hope that clears it up a little..it's late Jordan: It's interesting you should mention Crysis as your main motivation to spend a whopping amount on a graphics card. I know a few people who are doing just the same. All for Crysis. I just wonder if Crysis was another genre would people make the jump? I guess I don't really understand the domination of the FPS nor the PC games industry anymore. I remember many people upgrading their PC for the promise that Half Life 2 would bring many more games on a similar level (I did the same!). It just seems too fast. There has to be a point of no return. And I feel it could be approaching faster than we think. Maybe then we will see RPG's, racing games and not primarily FPS's selling better on the PC. I really can't say, just how I feel at the moment. I know many people who won't touch a console and swear by PC gaming if only for the online communities and competitive edge. It seems apparent that consoles are after that part of the PC market too. -
Wow! This thread has turned into something far deeper than I ever could have anticipated. Thanks everyone! Reading the imput was interesting. I suggest you all take a glance at everyone's points! Initially you can see the love for Nintendo based franchises. This is obviously going to happen due to the nature of the forums yet I was suprised at how loyal we all still are to Nintendo franchises. It kind of backs up what some developers say - Nintendo consoles main top sellers are Nintendo only games. But I think this speaks volumes about the quality of the software. It's not a bad thing if the games are good. And they usually are. I particularly liked Fierce's note about the suprise/unpredictability element Nintendo bring. (Which Nintendo themselves always wax lyrical about) The thread then changes to the varying games the Wii is going to bring. Which is when the thread changes. The contrast in language begins to center around excitement and mystery. I also completely agree about the RPG discussion. Remember though, the Wii needs that mixture of OLD and NEW. The old is just as important as the new. Without the elements in old games, developers can never successfully produce NEW experiences. Look at Brain training, old elements like Soduko add longevity to the product. And OLD elements such as the TV remote inspired the Wiimote design. Keep posting people. It's always a pleasure to read what people want from their existance as a console owner. We've all bought into the future of gaming afterall.