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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. The DSi, XL and DS Lite seem to be getting reduced and discounted to clearance in several retailers including the supermarkets and possibly Argos. Don't want to get too excited, but perhaps the retailers know the 3DS is coming out this Christmas? And have decided to reduce the current consoles now as they won't sell as well once the 3DS is here. It's a possibility.
  2. Wow, thought those Resident Evil pics were for PS3/360:o If we are lucky to be treated to the 3DS before Xmas, I can see it being the number 1 Christmas product.
  3. Rowan


    Not one of my all time favourite shows, but it is always an enjoyable watch as it's something a bit different. Unfortunately I only sometimes got to watch it on Channel 4 in the morning if I woke up early enough & didn't have college to go to that day. Over the summer I didn't see it on much either because of Big Brother? Frasier is one of the shows that will still be remembered in another 20 years.
  4. Not surprised Mcoy won as he has a very good home record. Just annoyed how we let in so many after 80 minutes. Rocky Andervi gets injured 4 minutes into the new season and is out for 2 weeks
  5. Double header against Roostophe Rovers, that will be very difficult. Silverdale Hotpot already bottom of the division.....alphabetically.
  6. Finally got round to writing my teams season review. Pretty long read in the press, but now I can finally set my eyes ahead on survival in season 15.
  7. I guess Apple's reasoning for the low resolution camera is that people with an iPod touch will still carry round their phone with them. And most phones have atleast 3 Megapixel camera on them. But really, its one of the ways to increase the gap between iPod touch and iPhone so that the Touch isnt a complete iPhone just without the phone capabilities.
  8. Game looks good, in a way I kind of wish that none of the old Pokemon are accessible in the game. I'm still over 100 off until I complete the Pokedex in Diamond, so I have no chance of ever getting the 550+ fully entered in Black/White. Surely this game has to be out in all regions by Christmas? Unless there's some 3DS enhanced features, the game won't sell to it's potential if released close to or after the 3DS.
  9. I thought the designs for the new Nano have taken it in a fresh direction. Before, the different generations of Nano only had minor changes. Though with the Nano so small now, I guess it means Apple no longer want people to watch video on it. iPod Touch looks great and I hope to purchase one in the new year. I'm still using an old Creative Zen of 4-5 years as my main music player.
  10. If the Van der Vaart deal goes through that's a very nice bargain. Along with Sandro now at Tottenham, Spurs have a very strong squad of midfielders. Birmingham getting Hleb on loan & Stoke getting Gudjohnsen on loan too are very good buys considering they are already experienced in the Premier League. AC Milan look to be a very threatening front force with Ronaldinho, Ibrahimovic & now Robinho but I don't know how strong their defence or midfield is to progress far in the Champions League. One of the biggest story must be the fact that Shay Given is staying at Man City for a while. This in turn meant the move for Mark Schwarzer to Arsenal was of, no doubt that this will effect Arsenal's season. Liverpool left it too little too late to bring in an experienced backup striker, which means we'll mostly be relying on N'gog again when Torres is out. Worrying Liverpool lack any width going forward from a winger, and no one who can really deliver quality service into the box from the sides.
  11. I haven't looked at the winners, but Five USA are showing 2 hours of highlights tonight at 10pm which is what I'll watch
  12. Series 3 has been very good so far. (UK pace) If anyone's watching the episodes on Virgin 1 like me, last Monday's episode was intense and brilliant! Could have easily been passed off as the season finale. Very pleased it's been renewed for a 4th season as it's one of my favourite shows. Theme tune is taken from the song Short Skirt Long Jacket by Cake
  13. I should be making some more appearances on Uncharted 2, but rusty. Sadly our HDTV is broken, and I'm a bit reluctant to continue the single campaign on a SD TV.
  14. Aquilani wants to stay back in Italy permanently, so there's little chance we'll see him in a Liverpool shirt. By impressing well on his loan deal in Italy, Liverpool should hopefully get a good price for his inevitable exit next year. "England was a great experience, but I am here to stay," said Aquilani. The Guardian are also breaking the news that Liverpool have signed Portugal midfielder Meireles from Porto. Can't say I've seen much of him, but hope he does well here. Link
  15. 16 went up, but only 7 visible. Annoyingly, 5 of the visible was defensively meaning my midfield and forwards haven't got up as much as I liked. Though the likes of Caskey and Hope must be a .8 or .9 My 2 goalkeepers are of the same skill now which is convenient, can just pick whoever has the higher form. Survival is the only target for Silverdale in the big league, however with not much funds available, they'll be looking at investing in a new youth midfielder and striker with the intention of Silverdale being a solid top league team in 2 seasons time.
  16. Satisfied with the win, some of the Dev values are not as high as I hoped so there may be one or two transfers in and out. I'm pretty lucky yet again on the Xpert Pools:cool:
  17. With the new football season having just started I reckon some new members would be interested in joining the lower league. Always nice to see fresh faces after a recruitment drive
  18. Promoted & won the title in some style Kept up my record of never being relegated and whenever I've been promoted I won the title at the same time.
  19. I got A* Computing, A in Physics and a B in Maths in the end Yet crazily still got good enough for UCL as they wanted an A in Maths (missed out by 7 UMS) with the other 2 grades being atleast AB. So I do have a university place locally at Sussex as my insurance, but my heart is set on UCL so I'm getting two of my maths papers remarked. Mixed feelings really.
  20. Tactics were far from perfect, but players battled through for their 2nd away win of the season meaning Silverdale remain top with 2 games to go. Points are so tight though that there's no room for any slip ups. I also got 5 correct results out of 6 in the Xpert Pools this week, same not many other managers took part
  21. The Middle league looks set to go to the final day of the season to determine the title, promotion and possible a relegation spot. Incredible that even with only 2-3 games to go, no one's guaranteed promotion yet!
  22. Annoyed with the loss, many player's Dev value dropped by 1 after the match including Caskey even though he scored 2 free kicks Look to the next game against Battlestar, crucial crucial match.
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