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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Yeah, it's ok, but nothing special to me. My favourite classic summer song is now 99 Red/Luft Balloons.
  2. I love. 9/10 Oh, and on the subject of usernames in sigs, sometimes it would ruin the whole thing. Having "Haggis" randomly beside Avril Lavigne would look rubbish/weird. So it's better as is.
  3. I love Back To Black by Amy Winehouse. (The song) I'm loving her album, despite getting it like 3 years late.
  4. My HEADPHONES! They saved my life! Your Ta-ape! It lulled me to sleep tosleeptosleep to..sleep..
  5. 7/10 I like the pic, but I don't really know much of his stuff.
  6. Don't like the writing, but the character is cool. 7/10 I take it he's replacing Roy in SSBB? Mine was just a quick one I made, it does make Regina Spekor sound stupid though..
  7. Thanks. I was holiday-ing in sunny Elie all week. I found my inner beach lover. I hitched up my black board shorts, took off my black hoodie and ran into the sea. It was liberating.
  8. I could love Amy Macdonald. I love that song she performed last night on the Friday Night Project.
  9. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 6/10 Mildly funny in parts, and generally an entertaining portrayal of Tula's struggles wih life. Miss Congeniality 6/10 Good, clean semi-fun. It was slightly funny in parts, and had loads of hot girls. The Others 7/10 Not a horror film, more suspense. Nicole Kidman was advertised as unforgettable on the back of the box, and it didnt lie. Very well acted, and the twist(s) were great.
  10. Yeah duh. *leaves thread*
  11. 7/10 Boring, but I like the colours, and the boldness.
  12. I needs something on the right. 6/10
  13. Ok. I agree that her life is disgusting/horrendous. I like her music. And her stuff with Hole.
  14. Yeah it depends. If someone has drunk half, then it's half empty, and if its only been filled to half way, its half full.
  15. I have Speak For Yourself by her, and have heard a select few of their tracks. Her solo stuff is good though. --- I actually adore Courtney Love. 'America's Sweetheart" is just great.
  16. I don't undertsand why the whole family is obsessed with sex. Like all of the mwere doing it in various barns.
  17. I hate the violence/anger Football stirs up. What the hell has this Mourihno person ever done to you?! *protests, but is driven out*
  18. I like Tigerlily as a name. It's hardly bad. Fifi Trixibelle is worse.
  19. Two photos I played around with in GIMP. The lips one kinda freaks me out.
  20. in a way, i would have preferred if they didnt do the part at the very end, and just focused on the immediate after-effects. Great ending though.
  21. Still don't like yours.. It's not really growing on me, either. 2.5 out of ten. Couldn't you jazz it up using some program or something? -- Sorry for my mistaking the threads guys! I'm gonna change my avvie/sig soon.
  22. I finally found America's Sweetheart (ironic..) by Courtney Love. I love her and Hole. She's making/has made a new album, which should be out soon.
  23. Oh Emm Fucking Gee. Great, another reason I need a Wii! Damn you Nintendo! :p
  24. I'll rate Extreme's. LOL, 9/10 for being funny.
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