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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I dislike the idea of getting a "picture", simply because more often than not, they look awful. Also because I have no particular images/characters/people that mean enough to me to make me feel I need a dodgy drawing of them on my person. I've seen the odd very good one, but it's too risky. I prefer words, as in sentences or phrases. Not into gaming symbols myself, as I'm not much of a gamer anymore, but i hate all those cliched symbols like the yin and yang, generic japanese symbols etc...
  2. Not a fan of that lumpy CG style myself... It would look cooler drawn/painted.
  3. From my experience of the IT Crowd is that a lot of the "jokes" aren't that funny, but occasionaly one is. It's mildly entertaining.
  4. Raided the family CD racks today, which I do every so often, and have put some quality stuff on my iTunes; Viva La Vida - Coldplay I liked this much more than whatever their last one was. I only passingly listened to this, but it was mellow yet fun. She's So Unusual - Cyndi Lauper I know it's classic, and I heard the Killer's cover of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, so I was in the mood. In the middle of listening, and it's great. Pop! 20 Hits - Erasure and Greatest Hits - Eurythmics I only had a couple songs by each before, and I have no idea why I put off adding the rest of these compilations to my library. I'm in an 80's dance kinda mood.
  5. No. I'm afraid...not!
  6. Antares is a masculine name. Sounds way better for a boy, therefore. I'm choosing ancient/classical named for my children though, in any case. Always on the lookout for good one for my K.K folder* of names I'll force my wife to choose from. *props to anyone who knows what the 2 K's stand for.
  7. Off-topic, but I've decided I dislike this phrase now. I like rather as a word. It has multiple uses. Epic on it's own is ok, since it's either true (as in a literal epic) or an amusing way to exaggerate something. But rather epic is almost contradictory. Not literally, bit it sounds contradictory in my ears and looks like such on my eyes. Nothing against you.
  8. In fairness, this is about tatoos specifically. Which are a form of art. Hence the term, tatoo artists. Art requires creativity. Hence this thread being the creative gallery.
  9. Decent. Still coping with the fact that one of my friends is MOVING IN on Friday. I'm happy to help, since she's in a horrible situation (well, not ideal), but I can never truly relax properly again. / I probs can.
  10. Yeah, he's AMAZING. Outstanding artist.
  11. That's cool. It suits being there too. I want a tatoo, but a song lyrics or something. On my arm I think.
  12. Ok. Thanks anyway. I'm not too keen on Wolvey anyway, dunno how I feel about him being the main character. He hardly holds the team together.
  13. Is it on Youtube? Cause I'll watch it then (All of Spectacular is/was on Youtube).
  14. Foxes live around my house, I see them infrequently. There quite scary to see in the daytime. I once turned around to look out the window, and one was staring at me. I got off my chair to look closer, and it had gone.
  15. I'm a chronic procrastinator. Can't help it. Unless I think it'll be quick and easy, in which case I'll do it that night. Otherwise, if an English essay is due in next week, i'm not gonna start it until at most, 2 days before.
  16. Not if you have the worst quality/frizzy/generally rubbish hair.
  17. Av: 6/10 Ok, but looks stretched Sig: 4/10 A not very appealing picture of some generime girl.
  18. No... Why would I ever do that, since usually singles are just teh catchiest songs on an album/ones that cater to the dumb masses. Nope, ANY song. Officially released. Can be an obscure remix available on part 2 of the single of some other song, sold in Australia for 3 weeks, for all you want.
  19. I know. Not even the word "lovely" is good enough for it.
  20. Except she actually made more than just good pop songs in the 90's... *in confused by this flawed opinion he just came across*
  21. It's phonetically almost perfect. I have a "normal" english accent. "Posh" or whatever. "ih" just needs to be "eh", in "If".
  22. In her defence, she can pull it off. Britney is just a voice among various computerised sounds, she has no prescence in her own music. Anyway, I'm bored of britney chat. ---- Bruce Springsteen's Born To Run.
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