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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I prefer (from those two images) the second one. Much more interesting. But of course, the first is lovely on all accounts. But as ART, the second wins for me.
  2. I know what it means, but no one else does... But now that I've given you the actual meaning, I'd use it. It's unique.
  3. Whose definition is that?! It means the contrast between light and dark. Literally (USING IT APPROPRIATELY) the opposite of what you seem to think... Anyhow, choose that, Eclipse is beyond cliched.
  4. She's gone blonde and a bit more glamourpuss since gaining hype, IIRC.
  5. It's just another DS... Of which you alreayd have one. Wait till the green one comes out if you want the extra bits and bobs on the DSi. What's the rush?
  6. I'm withholding my clap for now, until I know I can believe what you say.
  7. Can I just point out, I was about to clap at the image of Venom and Carnage, as it suited (almost) the theme of parent vs. lover. In terms of Venom being Carnage's father/mother, and generally how symbiotes must bond with another to live (the lover). Then I realised this wasn't why it was chosen at all.
  8. Triphallus, to puncuate!
  9. Aguilera? By all accounts, easy to spell. Since it's technically Ag-Ee-Lair-ah.
  10. People do this all the time.
  11. + A pair with peace signs on them, £5 for all 3 pairs. Also got some nice shorts, but the site does't have them up. They reminded me a bit of something like Jack Wills, that kinda 1930,s beach style. Faded white and blue stripes. £18
  12. New In Town is the Little Boots song I keep coming back to. That remix is really good, I shan't lie.
  13. I have no willpower, so I doubt I've lost anything since I "decided" to. I'm starting to drink a lot more water, and hope to eventually replace all the diet coke (or most of it) with water. Going no where on the food and the cutting back thereof front.
  14. Lots of perfume adverts are quite nice. Often unusually short with bizarre special/sensual effects. I still love that one for...Hynose? or something, with that woman crawling along a corridor, chased by a panther. I need a fragrance, I don't have one. I HAD some a while ago, but ran out. Not idea what it was. I might just get CKIN@U, everyone seems to like it.
  15. Dollhouse Episode 6 I squeezed my arms so hard during this. Basically meaning this was fraking awesome. Obviously the best. Best written, best plot, actual furthering of plot, twists, and EPIC WHEDON FIGHTS THAT REMINDED ME OF BUFFY, such as the appealing battle in the kitchen of a Thai take-out (and beyond). I was mentally masturbating in THAT scene with Melly (Mellie?). I love Sierra's face. ALSO I only just realised all the dolls were named after that policeman's alphabet thing. Alpha, Echo, Sierra etc. Sexually appealing /10
  16. I'll video Chairs. It's realy good, and doesn't have that air of faux-confidence that actually indicates insecurity. I'm reading too much into your dance. It's better than I thought it would be.
  17. "Family Jams" A documentary using footage shot by a member of the Vetivers, documenting a tour/tours of 2004, with the most prominent in "freak-folk" ; Joanna Newsom, Devendra Banheart and Antony & The Johnsons.
  18. Well, Happy Birthday, her bloods on my hands.
  19. I'm listening to Blue October, on recommendation/by way of the girl that lives with me. I kinda liked Overweight (the only song I knew before now), but so far it's so politely middle-of-the-road.
  20. Wow. That's really good. I want to make, and give a mix CD. I make mixes all the time. But I want a REASON! D666 or whoever got my one from the last official one here never gave me any feedback, so yeah.
  21. Yours is far more interesting than ReZ's, I'm not even going to lie.
  22. Everyone who has a bevvy of opinions I want to hear likes All Is Full Of Love. What else was on the CD?
  23. I feel that the fact I'm listening to the album now is justified; I'll enjoy her concert much more If I know the new album well. A.K.A I found the album too... It's excellent so far. Perhaps not as good as Fur & Gold, only on first listen though.
  24. It's almost good. But I don't like it. Avvie; Something is there...but not clear. 6/10 Sig; Too big with no justification. 4/10
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