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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Oh I'm gonna order Ultimate Collection 1 today, if my money's come through. Oh bunfuck, Amazon has it at 20 quid now. I hate. It was 15 earlier this month.
  2. Suckle my teat!
  3. I'll swig some Mead.
  4. I can confirm that ReZ's new script for issue 1 of Cast left me a lot more impressed than the original, it's awesome! [/plug?]
  5. Women On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown This was great! Pedro Almodovar can do no wrong it seems. A very funny and entertaining farce, with genuine drama. I loved how most of the people in it were varying degrees of ugly. But yeah, great. Almodovar has some really good female roles in his films (which seem to focus on women for the most part IIRC). GREAT
  6. I started mine (video) but hate my voice and I realised that I kept repeating myself, and found it really hard to just talk to nothing.
  7. I was on the cusp of becoming an emo-lite a few years ago, but never desired to cut myself or kill myself. I have an intense fear of death/harm... I can't remember what it said. I only started it. It was some shit like "This is for my descendants" or something.
  8. Teak, this couple's favourite wood. NEW RULE: Pictures must be included!
  9. I get minor migraine's frequently. I just go to sleep for the whole day, which usually clears them, and prevents me having macabre thoughts! Ta-da! But yeah. I'm pretty sure I once starting writing my own "death note". Like, were I to suddenly die. :p Might dig that out one day. (I was 13)
  10. Not as good as.. VEAL
  11. I was planning to. I might just do that actually.
  12. This bitch likes her dog meat.
  13. Thank you! A reassuring note is always appreciated. I'm always subconciously planning my own funeral if anything seems awry. I did (before I looked it up) think it would be an odd place to get a properly dangerous/cancerous lump. And It kind moves around with the rest of my neck..insides? tendons whatev, so the swelling makes most sense (rather being some alien thing). I'm gonna phone the doctor tomorrow morning and get it seen to.
  14. Don't make a Peep.
  15. I REALLY hate the one a night thing. It's obviously a show where missing a bit is detrimental (unless it's not? Is there "PReviously on... before each episode?).
  16. I Want To Live! Jesus. That was brilliant. I've never really seen an "old" film that really cried out "I'm brilliant" at me before. I picked this up as it was cheap and I saw Susan Hayward won the best actress for it, so I thought it'd be worth a watch. It left me a wreck. Injustice combined with the concept of impending death = affecting to me. It reminded me a lot of Dancer In The Dark. Similar feelings of utter desolation present. Susan Hayward was magnificent. I was riveted. Wow/10 Not sure what to rate it? Possibly 10. Actually yeah. 10/10
  17. I prefer Dame Judi myself.
  18. Phoenix Down.
  19. I could need to go, despite having no money for tickets or travel/accomodation. Plus I assume she'll do a proper tour later with the guitarist/drummer (after the album comes out), but I might not be able to go if it's during exam time (and she doesn't play in Scotland). This would go in the music thread, but I couldn't reach it.
  20. Worn. I don't like this game. I want to add more letters to the word.
  21. I posted that too, we're too late.
  22. EDIT; Cuuuuuuuuunt
  23. EDIT: FUCKS sake. Nerd.
  24. This tart is ridiculously delicious. I might actually leave it, uneaten for later, to savour it's greatness.
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