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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Yeah, album arrangement is a very important thing for credible artists. Basically I'm already put off if all the singles are at the start of an album. --- Anyway, Matt & Kim was nice, if a bit forgettable. Currently listening to; Brillianr jazz as recommended by my new favourite person. ---- What's the deal, Dante? I think she sets a good example. She has a great voice and is all-round better/more credible than a lot of her contemporaries, and the fact she's not obsessed with looks is refreshing, imo.
  2. Note it down? I haven't noted any possible lyrics since I wrote "Send my love to Tori, I'm off to the hair parlour" on my wall.
  3. I mean to get around to seeing Heathers, I know it's meant to be the Mother of the "good" female-led school dramadies. That sentence sounds awful if you read it aloud.
  4. I have such doubt. Thanks though. I know what you mean. (I liked Vicky Cristina Barcelona, mainly cause I want to live in the film, though I hated them all except Penelope Cruz :p )
  5. Hmm. I've been slightly "down" all evening, since having to go pick up my sister and falling alseep for the entire journey. I want to do art, but I hate that I have no confidence in my own abilites and have no definitive style to call my own. I don't what the point of me doing art is. I'm not doing something catahartic or anything, or at least not yet, and I don't have a style I can develop. I hate it. Going to see that graphic designer guy today was of course really fun and interesting, but just kinda depressed me afterwards. That's what I want, but I'm not good enough or...I don't know what I want to do. I don't even want to be painting shit for the next few years. It's boring as fuck and while I get into it and it's elaxing, and there're definitely elements in every final thing I do that I think are good/successful it never works for me as a whole. I dunno. I sometimes think I want to do film. I'd love to do something English-y and write stories, but I'm not good enough, and that's fine. But the only thing I'm interested in is stories (and art working together). Whether that be in book, comics, video, film or whatever. I just hate that I have no plan. I think one of the reasons art colleges won't want me is cause I'm not bringing much new to the table. Just generally skilled at drawing/painting shit. But as I said, not amazing enough to make you go "Wow!". Just pleasant at best. Gah. I wish I could write songs/play an instrument/sing. Music is another thing I love. Bit as it is, I feel like this big lump that loves all these things but can't do them and doesn't know what to do. [/rant] I feel like the rip-off version of Lily Briscoe from To The Lighthouse. I'd prefer not to wait 10 years/have a friend die before I get over this "hump", though.
  6. Imagine! Plumber Trapped In Another Dimension
  7. I'm not overly impressed with Sonic Youth's latest offering. Admittedly I only own Daydream nation and Goo else from them, but still. It's just a bit...draggy. Doesn't have that element I liked about the other stuff I like. --- I like Authechre. I remember looking for an albm of theirs, but then giving up and forgetting about them. --- Yay Dyson's idea (despite that being what we do half the time anyway!). I'm off to listen to a short album....*picks* Matt & Kim by Matt & Kim. Never listened to it.
  8. When my dad and i went to see Star Trek, we passed the cut-out display for Trannies 2, and he was like "Wait...Transformers is still around? WTF?". I explained it had been made all dark, and to it's credit, it has great special effects. But also said that really they may as well just do a film of ranomd explosions interjected with shots of sweaty women. He laughed. Then the trailer actually came on. And he cried. With laughter. He didn't actually know that it was Transformers (because it so deeply doesn't tell you what film it is at the end). But yeah. I warned him away.
  9. I love the visual style of Sleeping Beauty. And there's a good reason maelificant is generally considered the leader of the Disney Villains. She's badass. I'm a huge fan of the villains, and my favourite scene has to be; The first and still the best. Genuinely unnerving. I always found the thickness of the "wine glass" really appealing to my eyes. I wanted a cup like that.
  10. ^ Are you sure that's them? I hear nothing resembling either one's (fairly distinctive) voices... Pretty dire.
  11. Completed my album. About a fiver.
  12. That's not really a "crossover". A crossover is like DC vs. Mortal Kombat.
  13. Hard for me, but at the moment; 10. Hercules 9. Hunchback of Notre Dame 8. Aladdin 7. Beauty & The Beast 6. Alice In Wonderland 5. Pocahontas 4. Sleeping Beauty 3. Lion King 2. Snow White 1. Little Mermaid
  14. It's Route B. They do. Route A (most people applying to Uni) is just any order. Route B/Art is preference based.
  15. The awesome dude graphic designer/music king decided to show my friends and I his brilliant experiment, a pen that recorded the sound of the line you made. It was made from the needle from something, a speaker from something else, and the noise was incredibly loud. I loved.
  16. I was the opposite...I remember I cried after the last episode of friends. To be fair, I was 12, and strangely distraught. And then I cried in Beaches. I remember watching it years later nad being like "I cried? IN THIS>!!!" I was saddened deeply by Million Dollar Baby. Like, the level before my eyes watered. But not actually on that level.
  17. I love band t-shirts, but try at all cost to avoid the fucking cliche. So an example of some of my bands t-shirts; A nice design. References a song while subverting the normal "random number on shirt" thing. Sort of.
  18. I dunno, I mean probably will talk to him about the school magazine the more we do, but I realised I can't find anything from his/his brother's music on the net, so might have got the name wrong. It really was enjoyable.
  19. How did you cry at Beauty & The Beast...? Maybe the first time, if you were slightly mentally unhinged.
  20. So after having my UCAS LOST by my administrator, having Edinburgh decide to grudgingly let me have an interview, and then apparently they thought I chose it as a second choice (unless you put them first, they don't consider you), I found out today I didn't get in. I don't mind, It wasn't like I desperately wanted to got there, but it's a knock to my confidence (which I have none of).
  21. Football shirts as fashion are criminal.
  22. I love it. The thread title. Your face. Your name. The new Nami. Icon.
  23. MOST AQWESUM DAY EVAR Yeah so normal day at school, but more hilarious reminiscing with friends added. This afternoon. I'm part of the team making the annual school "arts magazine", Cerulean. The teacher had arranged for us to go have a "chat" with a graphic designer. I expected it to be in a shit office, with some old man. It was a moment of pleasure. I came thrice. He was young(ish), it was in his and his wife's flat in town, and I loved everything in it. He's a proper artist, and a music producer and was fucking insane, like randomly putting on his music and remixing it for us, for no reason other than the joke. Then he made us randomly choose records to put on. Come on Charles Mingus. Really inspirationa;/helpful on the graphics side. He then talked about the album covers he does for his brothers stuff, and I gasped. I RECOGNISED THAT PICTURE! He said "Yeah, so these are very Lichenstein, but are from Marvel...this lady..". I shouted out; "That's PHOTON!". He stopped and laughed. I loved. He was like "OMG how did you know" and I was like "IM HER BIGGEST FAN" Monica Rambeau jizzing everywhere. And I proved my nerdiness by knowing all her codenames. I loved the fact he used her for al the singles from one album because she was called Captain Marvel, and he loved the fact a black woman was the "title character" or marvel comics. Then later we were looking through his massivew sketchbook, and he said "Oh ignore that, it was a cover to my Brian Eno book...you alll know who he is right?" None of my other shit friends said anything, and I said, "Yeah, I love Music For Airports". He loved. I loved. Asked If I patted myself on the back for knowing Music For Airports at my age. But yeah. I want his life. Randomly playing around with synthesisers and shiz. I loved. Monica Rambaeu COME THE FUCK ON! His brother and his moniker was called Linwood, and they had some fucking great beats. I loved seeing a producer/mixer at work too.
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