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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. No. It's staring everyone in this thread right in the face.
  2. Is Green Day's new song the one that sounds like every 70's punk song in the world covered in gloss?
  3. Sheltered life.
  4. I started watching Wolverine & The X-Men tonight. However the third episode didn't work. After the opening sequence. I love the joke story. Like reforming after a year long break, with new jokes to tell. It's not great, but is fun. I love how the line "Come on, Dust!" is actually uttered, and by none other than Boom Boom. I love how Emma Frost is just behind a door when Wolverine opens it. "I've decided to join the X-Men". 'Okay".
  5. Doesn't really apply, but I lol'd at the Pitchfork new headline; "Awful new Liz Phair song on Banana Republic compilation". I love her for being so shite nowadays. Planned her credibility decline from day 1.
  6. It's their best album. It's just undescribably compact and lovely. Chair's favourite album I think.
  7. I have one song by them, it was alright. What I've heard from them is overall interesting. --- I love when you look at albums on iTunes (or even on the CD) and they all have really interesting titles. Not P!ATD /Fall Out Boy shit. I mean ones that pertain to the songs, but are visually striking and memorable. I have Taylor Swift's album and how anyone is meant to diffrentiate the song is beyind me. It's all like "You..." something, "My.." something. Looking at Sinead O'Connor's album, all the song titles are memorable. I Am Stretched On Your Grave, Three Babies, Black Boys on Mopeds, The Last Day Of Our Acquaintance. Even Nothing Compares 2 U justifies the l33t spelling here, it would be the most pedestrian title on the album otherwise. Anyone else find albums/artists that understand the importance of titles intriguing?
  8. I don't like Laurence Olivier that much. Bit dull. Kenneth (as we call him in English) is alright. I enjoy him more than Oliver, but yeah. I've only seen Twelth Night on stage, but I definitely want to see more on stage. I have Derek Jarman's Tempest on DVD. Interesting, to say the least.
  9. Oh yay. Let me edit in a question. This member is scared of "lonely". They're in love with their stereo.
  10. I did Mods last year. I don't thin kwe even did the Scottish Parliament. lol. We did...US Policitics, UK Politics/Electoral Systems and African politics (not South Africa). Not Scottish specifically IIRC. Oh shut up. Sorry, I did Higher Mod. Studs. too. In my school, they do Modern Studies higher, and then the next step on from that is Politics A-level (in a single year).
  11. LIES! "I dance fasturrrr" is blatantly a rip off of "So I ran fast-ur. But he caught MEEEEEE heur."
  12. But...they were still musically excellent. lol. Missed that part. --- I've never been to the makeshift gym at the end of the art hallway at school. I've never been to "alcatraz", the secret floor at the top of the Donaldson's building at school that's got jailbars blocking whores from getting in. It's where all the costumes for plays are kept. I need to go in one day (time running out rapidly).
  13. Yeah, they mish-mash it, to provide a stronger base or whatever, so you can go wherever. As far as I'm aware, not sure it makes A HUGE difference anyway. I did 9 GCSE's, then 3 AS Levels and 3 Highers, and now just 3 A Levels. "Edinburgh Academy; Catering to the individual!" * *except if you don't want to join the CCF because of your personal beliefs. And if you want to have hair beyond your neckline.
  14. Spenno needs a new "photo pose".
  15. I hate learning Poems. Sadly I have my Romantic poets resit coming up and then bloody Hopkins on top of that. I think I did Mental Cases too. Can't remember.
  16. What texts did you do this year? My A-level English isn't for a while yet.
  17. I've not sent either disc, nor have I received any. I have tried to get discs off Chair, but he refuses. I'll get some tomorrow.
  18. Just get a new combo. Get a Charmander Avatar in the style of your current one, and then a Squirtle Sig, or whicever pokes.
  19. I think we've come to the conclusion that a lot of second albums best the first ones. Seems the norm from the people I REALLY love.
  20. I was going to say "Why would you want to?" but decided to refrain. Is it true she just walks around stage miming?
  21. I want to live in a retreat for a while. Somewhere with no problems. I want to see Tori Amos live. Not exactly a life ambiiton, I'll see her later this year. I want to somehow...eventually...write my ideas down. I mean stories. I want to make films I think. No idea why I'm not going to do film production. Probably because I'm not good enough at any other subject at school except art, so I just decided to do it. That and I'm not interested in any other school subjects.
  22. Can you really compare any of Radiohead's output post Pablo to the first album?
  23. Actually a bit good for 12 year olds, but maybe Georgie is great. I spotted Middle Cyclone - Neko Case, Crucify - Tori Amos, Precious Things - Tori Amos, Red Shoes - Kate Bush, WEH - Robyn, Dazed, beautiful + Bruised - Catatonia. And whatever song "soley at his feet" is from. I also got the feeling it was like he missing verses from Cracks In The Canvas, so I had PJ Harvey's speaking voice in my head the whole time. ---- Thinking about what to write for the art magazine I'm making for school to sell, as this year we're redefining what it is, making it half "looking back at the year in art" half "WOW! THIS BOOK IS LIKE AN ART PROJECT IN ITSELF!" and so are writing liitle bits for it. I find poetry extremely clumsy to write, unless it's just rhyming. So I don't consider this a poem. More just a collection of words I ordered. Plus it's heavily influenced by a song. So yeah, not poetic thought really went into it, other than some word choice, but then again, I spent 5 minutes on it.
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