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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Forbidden Planet and that site Hapenstance linked to (that I joined) both have standard pricing at around £2.49 Shit considering the price of Essential X-Men and that, 3 issues for the same price.
  2. I love how good yet bad that Venom head looks like. Effort put in though. ReZ are there any better photos of you as Moon Knight? I can't remember them... P.s warbird ftw
  3. I want to know why Chair thought I might be Waluigi.
  4. + 1. I have theories in my head about last night, but nothing close to conlusive, and if the theory is that Sony might be evil here, they are useless.
  5. - Who is he about to say? Slippy? -And who can karate with electricity? -I assume the egg layer is Yoshi? Or even Birdo.
  6. I just reread bits until they made sense. *awaits pleas for mercy*
  7. Oh my. Oh my my. I got nothing. Let me think.
  8. *loves the taste of a Rusk*
  9. My god, It just hit me how good Symmetry by Little Boots and Phil Oakley is. A stunning duet.
  10. There should just be a set time limit. I came into here thinking, "Yes! Finally!", then was bitterly dissapointed. You snooze, you lose, I say. (refering to people wh odon't bother sending in targets)
  11. Are you going to go and steal the demos from them?
  12. The C button, the one with a consequence, I assume?
  13. My base is always left high on my speakers, so that remix is like apocalypse by base. In a good way. Like you vibrate when it comes on.
  14. I like it, but also was put off. Listen to the remix, Skream's Let's Get Ravey mix, it's the only one I listen to, and it brilliant. Can't even remember how the original goes now. Seriously, better than the original. Most remixes are just dancier version/interesting but worse. This is better. --- I kinda hate how overused "Love Don't x Here.." is as a hook in songs. Madonna has a song called "Love Don't Live Here Anymore" (which is a cover i think), Ladyhawke has one called just "Love Don't Live Here" and Tiga has "Love Don't Dance Here Anymore". Why not "Love doesn't..."? That would be far less cliched, and more accurate to how people actually speak.
  15. Not really...there's one in town, but haven't been in years and it's a trek to get the bus to and from. I'll check out that site.
  16. Well, Jill, that's what I thought, except R is obviously 'Release'. Stacey hurriedly pushes the Orange Button. She doesn't want to watch him die, she decided.
  17. QUESTION: Can I subscribe to american comics in the Uk? I assume no. --- I'm considering what to get my dad to read, comics-wise. I'm thinking Morisson's entire run (up to Jean's farewell) on New X-Men, it's so classic. And a great place to jump on. I have it in the Essential X-Men issues, but that also has shitty Xtreme X-Men tacked on, so I'm thinking of scanning my issues so I can form a lovely booklet for him to read. Might be too much of an effort though. The collections are so expensive though. Actually let me check. Although it is Father's Day coming up soon.
  18. I do find Alan Carr hilarious sometimes. Might check it out.
  19. I'm SURE I've mentioned it before. But yeah, the effects are great. Everything is now about the same quality as the first one, but still. Good there. However, it's a case of too much of a good thing. Also, the long trailer is so melodramatic. Like random intercuts of a blakc screen, then Megan Fox holding her hands over her mouth in terror, then black, then Shia yelling "RUN! YO UHAVE TO RUN!!!" or something. Then explosions. Then black.
  20. I've been recommended Tiga before, might pick it up at some point.
  21. It's such a fantastic gif. So multi-purpose.
  22. 1) This all goes through my head really quickly, I'm superiorally intellijunt. 2) You could be right there, but I personally wouldn't have done that. Meh. 3) NO! PLOT HOLES MUST BE RIPPPED WIDE OPEN!
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