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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I get what you mean, I just don't think Heroes has had that much of any impact. But I'm not the best judge, I don't watch THAT much T.V, and thought Heroes was shit and try and forget everything about it. Something like Twilight cries cultural impact, media/entertainment wise, to me. I'm sure it does to you and I'm just going about nothing for no reason. :p
  2. Jane Lynch for the Best Supporting Actress. Other than that, Glee deserves nothing (can't be arsed looking to see if they were even nominated for anything else).
  3. Has Heroes had much "cultural impact"? Other than mass-mind-numbing of the general public?
  4. EDIT: No longer relevant. *jumps ship*
  5. Tenshu: Wrath Of Heaven Cover me (slowly).
  6. Phuq U (Quitcho Lyen!)
  7. Worked on getting something up for the upcoming exhibition. Ugh. I don't want anyone to see my shit. Shit being an adjective and a noun. My work going up is so flimsy and shit. I want a disclaimer beside each bit being like "yes, I know. It's crap, but don't worry, I know what I want to do next term, hopefully I'll do something decent".
  8. I really love 3 Words (the song) by Cheryl Cole. I like how pulsey it is, and how sombre it all is. The video is great too. I've grown to like bits of the album more than I did, like Parachute. Happy Hour is great, an obvious single. I never listened to the last two tracks since my first listen, wasn't interested.
  9. He has a terrifyingly large mouth.
  10. I'd like a link to it. Why aren't you posting it?
  11. [spoiler=""][spoiler=""][spoiler=" I met the smiling face of love."] This is my love.
  12. With the release of Here Lies Love, robots finally have the right to children.
  13. Life Well I'm doing a foundation year right now, and recently realised a lot of the work I've done so far hasn't come together/worked at all, which made me really depressed, and made me feel like I wasted a term. I have to apply with a portfolio that my tutors aren't confident in and so I have a horrible feeling I won't get into art college. There's a lot better people than me. I can't find any of my skethcbooks from school this year, I think my old teacher has them, despite teling me he doesn't. I'm just...yeah. Not confident. I can't bear the thought of having to do another course like this to even get into fucking FIRST YEAR (which I'm already doing anyway, just privately). I suppose if I did fail to get in anywhere, I could just focus on doing pure film, and then go into second year, which would make sense. But then I'd miss halls/getting to know people and stuff. Ugh. Other issues like how I think I'm going to die all the time, how I'm full of self-loathing (in a really undramatic, non-suicidial/emo way). My new year's resolution is going to be to get a life. And like...be who I want to be? Lose weight, get a life art-wise, deal with shite I hate. Life's too short for crap to remain smothered over the floor. Events ...Can't think of anything? Friends/Relationships I've got a lot of really good friends I love on my course, seems I'm lucky? I'm gonna keep on with them obviously. And lots of peeps from school I'm in contact with frequently. Would be nice to get some sort of actual relationship, but realistically. I have to get a life first. Places I'll be moving if I get into Aberdeen, Dundee or Kingston. Hopefully. I want to move away. Entertainment Various albums and films coming out. Will see a lot more people live of course, but none actualy planned atm. Might try and learn an instrument.
  14. I spy a stunning Dark Phoenix.
  15. I hate simple villains. "Simple" is an insult you know. Magneto is brilliant because he is a complex villain.
  16. That actually reminded me, (1) Nic Cage does annoy me so much. I've seen several films he's good in, but even so, he's annoying. The same way Tom Cruise is annoying. Not as annoying as Ricky Gervais. Who just puts me off seeing anything with him in (no reason, his face/prescence angers me). (2) I realised mid-post that Cast was basically that. Which I think is why I was never truly convinced by a lot of it/the future plans. Especially the villain. Soz. The rest is fine. In retrospect I really like thingy, the robot suit man. The fact he's there.
  17. Oh god, I wish the world would fuck off with these kinds of movies. I said the same thing when the Percy Fuckwit and a 17 Drag Queens of Ancient Greece trailer came out. Typical SHIT. Cyncial ugly crank is like "Oh wait, I'm NOT a WIZARD!/VAMPIRE'S SECRETARY!/ZEUS' SON!/CUNT WIPE!" and then shitty wise mentor is like "Yes you are, FOCUS and you can save the world, only you can help us, he's coming for you, we must prepare". I'm so bored of the concept. Not AS sick as I am of lukewarm vampirism. But yeah, enough Twilight True Diaries of a Soceror's Cleaner's Assistant.
  18. Why is it like 5 minutes long? I skipped bits cause I didn't want to ruin it for myself...ridiculous. But yeah, I jizzed once it got going. I could love Whiplash, I already love Mickey Rourke. I already love Black Widow and Scarlett. If that trailer was better presented, I'd truly be reeling.
  19. Yeah, there were more generally decent people this year, but few/no true standouts. Whereas it's less good, one or more standouts etc usually. Climb and Killing in the Name are 1 and 2 on iTunes repsectively. I wonder what the difference between the two is. I assume thousands and thousands.
  20. Hmm. Yeah, as people have pointed out, the winners of these shows, for at least the first few years, are just products, the same as Britney Spears. There is no artistic credibility to most of the winning singles, cause they don't "make the songs their own" or ever have very interesting voices or whatever. I'm all for pop music and stuff, I love a lot of it, so I'm not anti-pop for no reason. But for it to be worth something, there has to be an... X Factor. :p And ironically rarely do the winners do anything musically with any X Factor for a good few years after the win. I did like Bleeding Love by Leona though . Not much else. EDIT: Also, both hideous versions of that song the finalists did just makes Miley Cyrus' sound even better. But I like Miley Cyrus' voice anyway.
  21. But then judging age is all in body language/how someone carries themselves and acts, as much as appearance.
  22. No.14 on my iTunes store... I'm not going to buy either this or the X Factor song.
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