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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. ^ I found those things horrifying, most of them you'd be fucking terrified during if it was someone you knew "failing". Some look unbelievably dangerous/fatal.
  2. They're useful for distracting enemies so you can focus on one. But yeah, past there now, onto the battle with
  3. That 80'stees website. Some of their stuff is amazing. I don't even know if they deliver to the UK, but I think some people here have bought stuff off them.
  4. I did a total of 1 Katz Quest the entire time, but a big side-quest is available if you do several of the Treasure Hunt ones or something (didn't know this at the time). I'm at about 35 hours or so, and on chapter 8. I assume you'll be way more, doing ALL the quests. Emil is lvl. 50, Marta lvl. 48, and the enemies seem to be appropriate strength. I seem to be losing due to luck atm. So nearly killed
  5. He's going to put his triangle around your balls.
  6. This could be taking a joke too far; I love the concept though. Realistically, I'm not going to wear the hood unless it's raining, and under a heavy downpour, those who see my masked face would only be made merry from the sight, all other thoughts drowned out by the rain. I want to see it worn "normally". i.e unzipped, hood down. I could need. There's Green Lantern and others too, but they're less fun.
  7. I like Kraftwerk. It's kinda background-y, but they're definitely innovators/whatever the word is/inspirational to electronic music in the last however many year.
  8. Heard that a while ago. It's alright, the singer's voice is on the cusp of really off-putting in most cases, for me. I never listen to their last album anymore, and only really like a few from The Warning (My favourite being And I Was A Boy From School by far).
  9. Because he's so fucking cool.
  10. (but Brown) £3.29 I hate my red/purple dyed hair...I want to go back to brown.
  11. Not...horrible, which is what I was expecting (I liked her on X Factor, but I had a feeling they'd make her do like..jazz standards or something), and her collaborators sound interesting. Are they confirmed? Seem a bit random.
  12. Need to see this. Staring at it in Fopp, £13, but I daren't spend so much, as I am currently sans easily accessible money until my card/new pin is sorted out. Might just order it online though.
  13. Be brave. I'm stretched over your grave.
  14. As much I dislike Shia LeBouf, you have a point. I'd prefer someone less...slimy though.
  15. I'm nearing the end, on Chapter 8, at the obvious bit where you have all the time in the world before the final dungeon/boss. (I assume) I think the skits are genuinely entertaining yeah, and I like the emphasis on story, but it's a little too much. The game must be 50% cutscenes, at least. Especially cause the story isn't quite succinct or good enough to justify the amount spent on harping on about it. I like the way they include the old characters, as main team mmebers, but interchangeable during the story, and generally always good. It's a shame they aren't that customisable though. I also was left wanting another original character, it lacked that RPG magic, simply cause I knew all the older characters, and they dont feel like a solid part of a team cause they keep leaving/rejoining. From the box/promo image, I expected Decus (Oh yeah, what the fuck is up with the pronounciation of that? Dex? Uh...) and Alice to join at some point. They would have stunned. But oh well. I'll wait till I finish properly.
  16. Normal day, I hate my life painting. I wish I could paint boldly like everyone else in the universe. Fair enough I did a good drawing of the figure, but I paint so thinly and too scared of it all going wrong with thick paint that I just do it all washed out and rubbish, and the paint is hard to control/takes ages to apply. Basically needed another day on it. Eh. Went home, checked my e-mail from ECA about the questions I have to answer instead of submitting a mini portfolio (which I spent ages preparing anyway...), I screamed, thinking the 22nd of Jan was tomorrow. :p (The words "Friday", "Deadline" and various dates like "22nd" and "29th" have been batted around college so much, I got confused). In my horror, I did all the questions, then realised it was the 14th on Jan. BUT it got me to actually do work, BEFORE THE WEEKEND. I feel so...normal. Stil, got more to do. Went driving for a bit with my dad later on, went around for a good while, I wish I were better, but I can "do it". It's just not...flowing in my head yet. Like when there's a big area without any markings I have no idea what to do. But yeah.
  17. Peter Gabriel is great. I feel I should get an album of his, I only have Greatest Hits or some other compilation. I love Biko. --- In other news, I question when my love for Delta Goodrem will cease. I love her and her music.
  18. ^ That's just a generic picture. I want a Camcorder of some sort.
  19. I kinda hate how she almost can't sing it. It's on the verge of too low for her while the backing track is too jolly to make up for it. But that's only the verse.
  20. This moment is so much bigger than me. This moment is for Dorothy Dandridge. It's for the women that stand beside me, Jada Pinkett, Angela Bassett, Vivica Fox. And it's for every nameless, faceless woman of color that now has a chance because this door tonight has been opened.
  21. Then Odwin beside Jay. (sortof) It's The Negative Zone versions of much-loved N-E residents.
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