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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I warned you. I love them all.
  2. I prefer themed. DIY once in a while, but themed makes it feel more special, like you're "being" characters from stories or movies you can't be a part of (obviously...since they're fictional). Keeping it within a theme retains the feel of inhabiting the story. DIY is very open-ended, and less fun to think about. My new desire in life is conciseness.
  3. Picture to set the scene: That's fowl.
  4. Oh fuck. IT CAN'T BE UNSEEN. Oh shit.
  5. Started the new ASM arc, the one with the Sinister Six-y people. I actually laughed so much when
  6. The thing with fish seems pretty cut and dry, unlike the reasons people are accusing me... Vote: The fish. There's literally no one else he could be apart from the killer.
  7. Yeah it stuns. Only seen a few, but I remember laughing loads at one I think where a reporter follows Candice and actually does see the brothers inventions or something? I need to find that one again, don't remember the name. I loved.

  8. ^ The single remix is better.
  9. Phineas and Ferb is my favourite thing. I watched it all the time while I was up in Orkney. I assumed it would be rubbish, but it's so good. <3

  10. His power clearly means that only powers that are "positive" (i.e protection, receiving items or something) work on him. I'd bet tracking or investigating don't work on him either, if my intercepting one doesn't.
  11. Like what? It's not like I haven't come foward about something, or I've done a really questionable action in the write-up that I've dodged explaining or anything. The more you insist on me being bad/evil/secretive (wtf), the more suspicious I become of you. We're all past it now.
  12. Yeah, if it were directed by a random/a known shite I'd be so dubious, just cause all the info so far seems all over the place (Azazel? Darwin???!), but I'm so excited. And I hope the soundtrack is good.
  13. You'll never convince me. (I know it's nothing artistically, but I love it)
  14. Does it actually tie into Final Crisis at all? Does Grant Morrison have any say in it? I haven't heard anything of the like. I asked for a reading order for Final Crisis on another site (including stuff (of his, but not exclusively) that ties-in, like Seven Soldiers, and that wasn't even mentioned. :p Finished Volume 4 of Invisibles! Though strangely short, only collected 4 issues IIRC, the others are generally longer. Hmmm. My favourite concept though - each Invisible Cell (group - the titualr Invisibles of the book you follow are just one "cell" of many) base their group structure around elemental symbolism, and then every so often, they swap elements, giving them new roles in the group. I love. Reminds me of Final Fantasy or some joke RPG. Ragged Robin was Fire I think and generally floated about doing useful things in the background, but then she got Air (off King Mob, the leader up until now, who got Earth, the worst one), and she has to wear a leather outfit and lead the team in combat, being great. And Lord Fanny (<3) gives Water to Jack Frost, which could stun. Considering Jack Frost was too powerful being Spirit. I know no one else cares, but it's my fave thing. I needed to fangasm.
  15. Oh. Sorry I looked at the last write-up. That makes sense. That his "power" is to "egg" someone, but if chosen for the night-kill by the rest of the mafia, that's what it looks like. Yes! Sorry, I'm a dullard. Vote: MadDog
  16. Ok, thank you for actually clarifying Cube. In that case, Negative presumably just means like what people suggest, something affecting you...but it doesn't really make much sense, my power doesn't impede you or anything. I don't know. Basically if someone protected you or IDK, gave you an item/info, you wouldn't run away. Also, Yoshi doesn't seem OVERLY mafia-ish in the write-up. That's annoying. :p Well ReZ, the old "OH AND I'M A LYNCH BOMB" ages after telling everyone the rest of your powers...
  17. Oh my christ. I thought were past this. Of the two of us, the one with the really unlikely role, who is probably Mafia (see the night before, where Marth/ReZ "thought he was Fox", so showed up as me, but still Mafia - his identity changed, but not his alignment), or me, who came out as Fox when everyone still thought the Fox role was mafia, I've only told believable, proven things (I'm in the write-up etc), not told lies etc. If one of the two of us is Mafia, it's ReZ. And I don't have a bloody clue what this "negative" business is. My power is to intercept and read PM's. Um. *shrugs* Isn't that known? Because I came out and said I was Fox when I could have just gone silent for ages, which is what I'd have done, were I mafia. And I've not DONE anything suspicious. It was clearly established that the brown cloud and lucario fucked the results up before. Wasn't Yoshi established as evil from his actions in the write-ups? I need to find where, but it's not at all like my case.
  18. I target someone. If that person would get a PM from Diageo (i.e if they were a tracker, if they were an investigator whatever), I would read the PM they got. It'd only apply to a few people I expect. As I said, I got nothing last night.
  19. Stunning to introduce them into the Marvel Movieverse.
  20. No. Where does it say that? Unless it is what I thought and actually prevents my target from receiving their PM, but I don't think so (Diageo didn't say it was anyway). In any case, I got nothing last night.
  21. So wait..is Peach mafia? That was her killing Lucario, right? That's a confusing write-up. Diageo, write-ups might benefit from spacing/setting it out in more defined paragraphs...it's a lot of info to take in.
  22. I'm not in a Tori mood. This is the Miley I'm in love with. <3 The whole of her new album is just really satisfying, all quite sinister sounding dance-rock stuff. Of course it's fairly safe, but it doesn't completely reek of shite like most young female pop singers trying to be cool. I like her voice too. I'm sure she'll end up a cokewhore/in jail soon enough.
  23. I'll never deny my love. Please be aware I have no time for Hannah Montana shite though. Give me "raw", trying to be mature Miley Cyrus. I do genuinely like her easy, euphoric, dance/rock/pop stuff of late though. I removed it as it felt out of place though, and added Working Class Hero by Marianne Faithfull.
  24. A 40 minute shower? What about pruning? You'd be a raisin by the end of it. I don't even want to know.
  25. In the chatty bit of the program with Lauren Laverne (heavily pregnant) chatting to 2 random musically-inclined journalists (one of which was also pregnant...) they acknowledged that WB stunned. So it's fine. Same with Laura.
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