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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Well I didn't count M&S of course! I miss M&S. I daren't stretch to it atm though. Currently my weekly shop is bread, milk and uncle ben's egg fried rice. Though teebfuh my flatmates all make (me) dinner (lol).
  2. Also - Lisa Williams is my favourite woman. Her show is/was the very best. I love her bizarre body shape. I remember being like "OH I'm stunned" at this one.
  3. I don't recall ever having a pot noodle. But then I get a really distinctive taste in my mouth whenever I think of them, as though I had. Maybe I've blocked out memories from the time I had them. Maybe I was subject to Pot Noodle-related trauma? But yeah, I distrust whole meals that you have to microwave. Uncle Ben's rice and similar "accessory" foods are far as I go.
  4. I'm really interested in it. I love things like Most Haunted. (regardless of the tru fax) I want to believe. I don't though. Coincidentally, I watched Paranormal Activity for the first time today. Though apparently I watched a different version than my flatmate... It was decent/meh.
  5. Same here. I started the pilot twice, but for various reason keep abandoning it. I'm gonna ask for Season 1 for christmas./ Buy it.
  6. A favourite. Love. --
  7. I was actually really interested in reading the news story the title promised. But in the interim;
  8. I love the title. I keep getting this image in my head: I've never played Professor Layton.
  9. My friend saw Letty in a shop in Aberdeen. Weirdo knowing about her/what she looked like in the first place. *leaves*
  10. I have bad vibes from you all. I would vote Aquila (or whatever), but then have a feeling Chair could be a maff/evil who wants to get rid of the newbie who probably won't play.
  11. I know you did it years ago, but I was never in the mood to get ear piercings. But then my friend Sean has compel and MC for 6 of his 8 clicks. It's so hard when you can't find the energy.
  12. Vote:Nae Lunch
  13. -Not having money when you want it. -Having pangs of memory about things you want to forget/feel you should have been more emotionally invested in at the time/forgot too easily and now feel bad about it. Although you actually just feel like should feel bad, but you actually don't. So un-invested. Cold as ice; willing to sacrifice.
  14. I really want to post a jacket I want from Uniqlo, but it's £60 (decent price - but it's £60 I can't spend If I want to eat. Until November 1st). I went on their site to find a pic to show, but the jacket was nowhere to be found, and I saw an E-advert about new seasons in Men's jackets...I'm scared the jacket will cease to exist by the time I get the money. I also want to get my ear/s pierced/hair dyed/tattoo'd. And I need more trousers/jeans. I have a genuine lack of decent clothes. P.S This post should be in the materialism thread, but it's closed, so deal.
  15. Nobody buys my body so I sell my art.


    *sucks on a Benson & Hedges*

  16. Well it's like £40 to buy the books, which is what I really want to do, and in my current state I can't acquire it by other means. And in any case, I started, but disliked reading it digitally.
  17. The whole Age of Apocalypse storyline probably counts too, but I criminally haven't read it.
  18. Yeah, I almost prefaced my post with something defending it's status as post-apocalyptic - I assumed the lack of it being here was due to some sort of unspoken rule that it doesn't count or something.
  19. Paj!


    It's more like the other way around, just an often comedic (in a black way) slasher. As opposed to being a slashy comedy. If you get me.
  20. Oh right, lol. So pointless.
  21. Holy Goat Comics just opened 20 seconds from the main Uni building, and where I get the bus hom everyday. I saw the sign for it the otherday, but it was shuttered - I assumed I just started at uni as this shop had closed. But I walked past it today and went in about an hour after it first opened! A bit bare bones (the guy's waiting on the weekly comics to be delivered) but so stun. All clean and white, and playing my FAVOURITE BTAS episode on a big screen. The guy was so friendly and says he wants it to be both the anti-forbidden planet and the anti-musty comic shop. I'm in love.
  22. Paj!


    It feels great because it's been 11 years since Scr3am. It's not just the next Saw film, which are rattled out every 6 months or so. I've waited so long.
  23. I want the Materialism thread back. Just so you know. Where else can I post about everything I want?
  24. Don't even talk to me about convincing people to watch it...I've had such trouble. A friend of mine (who is a very opinionated dutch guy who always acts stoned) watched the first scene of the miniseries with the rest of us yesterday and launched into an argument for arguments sake about why it was shit (literally the scene where MarilynMonRobot appears for the first time, kissing, explosion etc). Actually the worst argument I've ever heard. I told him when he makes his first film as a director, I'll watch the first 5 mins then review it. He then shut up.
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