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Everything posted by MadDog

  1. How can 2 teams as good as Barca and Madrid continue to have such average matches, it's annoying that the matches never live up to their hype. :p They're not bad matches, but they rarely fulfill their potential. Iniesta was a class apart. He's my favourite non-Liverpool player by miles. He's just so classy, and in my opinion the best player to watch in the world.
  2. Which awesome person wants to play an awesome game called Xpert Eleven? :p The link to the thread is here. It's a brilliant free football management game that i'm certain any football fan would enjoy. You only need to go on once or twice a week for 5/10 minutes, you don't need to login in everyday for hours or anything like that. It's really satisfying watching your team that you've built develop and grow into a top team. Just give it a chance, i promise you'll enjoy it.
  3. That means you finished where expected. I overachieved holmes.
  4. Do you mind sharing the strongest teams please? I don't have VIP anymore.
  5. I really want to buy 1&2 again, but i also don't want the horrible platinum ones. Maybe CeX has them without the platinum logo? Will be a good price.
  6. I'm looking forward to listening to that ^^^^, really like her voice. ---------- Anything Ellie Goulding, love her album. Can't wait for her new one!
  7. I'd put money on Gotze not ending up at Arsenal. Really can't see it.
  8. As i'm from Leeds, nearly everyone on my Facebook news feed are laughing at Man United. It's embarrassing. Their team is in the Championship. I couldn't care less if Man United are out. It's those kind of fans who love to see other teams lose more than their own to win. It's hilarious. I hate Man United, but to revel in their misery when you're not even in Europe at all is just silly and makes you look bitter/an Everton fan.
  9. No need, i'm going to fuck you up next season on a level playing field.
  10. We bought him for 6 years, not half a season.
  11. It's weird when you don't post in green.
  12. Ha. Thing is he hasn't been a waste, since he's been decent enough.
  13. Being shit doesn't even make it shit. I'm shit and i still love it. :p
  14. You're not saying Defoe and Adebayor are better strikers than Suárez are you? Because you're so wrong if you are. He keeps our attack going, and is central in everything we do going forward. I wasn't comparing them. I was pointing out that stats don't tell the whole story, and you seemed to agree with that when it was about one of your players. I can't wait to see Liverpool finish above Spurs at the end of the season, which we will. You're very close to a slump, you'll see.
  15. This is the guy who said it doesn't matter that Modric doesn't get assists and goals but he's still amazing because he's mighty important to us. Why can't it be the same for us and Suárez? He's got 11 goals in 29 matches. Not sure how many assists. I'd say about 10. He scored something like 111 in 159 for Ajax. That's impressive for someone who hasn't even been playing for a year in this country. When? Tell me when he has dived. There's tons of attention around him, youtube should be swimming in suárez diving videos. Please find me one.
  16. He doesn't dive! :p I've gave my opinion on the World Cup handball. That's like calling Jay Spearing a cheater for getting sent off. He handballed it, doesn't matter where on the pitch or what game it was, and he got sent off, so he got his punishment, what's to talk about? This post is crammed full of so much shit it's funny. His career stats, or his stats since he played for Liverpool? You sound like one of FIFA loving kids on Xbox Live who rates players on their goalscoring records rather than what they give the team and disregard assists and his general play. When he is fouled, he's obviously going to want a free kick. Why should he be ashamed of asking for a free kick he deserves?
  17. People assume he has dived everytime he goes to ground. It's disgusting. The commentators are always saying things like 'Suárez on the floor again' or 'He's been known to dive'. Things to that effect, when it's complete and utter bullshit. The media are a disgrace to English football. Everytime a good foreign player plays in this country, they are slated in the press for the rest of their playing careers. Suárez doesn't deserve 99% of the rubbish he gets, and i'll defend him for as long as possible, as he's a rare type of player. Nobody plays with as much enthusiasm and passion as he does.
  18. I ask anyone to find me video evidence of Suárez diving, and i'll have no problem in saying it then. It's just totally untrue that Suárez is a diver, it's Ferguson shitting himself because he knows he tears them apart everytime he plays against them and he's trying to unsettle him. People fail to mention he gets fouled alot, way too much because of his brilliant agility and change of pace. He's foreign and he's still learning what is frowned upon and what isn't.
  19. I hope i'm not going to be like Chelski with the Champions League and fail to win it endlessly. :p
  20. Good buy. I really don't enjoy RPGs, but this is really really good.
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