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Everything posted by CrowingJoe79

  1. Ma'am is out for blood on 19 June, 2020! Be careful. Oh, and this game is bigger than Days Gone, from what I heard. Oh my goodness. How is that feat even possible? Much love, folks.
  2. What's your favourite side game in Left Behind? Is it throwing bricks at the cars, trying to defeat Blackfang in your imagination, or soaking Riley with a water gun? I love this game. Anybody who calls it a "movie game" and all that jazz, should get on back to 4chan. It's an insult, really, to everything Naughty Dog and Sony have worked on.
  3. If the cult in Silent Hill still exists, do you think they will target Cheryl again? I feel like Konami won't ever use these characters again, which is sad. A soft reboot isn't actually supposed to disregard the rest of the series, but only the third game was a true sequel to the original. The rest were mostly disconnected, in that they had references, but that was about it. So this is something I think they could do. However, companies for some reason get bright ideas to reset everything in the continuity department when time moves on, so what ain't making them money now, just gets ignored. Right? Maybe Cheryl has a child now, and she has to protect the child. I don't know. There's something Konami could pull to continue her story. I wonder if Pyramid Head will be "killed off" someday. He shouldn't be misused either.
  4. Cheryl Mason and Pyramid Head return. It's not a REAL game though, so boo! Konami, do us a big favour. Please!
  5. We hope to see you there at 6 EST. That's roughly about 11 PM in the UK. I'll be chatting as "thesaunderschild" on the stream. https://www.youtube.com/user/Michaeldoeslife/community Be sure to hit that notifier, so you know when it's going to begin.
  6. It's fine. I made a mistake.
  7. Nobody with under 1000 followers on YouTube can live stream anymore. At least not from a mobile device. So I heard you can do it with this app called Streamlabs, and then this occurred repeatedly. The stream normally began okay, but then I'd get notifications saying I had a "poor connection" and whatnot. Upon playing the streams back, practically every single one was unwatchable. 4G Internet! By the way, when you try to tip users at the site, the entire page just freezes. It has been that way for months. It felt like somebody tied a big boulder around me, and I sank to the bottom of the ocean... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L47BYtKBA70
  8. My latest posts aren't appearing in some threads.
  9. I could have sworn I replied already. Oh well.
  10. Some idiot replied to me on YouTube, and my replies notifier had their spoilers. Cheers for that, losers. Do they know how anticipated this game is?
  11. RE3 is not that great of a remake, and neither is RE2 in lesser ways, but I think Capcom should try to move past 1998 now. All of these remakes and spin offs are halting the series' progression. Raccoon City was destroyed in a 1999 game, and revisiting that same old time period now seems rather pointless. Somewhere else in the world, we could be seeing things moving ahead with games, sequels-wise. But I think they just go back to what's familiar in order to play things safe to milk that tank dry. I donated a lot of money to Michael Does Life last night during his latest YouTube live stream. We were talking about how the series isn't where it needs to be. I really enjoyed tuning in. I'm "thesaunderschild" on YouTube, if you are wondering. To be honest, they have a tiny snippet of a story with RE7 now. This Connections / Umbrella (is actually good now) BS. Try working with that, Capcom. Also, I'll be relieved if Chris is actually going to be redesigned again. His last model didn't look right at all. Giving what age he must be now, I think they intend to keep Chris looking youthful, just for fans of Fortnite.
  12. I'll always prefer the original. But I'll say one thing: At least RE2 (2019) was better than RE3 (2020) and the game while not excellent, was somewhat more faithful to the original, even if it too suffered from a lot of cut content, missing creatures, and more. I take it Capcom are totally done with RE3 though, and we aren't getting any future DLC. A shame, Capcom. You fumbled that ball...again!
  13. Leon S. Kennedy's original (and best) voice actor, has gone to that great kingdom in the sky! https://www.siliconera.com/paul-haddad-the-original-resident-evil-2-leon-voice-actor-has-died/ We'll always fondly remember his famous lines that can be heard throughout Resident Evil 2. "Ada, no. A-D-A-A-A-A-A-A!" "Get down!" "It's up to us to take down Umbrella!" And so many more...
      • 1
      • Sad
  14. RE4 is dumb, because the merchant is dumb. He's a joke character. Tofu doesn't count, because that mode in RE2 is not canonical. How does the merchant relocate his many supplies?
  15. Well, can they not just change the controls for the versions of RE4 already out there, in a patch or something? Surely that would be more logical than outright remaking it, and it's not even that old. I'm not sure what Capcom is playing at anyway. RE4 may be a great game, but it divided so many fans in 2005 when they went from horror to action over horror. Some people like me claim it ruined the survival horror genre as a whole, and it did not recover until around 2013. Now instead of taken the series forward and leaving 1998 and so forth to rot, they're either outsourcing the IP for companies to develop rubbish spin off games, or they focus on doing remakes that miss out a lot of content, and ultimately let people down. For example, not having Barry Burton in the ending to RE3 is just ridiculous, for canonical purposes. They also cut out so many areas in the game, and I wouldn't say Nemesis getting new weapons did much to make him a larger threat, since he acts like Mr. X anyway. Most of the city was in the initial demo. There wasn't much else to do besides gunning down everything in order to proceed. I'm sorry, but if they remake RE4, they will probably do the same thing, like what occurred with RE2 and RE3. The original RE4 is a long game. They will probably butcher so much of the story, and whatnot. I know people will be torn between love and hate, but I was kind of glad they remade RE3, to get it out of the way. But I have to ask something. Why remake RE4 ahead of CVX? That's quite silly, to be honest. CVX was the real sequel to RE2, after all.
  16. Capcom want to remake RE4 now.
  17. Well, I think this will be the last third person RE game for a few years. RE8 is said to be first person again. I cannot say I like first person much, but they are reuniting Ethan with Chris as its main heroes, so it makes sense to keep it looking similar.
  18. I've heard that Sony will be doing improvements to the PS5. I hope so. Although it could mean that it gets delayed.
  19. That's so sad that they delayed this, yet the absolutely awful RE3 remake is out in the world!
  20. They cut out so much content, and added in stuff that shouldn't have been in this game. Lickers?! Really?! The game also has ridiculous dialogue, and zero replay value. I'm not joking either. Wait until you get to the end, and you'll feel like Capcom wrecked a classic, because that's essentially what occurred.
  21. Apparently, it has been in development for several years, and may not be "what fans are expecting" at all. Maybe it's some Parasite Eve or Days Gone type game, which doesn't really suit RE whatsoever. And, no. Despite the date this article was posted, it's not an April Fool's joke. These rumours began on Dusk Golem's Twitter page at least a week beforehand, right after Konami debunked his Silent Hill hearsay. So do take this with a lick of salt. https://www.kitguru.net/gaming/joao-silva/resident-evil-8-rumours-suggest-cross-gen-and-a-2021-release-date/
  22. Please, Naughty Dog. DO NOT delay this game again, due to COVID-19.
  23. I'm gonna play the demo in about 2 hours on Twitch, guys. Add me on Twitch. twitch.tv/thesaunderschild Oh, and my user name is related to Grace Saunders, who is from the Alone in the Dark series.
  24. It's releasing on 28 April. However, you can already get the PC version on Steam. I must say, it looks better than the Resident Evil 3 remake by miles!
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