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Everything posted by panmusic

  1. I just finished the first chapter.Initial impressions:Outstanding!!! Seriously,If you absolutely must play one game this month,do yourselves a favor and buy it immediately.It is THIS good. I have played all the rail-shooters on the Wii but this is BY FAR the best,the most complete experience.It is actually a new genre.It differs from the typical rail-shooters by a million of ways.It is a horror game with such well written cinematics that engage you in the vibe of the game. And,by the way,the graphics are phenomenal!
  2. After the announcement of RE5:Wand Edition for PS3,I wish and I hope for a similar announcement for Wii.With RE DC Capcom proved that their engine CAN handle a RE5 port.
  3. The important question is if this has been announced for a PAL release this year...
  4. panmusic

    TGS 09

    Does anyone knows the date for TGS 09?
  5. Shenmue 1+2 Skies of Arcadia 2 Jet Set Radio Wii House of the Dead Overkill 2 with House of the Dead 1 as bonus Nights remake and I am set!
  6. That better be true,otherwise the NoE hate will be enormous!
  7. So,is it certain that this game will not see a PAL release? If that is true,how can we change the situation?
  8. Do you have some super secret legit information,or is a wild guess?
  9. Has anyone tried to submit this game to the stars bonus catalogue? For a week,everytime I try it keeps giving me an error message. Has any other the same problem?
  10. Any news on a PAL release date yet? I can't wait for EXCITE!!!!
  11. Ok,maybe I was a little hyperbolic. I intend to buy the game as soon as I find it in a store. But,seriously,why the PAL version lacks these features?
  12. Is it true that this game does not support 60hz and 480p? If yes,no buy for me. Mad world was the last game I bought without 480p and the difference was huge...
  13. I can't believe how bad is the loading. In the trailers the world of this game seemed immersive with huge scope. Now,every 20 meters we have a loading screen. It will do bad to my nerves...
  14. This is a very important release,not only because it is perhaps the most anticipated console Zelda for the service,but alos for being the first Ν64 expansion-pack compatible game for the VC.Hopefully,we''ll see soon other games that support the peripheral in the VC.
  15. Thanks for your time!I really appreciate that!
  16. Thanks a lot! Do you have any live-blogging links?
  17. Does anyone know what european time the Iwata's speech starts? Also,are there any blogs to cover the speech?
  18. In my opinion this the last generation's best game. The irony is that the bump of this thread brings me even more sadness for not having RE5 for Wii...
  19. Can anyone visit my town offering me the Pikmin hat? If someone is interested in, please PM in order to exchange friend codes.
  20. Of course,MGS2+3.Later,in WiiHD a MGS4 port! RE5 for Wii. Kingdom Hearts 1+2. And finally,Shenmue 1+2!!!(This is my sweetest hope AND dream!)
  21. The deadline expires tomorrow and I have not received the pikmin hat yet! And of course I have Wii Connect 24 on all the time. Is anyone having the same problem?
  22. Pretty dissapointed about the on-rails aspect. They have a high production franchise that is brought casualized for the Wii audience.It actually reminds me Capcom's stance with RE UC. As if we didn't have already enough rail shooters for Wii. EA,listen to this.We don't want another Umbrella Cronicles,we want a new 3d person shooter a la RE4 Wii Edition. Missed opportunity,missed sales.
  23. As I have not received mine yet and I don't think so that I will be able to read the japanese instructions,I have some questions for the people who have bought it. 1)Can you use it unlimited times? 2)Is there any way to clean the white pad from the dirt after the usage? 3)Is there any recomendation in the manual for how often you can use it? Thanks a lot.
  24. I just bought Pikmin for Wii. The graphics are exactly the same but the real update is the very good controls.If I can I will post detailed impressions later.But,If you loved the Gamecube game you will adore this.Keep in mind that aside the controls the rest of the game is essentially the same. One final note.In order to create a save file this game uses 31 precious memory blocks!For a Gamecube game!!!What is Nintendo thinking?
  25. Does anyone have any idea what happened to Mario Golf 64? It is over a month that is available in the other regions and still no sign of release in Europe.This is unforgivable...
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