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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Happy Birthday!!!
  2. I watched Skins yesterday. It was ok. The emotion felt too forced though! I just wasn't feeling it. Some funny moments, well they weren't but I was laughing my head off while he was buying aeroplanes for some reason. I'll probably tune in next week as it was quite fun! I like the characters
  3. Haha, I felt mean as I typed that. Even this is pretty tame! But seriously I just think it would be funny if he had done! just disappointed that that wasn't the news this morning! I was listening to him talk this morning and he didn't make sense, which annoyed me slightly! :p
  4. Gordon Brown is an idiot. I was hoping Barack Obama was going to slap him in the face...
  5. I just cut my thumb on a broken chair. Ouchies. X3 My day has been weirdly awesome. School was good (but also strange) and then I just booked a holiday with my friend for the day after my exam finishes. and I'm about to eat sausages and chips in a Tortilla! EVERYTHING'S COMING UP THRILHO!
  6. Okay I thought for a minute you'd made it up! Is this them? http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=37592671
  7. Okay I'm going to have to check out mewithoutYou as Jayseven you've got me interested. Also Two Stars Burning Sun has an interesting name will definately try them as well. I'm on the constant look out for new music to listen to! anyway today I've been listening to, Kashiwa Daisuke: 5 Sec This hurt my ears, in a good way! Some parts were extremely awesome I loved the whole beginning of the album but as I made my way through it trailed off for a bit but fortunately picked up again at the end and made for a great finish! I'm not used to listening to this kind of music though! Some bits sounded a bit electropanktony which is both a good and bad thing! Still an epic experience! I needed some Neko Case after that to calm things back down! :p
  8. I watched How to Lose friends and Alienate people, which is a good title for my life. It wasn't that great! It was okay it is quite a nice film but it didn't have much to it a bit simple and a few laughs here and there. I was hoping for more funnies but unfortunately it didn't deliever. (Needed more Nick Frost, like almost every film does :p) A good watch for a Sunday afternoon but the story was predictable and it didn't go anywhere interesting and the characters weren't developed enough for me to care about them too much. Still I think it is not a bad film I just wanted more! 3 and a half Bears out of 7.
  9. Why don't you like it? I love the song Lucid Dream off it I think it is a fantastic song! I feel it is a really good album. I like the new direction they are taking and think it is brave and exciting. Glad they didn't stick to what they usually do and are trying something new. (Though the other two albums I like as well.) Playing through the whole album the sound took me through a nocturnal journey right through to the early morning. It was very pleasing. Some parts didn't work but I liked what they set out to achieve and it is a solid album in my eyes. I'm interested to see where they go next! Now on to a contender for "album of 2009" and my most anticipated album of 09 thus far... Neko Case: Middle Cyclone Wow. I already really liked her but had only heard a few songs. This new album has blown me away and is delicious, I want to eat it. I cannot stop listening. I love her voice and the whole album works greatly together for me. I need to check out her older albums now! The last song is a little odd 31 minutes of the sounds of the night I think? like just crickets!
  10. Oh no I better not take my children... Silly article Simon Pegg and Nick Frost slept in the same bed as each other, they aren't gay!
  11. You are not in direct competition with each other! Repeat, you are not in direct competition! *Homer runs in* Hey! Apu just called. This Friday, Lisa's team is playing Bart's team. You'll be in direct competition! And I don't want you to go easy on each other just because you're brother and sister. I want to see you both fighting for your parents' love! (flicking light on and off) Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! __________________ Sorry just reminded me of that! nothing wrong with a bit of health competition as it makes each try harder it when it gets out of hand when it can become a problem.
  12. That is true Arsenal haven't one a thing there! :p
  13. @ Paj: I walked past that when I went to Barcelona! didn't have time for any kind of tour though. We have much to see. Barcelona is a great city in my eyes! It is a pretty cool and impressive stadium. I prefered the Highbury tour though and the stadium it had much greater feel to it. This felt a bit empty in comparison!
  14. Looking like Lily Allen? that is a new and welcome comparison. Yeh I'm not a big fan of football, I was a nerd out of water there. Everyone else looked like a cliched football fan which was quite funny. The tour was quite cool and I do support Arsenal plus it was a fun day out! haha, I didn't see it but as soon as Paj said I was like oh I kinda see it, yeah. My bored and aroused face are pretty much the same thing. There it was more awkwardly amused (which is the same face as aroused and bored) as I was complaining about my sitting stance.... :p
  15. No problem. I think it is a good website. Woah 968! I don't add movies that I've only seen half of like 12 Monkeys, Memento and Falling Down which are some of the worst movies only to see half of as I really want to know what happens at the end of all of them!
  16. My favourite band live is Justice! Firstly because it is the only one I've seen live! :p but also because it was awesome and the day I officially rubbed bums with a 40 year old man..not so cool. >__> Though at the time I declared it to everyone! Also haha Dan everyone has a Muse phase. :p That made me laugh for some reason. In some ways so true. One of the first Bands I listened to solidly for ages and ages. (along with Paramore) when I was first getting into listening to music. They have 716 plays on my Last.fm and I listen to them not too much now. I might start up again! I do really like them. My favourite is OOT but I do also like BHAR. I did listen to BHAR first and so that was my first taste of Muse. I also love Knights of Cydonia. I got very addicted to that song.
  18. Here is a picture of me at the emirates in Arsenal's changing room in front of the greatest mexican's t-shirt. err...Coolness.. he isn't mexican... SHHHHHHHH! yes he is secretly mexican. Me looking odd. Something off putting about the way I'm sitting. It is saying I'm aroused but trying not to show it. :p (maybe it's the water bottle?) Also it is where Arsen Wenger sits during the matches Oh and some dude in the background who is having way too much fun with a plastic chair!
  19. I used my Worlds greatest 18 Year Old. So like Daniel and Ashley's mugs but not quite! Me happy and excited about what is about to go down. Thinking it was a diaster I stuck it in the microwave for a bit longer. This is what it ended up like. It looks horrible but tasted really nice. I will do it again but in a smaller mug as this seemed to big! Yay!
  20. Tori Amos.
  21. Happy Birthday to one of the Forum greats.
  22. Yep! A suprisingly low amount, 589 movies! There may be a few more but that is all I can think of at the moment. This website helped: http://coolnessbears.listal.com/owned/movies You can add movies by typing in there search box. If it isn't listed (most are) you can add it yourself. (Ninja Cheerleaders) and also you can search through tags so you can get a lot of movies through that which is much less loborious than typing in and trying to remember all the movies you've seen. You can also rate them. A five star rating system which is quite cool. So check out http://www.listal.com It takes a while to get into it but I managed to get mine done and up to date within a day! I hope that helps Paj.
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