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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. ReZ Avatar: Henry Hatsworth is a perverted oldman and I love it! Typical englishman. :p 6 Bears out of 7! Signature: fun and original. I need to play the game! 5 Bears out of 7!
  2. Yep! ^___^


    Insectasarus is Legendary!

  3. I go downstairs for a Coke and end up carrying a Cupboard. Wassat about? Bit in Bold is my new phrase since last weekend and I detest myself saying it! :p
  4. Hey! :D


    *waves awkwardly*


    I like the colour scheme!

  5. Snorlax is GOD!


    I for one welcome our new Overlord! :bowdown:

  6. Brings a whole new meaning to the term "Having a Sex Drive"... :p
  7. We're Arsenal Bros! : peace:
  8. Riddles do my brain in. >__< I'll keep thinking though.
  9. Why ReZ? Why? Having read that I'm actually intrigued.
  10. You beat me to it! :p



  11. I like your avatar. Does Henry Hats Worth looks slightly perverted, or is that just me?

  12. South Park: Fishsticks Best of the Season so far, so many laughs from me. The ending was brilliant. Gay Fish is a classic! ___ I also watched a lot of Simpsons episodes, I watched a lot more but I'll name a few. I'm liking Season 11 a lot more now and I've always had a soft spot for Season 12 even when Homer is getting raped by a Panda, I found that hilarious when I was younger... Saddlesore Galactica Jockey elves. if it is an episode that sticks its middle finger up to the fans then I like it a lot more, stupidly brave! These episodes are as clever but they still make me laugh. The Wife Aquatic A season 18 episode, which I really like! There are some good laughs to be had and strangely I liked this character fausto. I thought he was hilarious even though he didn't do anything. I love the story and the animation is beautiful in this, especially the wave sequence! Pokey Mom Michal Keaton plays jack well but the character himself is a bit bland as you know where the story is going from the start. Homers B-story was much more interesting with him becoming an illegal Chyropracter with his bin! The ending to Homers story is great! Little Big Mom Stupid Sexy Flanders! I love that snow scene, I think it is excellent. He Loves to Wine and He Doh's Some good jokes and Barney becoming Sober made for an interesting story in my eyes and the fact that he kept like that for several seasons. I think until Season 14 when you see him on the floor drunk while Lisa is training for her Spelling B. It's a Mad Mad Mad Marge I like Marge episodes. Have done ever Since Season 17! I like the character of Becky and I like it when Marge gets Paranoid and the fact that Becky was going to but couldn't get a shovel from the store. I want to get this on DVD now but still haven't got Season 10. Gah! Alone again natura-diddly Hmm... dubious. I'm a fan of how Maude dies I thought that was funny but I didn't like the way Homer acted in this episode. I think they should have focused more on Ned getting over maude than setting him up with people. (though the dates he went on were funny!) and it was a set up for another episode. I'm going to Praiseland Fun. Ned was a bit creepy to begin with trying to turn his love interest from season 11 into Maude but I liked how they did in this episode focus on him getting over Maude also having a small tribute to her in a Christian theme park thingy. The hallucinations were funny and the return of the Orphans briefly was sweet. Also I liked the ending. I wander if they will bring back Ned's love interest for a 3rd time. It has been a while though. E-I-E-I-Do'h! TOMACCO Completely wacky episode but I think handled well. very funny.
  13. Robots An animated feature that escaped my eyes. I liked the concept but the story was simple and the characters aren't nearly as charming as other animated movies. There were funny stuff though to me. Not bad though and I had fun on a lazy afternoon whenever I watched it the other day! 4 Bears out of 7! Borat There was some hilarious stuff in it but not enough! Surprisingly didn't make me feel as uncomfortable as I thought it would. Even the naked man scene though totally wrong was funny! Borat trying to Kidnap Pamela Anderson got the biggest laugh from me. Not sure why but I found that hysterical. It dragged on slightly sometimes though but I'm glad I watched it though! 5 Bears out of 7.
  14. I was going for a Pink theme but it got a bit garish so I kept it down to a minimum. My page is called "a touch of Pink" though I think that is a perfume...:p
  15. I've been going to bed at all sorts of odd times. 10,12,3am etc. Usually been up for seven to revise but it is tiring. Sometimes It has been 9. One time the other day I fell asleep at 12 woke up at 3 revised until 8 then went back to sleep until 11. My weekend consisted of fun! Friday I beat Resident Evil 5 with my friend. Saturday I went up to London for a party I wasn't sure if I was going but I was enticed by cake. :p It started off with Double Chocolate cake and other tasty desserts. Yummy! Then afterwards some people left and those who stayed wandered aout for an hour and a half as we were unsure what to do. The plan changed every 5 minutes. Bars? resturant? MacDonalds? Hyde Park? I think at one point a Strip Club was mentioned. Anyway there were those who just wanted to try and get konked out their faces and others (including the birthday person) who just didn't SO some went off to bars (though I doubt they got served. ) and we went off to Garfunkels where I had a delicious burger. There may also be a picture of me holding a red handbag floating about somewhere now! I may try and get it! Sunday It can be summed up in 4 words Chocolate, Revision, Tori Amos, The Simpsons. In other words. relaxing. Today has been revision and I've also been out to get some Special Shampooey type stuff for my Sisters Birthday which is tomorrow!
  16. Sorry I took ages to reply! Good song. I enjoyed it, definately. I need to watch watchmen. (or read it) I thought it was very funny! I liked the line "Thou shalt not make generic repetive music, Thou shalt not make generic repetive music" or something like that. :p Awesome, I love this song. It has grown on me a lot after a few plays at school on the TV! Great song, may check out more stuff but that may take some time as it goes on my ridiculously long list! :p I like Elbow. Only listened to the new album a couple of times, though! I don't remember the songs (except grounds for divorce) but I like this one! Well that is just relaxing. ____ Oddly I knew more Tori Amos songs than I thought! Opeth and Mastodon are on the cards for today. Brilliance. : peace:
  17. I watched this for the first time the other day at my friends house. I didn't think I was going to like it but I was pleasantly surprised! It did make me laugh but I probably won't catch it each week.
  18. "I feel like a kid in some kind of a store" I wasn't expecting any Easter Eggs, but I got 5. Now my day will consist of divulging them while watching The Simpsons! Easter Sunday doesn't get much better than this.
  19. Thanks for listening to my music Dyson! Yay I'm glad you liked that one. It is mental. The rest of his album is a mixture between that and some really calm and tranquil stuff as well. Nice! yeah she has a very different style and it is quite a random song, but that is why I love it! Haha fair enough. : peace: I'm just happy you are giving these people a try! She is not for everyone but her album sits well with me as it is fairly odd. Brilliant. Listen to the rest of the album on spotify if you can. I think it is brilliant! Neko Case is amaze. listen listen listen! It was my album of the year so far and then Bat For Lashes Two Suns entered my life and it hasn't been the same since! Definately! Though I shall give anything a listen. I shall listen to your suggestions tomorrow. (I'm off out now!) and give you my thoughts. Also provide you with more music.
  20. Because it is excellence. When I first listened it kind of grated on my ears but I instantly loved the song. My ventures into "noise" means this does not sound as harsh as it used to, in fact much more melodic than I orginally thought.
  21. I'll start you off with five people I don't think you'd normally give ago! : peace: I'll think off more later! Kashiwa Daisuke - Requiem Jenny Wilson - like a fading Rainbow I wanted "the path" song but I could not find it on Youtube. Sophia Somajo - Irony Telepathe - So fine Neko Case - This Tornado Loves you
  22. Agreed the face cracked me up the entire movie! : peace: Especially in the scene on the bridge when all the fighting is going on and he is just standing there clueless! needed more of him I feel.
  23. Monsters VS Aliens Today I went to see Monsters VS Aliens, I originally wasn't going to see it but recently I've been looking forward to this. I wasn't sure what to expect and it surpassed what I thought it was going to be like by a mile. The start was a bit slow I was like "Where are the Monsters?" Then she turns into a 50ft woman I was like woooooah! :awesome: This film is going to be awesome. I loved the characters in this and it was very funny to me with some great lines. Insectasarus is the greatest thing since Snorlax as well! I felt it was very visually impressive and there were some fantastic sequences that blew me away! The whole thing was just a whole lot of fun and nothing to serious, which is exactly what I was looking for! loved it. 6 Bears out of 7.
  24. @ Paj and Chair: Glad you had a fantastic time! I'm insanely jealous (in a good way.) She is quickly becoming one of my favourite artists. Looks like a great playlist with for me the perfect opening and ending! Good man Good man! I'm still non stop playing her new album, it just gets better with each listen! I cannot see an end to this. I managed to venture out into Fur and Gold today, though! :p
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