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Everything posted by Frank

  1. My KPOP obsession continues to manifest itself within all areas of my life. What a beautiful song. 2ne1 are just continually impressing me. Their 1st album, at first, seems just OK. Like, a 6/10. But after many listens each track feels really essential & single worthy. This is the one I always come back to. If I had a movie on my life, I want this playing.
  2. I've just got back from my date & it went incredibly well! It was very casual and fun, lots of pizza, wine & horror movies. While not exactly life-changing, it was just so nice and fun. We get along swimmingly. Plus, he's Asian which is so Yes. It's really awful though. He leaves for the Philippines (he's Chinese but lives there) in 2 weeks. And I have important exams for most of that time. We won't be able to see each other much. Argh. He's the only guy I've felt actual feelings for in over a year. I'm just going to enjoy the time I've left with him though.
  3. I've got my first date (ever) organised for this Friday. I'm surprisingly not nervous! Our story feels like a lol. The guy is pretty amazing / good looking / v. nice. Time to seduce.
  4. Let's do something impulsively & without reason and get into trouble. I know plenty of things to do for free!
  5. Interesting article. I hope people actually listen to what he is saying first before destroying him with "rascist" remarks etc. I think the problem is people just don't really care enough to actually 'solve' the parts of Africa in need of help.
  6. I dunno, The Godfather did nothing for me. I prefer cinema to reveal itself through cinematic technique rather than overuse of dialogue and The Godfather was just that. It was so long & drawn out. I fell asleep during.
  7. I thought it looked pretty graphic, particularly the red inside spewing out. Of course, after reading all I see is a Chain-Chomp too. Damn you, Eddie! I don't see the rascism in the piece. It's shocked / upset people & began a conversation --that is good art
  8. Wow, I remember your last b-day thread. Who'da thunk it's been a year already. Hope you enjoyed your birthday!! <{^_____^}>
  9. Exactly what Danny said -- have confidence. I think you'd be a nice couple. She's definitely not unattainable, if if that's the right word (?) (a little objectifying?)
  10. Teeth has always been consciously one of my favorites. It felt really weird and the type of music she "should" do. I loved how exclusive / hidden it felt too. I never heard or saw people discuss it that much. I'm always surprised it doesn't get more attention & love.
  11. 15 September. Perfekt! I'm looking forward to it although not feeling any hype yet. I'm amazed she'll be playing the Aviva Stadium in Dublin which holds 50,000 people. Gosh.
  12. I've watched so many movies in the past week. I want to give a rundown of the best. It's my 1st time seeing this, don't know how that happened. It's amazing. It has badass nuns, beautiful landscapes, nazis, songs & drama. All packed into a 2h30+ film. Watching this made me realise how I'd most certainly have a crazy love affair with a Nazi if I were around in the 40s. I enjoy how quotable this movie is / how ingrained it is into our culture (despite it supposed to be a more "underground" film). It was all a bit ridiculous but after watching the second film I am in love with Sarah Conner. She's such a figure to admire. Plus, she's -- more or less -- identical to Fiona Apple which I love! Me gusta action films. Mind-fuck! I loved this. Rather than be all insane about the idea of us being trapped in a world of pretense while the 'real' world is somewhere else -- I'm more affected by the whole concept of humans being closer to a virus than mammals. I've lost all hope for the human race :p The canker of the world . Great movie overall -- whether to watch the sequels though? ~~ Also a little shout-out to The Aristocats. Such a cute film, it's lol.
  13. Let's hope not. I'm trying to stay optimistic. I don't think the guy working in Apple mentioned anything about a factory reset so maybe it wouldn't affect the tracking.
  14. I've been tracking it since Saturday evening but my phone hasn't been connected to the internet once. I presume / hope that it's because I dropped it in the club I was in and it's in the lost & found with no battery.
  15. I lost my iPhone last Friday Night. It is, more often than not, on my person wherever I go. It feels I have lost a limb or something [/over-dramatic]. Somebody call the ambulance. I have a tracker though so I'm just waiting for the phone to connect to the internet. I feel so bad-ass.
  16. All I'm listening to these days is kpop. The structures of the songs are so refreshing to hear and interesting too. It's probably the most manufactured music in the world right now but why should that have an effect on the quality of the music? Each of the bands I'm listening to are all gorgeous too. So, yeah, that's nice. These songs, in particular, are my favorites. I feel closer to the future.
  17. Let's add some sugar to this tea. This movie is tragic. I had no reason it was only an hour long. More or less, the film is an hour of humiliating an innocent elephant. It broke my heart. A cute movie. It wasn't exactly profound but it was fun. My friend & I had a lol making fun of this movie. Maybe, a little too much. Really, really liked this! It feels amazing. I love how Gepetto is Italian. I love the entire plot. I love how that evil pair of cats are humanised without explanation. The 'Pleasure Island' is so evil and sinister. It gave me the creeps. Especially after reading this article related it to the Illuminati but I won't get into that. This is interesting. Even though it's been years the film holds up. Putting nostalgia aside this is actually a great film. I want to be part of Team Rocket. -- The Matrix is actually next on my list, Danny! :p
  18. I guess it's just something good parents do. When I moved out last September my parents were frequently in contact. They messages me every day / had my sister call me. Even now they worry & contact me every now and then. It'll slow down after a while. My god, it's annoying but we're told it's because they care & are worried. Moving out truly affects them in a profound sense. They have to adapt too. Basically, you'll both get used to it :p
  19. Glad to see I'm not the only one who's annoyed by the lack of character development. She could've done so much better. I started / finished the book Saturday :p I liked it. I don't understand the hype but it's a pleasant read. My favorite aspect is the psychology of the games itself. It's so morbid & twisted that these teenagers are fighting to the death. The faked romance & pretence is great. Every so often we're reminded of how this is reality TV. An amusing show for residents of the districts. So yes.
  20. I think it's natural you feel that way but, perhaps, once love drives around the corner and slaps you silly -- you'll see something else. I'm ignorant on how it feels / the subject but I know from others that your priorities can change if you meet the right girl. Who knows...she could end up co-running the site with you.
  21. Oh dear. After getting the results back of an essay I did on the history of the Italian Language -- I received an 'F'. I've never failed anything before! Doing my other 2 essays later in the week left me really self-conscious. I've accepted this is what 1st year of college is though *sips wine*
  22. My friend snuck into my room and left the 1st book on my desk. I've been reading it all day and so far am 2/3rd of the way. It's a charming book. Someway through I questioned how I could keep interest for 350 pages when it's seemingly based on 1 event but, admittedly, the 'Hunger Game' itself is pretty damn exhilarating. I'm enjoying it, it's not perfect -- characters are a little...undeveloped -- but worth reading.
  23. I watched Tangled and Beauty & The Beast for the 1st times this week. Some pretty pictures to make the post look all lovely & pretty. I loved both of them. Tangled made me tear up by the end. All the characters are so likable. I've pretty much accepted the inescapable face that I'm going to encapsulate Rapunzel's Mother when I age. I loved her though, so I'm fine with that. I don't really know what to say about B&TB. I mean, it's a classic Disney film -- you sorta know what you're in for. Charming -- very, very charming. And! I watched both in beautiful blue ray which is so wonderful it's like...why would you bother with DVDs?
  24. I just discovered that I have a 1500 word essay due for tomorrow. Urgh. Not something I wish to hear as the night begins. COFFEE STATIONS AHOY!! KILL THE BITCH!
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