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Everything posted by elniro

  1. When did they consider bringing back zabuza? And yes the current fillers are quite boring, its just something to increase the length of the series and my guess an attempt at bridging the 3 year time skip in the manga
  2. Impress with your superior naruto knowledge lol, and bring evidence when they wont believe you hahaha.
  3. What is the reason of the bombings this time?
  4. -_^ thats not anime, tis an american cartoon
  5. What?! They made Haku into a girl? What the hell for, to protect likkle children from having ideas of transgender... its just plain stupid what they do in dubs
  6. well at least it makes this a quality conversation rather than few worded nonsense threads that r around
  7. yea akira is overated, people go on and on about it... but it doesnt really stand out for me. At the time it probably was the best anime out there. I would have liked Akira a lot more if the ending was well more understandable and less confusing
  8. HAPPY B-DAY EVERYONE!!!!!! :happy:
  9. pretty good week, for the first time in months i forgot about watching latest anime eps, tv and CSS. So it must have been good lol. Lucky for me i got good friendly flatmates and we always have new people visitin our kitchen like every day, easy way to meet new people. But i learnt this week you gotta get tickets for certain nite events in advance otherwise it gets sold out really quick.
  10. i'd support you, cos i agree that we get shitty deals But i think the shitload of concerns over something like that has already been mentioned by the people before me
  11. wow away for a week and this thread still going strong which is good and looks like lot of people taking that bleach quiz
  12. i know this is supposed to bad but that is sooo damn funny. An innocent baby runs over 3 family members...hmmm so r babies really innocent?! DUM DUM DUMMM.......
  13. I would never hav thought chavs would go see that film, theres a conspiracy goin on! Anyway the film doesnt appeal to me, but neither did spirited away until i saw it on sky movies and jus ended up sittin on the sofa watchin it for 2 hrs lol. Probably end up doing the same with this film
  14. yea its Jet Li anyway it will take something amazing to top ong-bak, and even though unleashed was real good stuff it couldnt top ong-bak, not in my mind anyway.
  15. lol i expect a wave of people just shouting out their favourite series. What sort of stuff are you into? so people can recommend you series that u would like not what they like
  16. yea i saw it, its amazin i had a topic on it but its slipped onto page 2
  17. well for my history AS exam i drew pictures in one and wrote a kickass story about napoleon and im now goin to uni :awesome:
  18. Wahahahahaha the first and second paragraphs of the last essay had me laughing like a crackhead
  19. lol its free man just search it in google
  20. I download fansubs, but if i really like it i plan to buy it wen i earn money. I've got a little collection of bout 20 anime DVDs, which are half play.com sale ones and US imports. If i cant them at sale price at play.com i import because its much cheaper. I've only once bought an anime DVD at full price of £19.99 in the stores
  21. I just remembered the best music i've heard is definitely in Initial D, the initial d soundtracks are amazing. Also the GTO opening and ending themes are all damn good
  22. lol its only cos one guy, i wont name names (*cough* goonface *cough*) started putting up irrelevant pictures. So therefore majority of it is not spam :happy:
  23. I wanna erase a CDRW, but when i try by simply selecting the files and clicking delete it says something along lines of: "cannot delete. files are Read-only." Now i know Nero has erase CDRW feature but i tried that, and it doesnt even recognise that theres a CDRW in the drive when there definitely is. Does anyone know how i can erase my CDRW?
  24. this thread is basically the same as the existing one lol i feel a lockage imminent
  25. ahhh ok cheapshot added me to xfire ok kool, if i see ur ingame sumwhere ill join hopefully CSS will run on the laptop i just got couple hrs ago, otherwise ill only be playing like once a month wen i come home
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