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Everything posted by elniro

  1. i think most of them now will be fillers, like trying to expand on other characters and show what happened inbetween that 2 and half yr timeskip in the manga, because before then the anime followed the manga exactly until that timeskip occured then its become totally different. If the anime is bridgin that timeskip im glad.
  2. i like it cos its real damn true here in UK 8/10
  3. elniro


    haha shmotz good thinkin damn oil companies, i know they have technology for cars to run on water or sumthin, greedy bastards
  4. wahahahahahaha that made me laugh, wel done for doin that :bow:
  5. i play css my nick is elniro and xfire is elniro and i basically only play on CSG server, if any of u know it this is how much i play, the 4 hrs were today because there was problem with steam and it took them a whole week to help me http://www.xfire.com/xf/modules.php?name=XFire&file=profile
  6. spam and spam (3 words doesnt get past minimum word count) loll
  7. it seems so this is for pictures that r suitable to be used to say the thread is crap so needs to b locked
  8. yep this show is way more funnier than the simpsons i love that episode where peter tries to turn on a male celebrity so his daughter can get a scoop for the skool paper or sumthing
  9. wahahahahahaha those batman and robin ones r class :lmao:
  10. exactly what i was thinking
  11. lol o isit well i meant to say sumwhere in UK lol
  12. I just saw this film and it was amazing (like most Jet Li films lol), but this was totally unique from Li's previous West works, i have never seen Li act on that level before, it was great just to watch the film for that. And of course the fight scenes were fantastic, i really liked the last lot of fight scenes, you wouldnt expect less than quality when yuen wo ping is choreographing them. What surprised me was that it was all set in England, which was also different and strangely nice lol. So who else has seen this film? and what do you think of it?
  13. wahahahahaha roadkill thats a class pic, GTO is kickass!!!
  14. this i guess i would use, although not "thread locked" specific its good enough:
  15. faccckk that ones real niceeeeeeeeee 9/10
  16. yea i heard spring 2006 as well, what we can definitely say is that its not out NOW
  17. Happy B-day! Enjoy It!
  18. I like to get fansubs to keep up to date and see what new anime series are like, and if i really like the series i'll note it down for me to buy it on dvd when i start earning money. I've only bought 2 bootlegged volumes for One Piece because it was a big series that was already licensed and wanted to see what it was like.
  19. I can feel uneasy when i see groups of people ahead, but most of time i feel ok. If your confident then it should be ok, say if you cross the road to avoid a few people and cross back it shows as sign of weakness. I see that "thugs" tend to confront people who dnt look confident i.e. people who dnt look like they will clap back
  20. I subscribe to Neo, dnt read any other magazines at the moment
  21. hmm faceoff could become a reality lol. I dont like idea that deadly criminals and such could be able to change their face wenever they wanted to remain uncaptured
  22. lol trinity blood. Damn bastards licensed it just before last episode was going to be aired, slick corporate tossers. Anyway cos of exams i had only watched up to ep4 and when i heard it was licensed i couldnt be bothered to watch the rest. It didnt really keep me wanting for more.
  23. waahhahahahaha mr.odwin that breadface picture is pure crackhead hilariousness :yes:
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