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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Finally got Guitar Hero today after much searching for it. One of those games you'll just play for ages. "Okay, last song." *plays ten more songs* "Okay, seriously, last song, I need food." *plays another three* <3<3
  2. So you want this to turn into all the other Mario spin off games, ruined by Power/Smash/etc attacks? Theres just no need to implement that at all.
  3. Argh, still no Gold code arrived. Anyone have another 48hour I could get?
  4. Am I the only one not particularly looking forward to this? I played about an hour of Prime 1 on GC and never got into it. Just not bothered. With Halo around the same time I'll probably end up not even buying this...
  5. If I didn't have a 360, I would be really excited for this. But the Wiimote won't make enough for a difference to justify buying twice
  6. The movies don't have spoilers!? *downloads*
  7. People genuinely expected it to come up on the stroke of midnight?
  8. I thought Unreal Engine 3 wasn't being ported to the Wii? Re-reading it doesn't specify which UE it is though. We can hope.
  9. I don't get why people get so elitist over music. People like different things. It's like: I can't stand anything tomato, so I hate Pizza. Other people love it. I can't stand classical music, yet there are people who love it. So many people at my school including most of my best friends like Fallout Boy. I hate them. I love Incubus. Others hate them. Get over it.
  10. I've used a friends wireless headset, it was seriously uncomfortable and the sound quality wasn't as good as the Wired one.
  11. I have great luck trying to play people from here. Everytime so far I've had a DC within 10minutes. Never even got to play a round tonight. By the way, is there anyway to invert the Y Axis? An old habbit of mine, I always need my inverted Y Axis on console FPS games. I can't aim properly without it. Not that I can aim with it.
  12. Seeing this come out on the VC, I've dug out my GBA copy :p Good memories.
  13. I really do fear for the PS3. I know it won't be the end of Sony and all that, but the supposed pick-up just isn't coming quickly enough. It's losing it's big hitting exclusives and sales are dropping. If this is to be a three horse race, something needs to pick up for them. This PS3 Home thing will probably be the best chance of picking it up.
  14. I wonder what network that will be on? Virgin, Sky, Freeview? I doubt Freeview but here's hoping, since it's all I have :p
  15. My 1month of gold just ran out. Anybody have a spare 48hour I could steal? Pretty please?
  16. Am I strange for having had this downloaded all day and not having bothered to play it yet?
  17. They won't make it a Cube game. This is the game which will shift ALOT of units - they wouldn't compromise that unnecessarily.
  18. 78 days? Why the hell do they have a countdown p for 78 days?
  19. Shitty connection. Forget it for tonight.
  20. I like my weird little froggy thingy.
  21. PS Edge is better.
  22. If Nintendo are the ones which are for kids with whiny voices, why do the all have Xbox's and play online? And I'm up for some online Gears tonight.
  23. I just played my first online Gears match, and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it, despite being pretty terrible. Got better as the match went on though. Methinks I shall start taking part in the 9pm matches every once in a while if possible
  24. Woohoo! Finished Crackdown, 100GP for completing ftw! Now to get the DLC...
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