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Everything posted by Nintendohnut

  1. Well that's cause he's always been a good player hasn't he? He's never had to... If he is bad, do you really expect him to say "yeah I'm bad, lynch me"
  2. I have to saying licking out a girl (woman, just to clarify) can be a real turn on. Not only can you give her a massive orgasm (in ways that you cannot do through 'normal' sex) but it can also earn you a lot in return And here's a thing, seeing as we're talking about licking... lets bring in some female ejaculation - anyone every done it/caused it? would you find it hot or disgusting? EDIT: I now realise saying "lets bring in some female ejaculation" may not have been the best idea
  3. I agree with McCoy (I nearly wrote Nintendohnut agrees with McCoy but I thought that would confuse things even more)
  4. Incidentally, Coolness, I only just noticed that you have become NE staff! Well done! When did that happen?
  5. I agree with all the above people, and would like to hear a little more about Jonnas' info if possible. But I will Vote: Coolness Bears
  6. That is all
  7. Maybe he did, thought he'd read it somewhere else, and then posted it cause he thought it was amazing. Maybe
  8. Lol thought I'd ask in case you took offence....for some reason. It's just awesome, the way you said it just made me laugh: peace:
  9. This is possibly the most awesome quote in the history of the earth Do you mind if I put it in my sig?
  10. I don't either I'm afraid. Although I often say things like "Ah man I love this song"...possibly I could shorten that to "CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!" as you suggest *ponders*
  11. Sorry dude, I don't know why I became so obsessed with it, it was just something I noticed... I feel a little proud for figuring it out, but bad cause I exposed you. Sorry :S That said - what is your role if it allows you three votes?!
  12. I'm in too! (And I think its number 8...and I think 9 isn't spelled with an m....but I don't care, cause I'm in!)
  13. Okay sorry Oxigen, my bad. In that case either Jonnas has three, or there are four people in this game with double votes. Argh, so difficult!
  14. Argh, I am so confused, what's going on with the last two posts?!
  15. Coolness was investigated and it turns out he's a terminator, which we assumed to be evil, but in the end we now know he is good, not evil (as in the Arnie from the second two ) Dyson because he's not posting and we needed someone to vote for Oxi_waste possibly for the same reason as above...I don't remember this one EDIT: No, what happened to Maase?
  16. Thanks Cube! From that list, I can tell you that Oxigen_Waste and Jonnas have double votes. I think that Jonnas is good, but could be wrong, that is just off intuition (earlier we were talking about double votes, he said that good people can have them, which immediately made me suspect he did but also that he was innocent. Like I say this may be wrong and he may have just been saying it so that if we ever found out he had a double vote he could cover himself.) Anyway, that's completely off topic. Moogle can you give us any other information at all? your power sounds fair enough but could you please give us something else? Just one final thing and you will get my vote.
  17. I'm sorry but I think you're lying, it doesn't add up Darksnowman. Moogle, before I vote please can you tell me a little about your role? Or who you are? Or even just what your power is/why you have to wait to post?
  18. How in God's name did we start discussing cyclepaths?!
  19. And if you kill when you are targetted....surely that is dangerous for us all? It's looking pretty suspicious at the moment Btw, Mundi who are you talking to? Darksnowman or Moogle?
  20. Cube, could you come in here and give us some vote counts please? I'm totally lost.
  21. Change Vote: Nobody Oops! Meant to do that a minute ago in my last post
  22. I can tell you, after reading that it is very very likely that he is good.
  23. Wow, that was so unexpected. Can you not give us anything else? What are your powers? What are your objectives...anything at all?
  24. Well, he's in the thread - please explain coolness!
  25. Sure, let's do it Vote: Coolness Bears would still love to hear from him, but i expect when I do whether or not he is evil he will say "I'm the good terminator!"
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