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Everything posted by motion

  1. Nunchuk is great. First serve in Wii Sports Tennis was special. Hearing the background music/sound clips for the Wii. Clicking on the disc channel with Zelda in = classic jingle, what a moment.
  2. Liking it very much so far (just got to the Forest Temple), but... 1. I think the story took too long to get going, the village scene was a tad drawn out + it was a bit ambiguous what we were supposed to be doing??? 2. Storyline is a bit all over the place, lots of random things happening. With OoT, MM, WW there was a clear structure, a clear sense of what to do next etc... which I feel is so far lacking in TP. 3. Midna is getting annoying already, only because we can to consult her ever bloody minute!!! There's no room for us to do things on our own! 4. The sword swings are seriously getting tiresome already. All the reviews said how good it was etc... but I already can't be arsed half the time to swing the wii-remote. 5. The B button + D pad shortcuts confuse me LOL But hey I'm really loving it so far, I just hope the quality improves somewhat...
  3. Does that for me too
  4. Ditto mate, I couldn't get much sleep either ffs. leaving for my local game in 20 minutes time too!
  5. Ok well gonna sleep now, good luck monkey and the rest of you! GAME don't fail us now! Night all.
  6. You're probably right Monkey. 8 it is! 7 hours 10mins..
  7. Dunno whether it's worth waking up an hour or two later and running the risk of losing my pre-order. But then again why would I lose it if they put it aside for me (and called me to confirm) Hmmmm
  8. Can I ask a question... my local game is opening at 8 tomorrow morning. I've pre-ordered and they asked what games/accessories I'd like to put aside for Friday as well... My question is, should I get there for 8 or does it matter if I turn up later? What you reckon lads?
  9. Some people have no stamina
  10. have a wank?
  11. Pointless cancelling it now, wait till tomorrow to see if you get lucky or not. I'd ring up lots of smaller places like Asda and Tesco NOW and find out what they're getting stock wise then get there early tomorrow.
  12. All you guys should have just preordered in the shops rather than online. Why worry about delivery when you can just pick one up whenever you want + being able to call someone up from a small store as opposed to a multinational like Amazon or play.
  13. Very funny.
  14. You guys should have just walked into a branch of Game and pre-ordered then and there rather than doing all this online pre-ordering.
  15. Noooo!!! Really???
  16. Europe part of America?? Dear god no. Even if NoE are rubbish.
  17. And by the way, they said they did have RGB cables in.
  18. Just got a call from Game!!! Apaprently I'll definately be getting a Wii on Friday, I just need to pick it up by Saturday! She asked if I wanted her to put any games and things aside and I told her! WOOHOOO!!!!
  19. They both look like the same Bowser to me, except that the first one has fancy lighting + flames
  20. Got a call just now from Virgin saying my pre-ordered Wii is in stock and I can pick it up on Friday. Only thing is I didn't actually pre-order the Wii, I pre-ordered Zelda only LOL. Oh well, there's my contigency plan! If I get one from Game like I'm supposed to I'll call up Virgin and tell them to forget about my pre-order.
  21. I actually got a letter saying that I WOULD have a wii on launch day but I just wanted to check really given what happened with the store I preordered in. Zelda, Monkey Ball and Wii Play it is!
  22. Called them up again, apparently everyone who's paid a deposit will get a Wii on launch day. WOOHOO!
  23. wouldn't surprise me. To be honest though the people who have had their tvs broken etc deserve it. HOLD THE BLOODY REMOTE FIRMLY!! Not to mention the fact that is it really necessary to swing it so hard??
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