Liking it very much so far (just got to the Forest Temple), but...
1. I think the story took too long to get going, the village scene was a tad drawn out + it was a bit ambiguous what we were supposed to be doing???
2. Storyline is a bit all over the place, lots of random things happening. With OoT, MM, WW there was a clear structure, a clear sense of what to do next etc... which I feel is so far lacking in TP.
3. Midna is getting annoying already, only because we can to consult her ever bloody minute!!! There's no room for us to do things on our own!
4. The sword swings are seriously getting tiresome already. All the reviews said how good it was etc... but I already can't be arsed half the time to swing the wii-remote.
5. The B button + D pad shortcuts confuse me LOL
But hey I'm really loving it so far, I just hope the quality improves somewhat...