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Everything posted by motion

  1. Castle town seems the perfect representation of the game: Seemingly big, but when you look closely, nothing special and not much to do.
  2. My local GAME has them in stock but since I don't have a HDTV...
  3. at least it's simple.
  4. sharpen our correct spelling eye?
  5. Aw you ruined it!
  6. Nice transparency
  7. Just got into dungeon 8.
  8. Quick question, I haven't read any of tie.nano's postings (I stopped after reading 'I just defeated ***). I assume I did the right thing? spoiler wise?
  9. I'm pretty sure he was kidding about the 50 sports line.
  10. Malo Mart is cool, but one wonders what's the point of having a town with two shops, and no one living there except the mayor person.
  11. Kakariko LOOKS cool, shame it's got a population of about 6 and is devoid of anything interesting.
  12. Don't get your hopes up, it's not much. It'd be good if there were a couple more vilages though like in Adventures of Link, that was pretty cool. I hated Kakariko's music at first but it's really grown on me. Shame the actual town is pants. Oddly enough I really like the tune for the Golden Wold scenes where you learn new things. Fantastic scenes those, loved every one.
  13. Nice shock when you noticed though eh
  14. Use your senses
  15. Just finished dungeon 8. I actually found it more annoying than the water temple in OoT. Very very cool boss though (as expected). Very nicely done, interesting way of dealing with it, though it was very 'convenient'. Lucky those things were there etc... But top marks. Straight into dungeon 9 though I see, groan. I also really like the way the series has gone back to giving each boss an on screen title before the battle. Shame it's in such a pansy font this time round
  16. I've said countless times I love the game. I just expected more.
  17. I disagree, I think the overworld gets annoying excedingly quick. The only tune of note is Kakariko village, and 'the 3rd village' which I won't name for spoilers sake... that had a good tune, shame it disappeared after 1 scene! The graphics are nice don't get me wrong but I think I prefer Starfox Adventures visuals funnily enough. As commented on in many online reviews, the graphics in WW actually look more recent than TP's, and I agree with that view. Ocarina and MM fine, they're many years old. It happened VERY rarely in WW, and considering this is 3-4 years on from that game you would have thought they could have sorted it by now. Firstly, is it? Not by much I would say. Secondly, anyone can say, right let's make this Zelda 100 hours long, but then end up getting bored and filling the second half of the game with short temples, boring sidequests and easy bosses, as has happened with TP I feel. I say what I feel, and am allowed my view. I respect your view, sugar coated and rose-tinted as it is. Perhaps not, all the zeldas are different but what we can compare is how much we enjoyed playing each of them. I agree. The majority of cases better, a lot of cases worse.
  18. The graphics look fine, they just look bland I feel. Compare the Forest Haven from Wind Waker to the Forest Temple in Twilight Princess? One was beautiful, colourful and magic looking, the other was dull and boring. The camera seems to go crazy when fighting (as does Z-targetting). Guess it's just me. Also the camera goes 'through' solid objects far too much. It was perfect in the Wind Waker which also had the added bonus of the second analog stick to control it (which is sorely missed here I feel) I think it's because the game was in development for so long that they got lazy? Perhaps I am being overly-critical but so what, if this is one of the greatest games of all time (which I believe it is) it deserves to be analysed. Better than the WW? Hmmm... In my opinion...I'll let you know when I finish it in a couple of days.
  19. I'm not nitpicking, I love Twilight Princess, but it's just disappointed me and many others on this board. I'm not looking for an OoT remake at all, I'm looking for a game as good as OoT and I've not found it in TP. - music is worst of the past 4 Zeldas - although the graphics are nice, even the WW ones look better - Dungeons get easier and shorter as the game goes on - No sense of urgency, no sense of danger, no fleshing out of bad guys (bar one scene half way through). How many times had we seen Ganondorf in OoT, the Skullkid in MM, Ganondorf/Helmaroc King in WW before the final showdown with them? Loads. - No magic in the game - Very dodgy camera at times - Not as many sidequests as WW - Bosses are way too easy - The quality of the game play goes down as you play, as if the developers got lazy - EDIT: Forgot to add Kakariko Village is pretty much pointless and a big let down. What's the population exactly, 6? Including the children! Castle town is good but oddly enough there isn't that much to do! Certainly not as much as there was to do in Clock Town in MM. Now that was a cool town. But hey, I'd still give TP a 10/10 in gaming terms, in relation to other Zeldas, 8 or 9. All in my opinion of course. I'm enjoying this game, just a lot of things like ^^ are getting me down.
  20. Very true, but in TP's case, there's about 4 minutes travel time between temples 5 and 6, and 8 and 9, it was never that short in Ocarina. Also remember having to get into the Spirit Temple in OoT!? Now THAT was a Gerudo desert. Sneaking around their fortress, batling the guards, earning their trust, indulging in a bit of horse archery, then navigating the desert to get to the Collosus, then realising that you have to be there as a child, then as an adult. Genius. Not to mention long, involving and epic. Majora's Mask took hours to get into each dungeon but then that was to be expected given how few there were. Even Wind Waker felt like a quest, rather than just going from dungeon to dungeon as in TP.
  21. I prefer WW's Hylian
  22. ^ You're kidding right?
  23. Sounds about right, the dungeons definately get smaller as you go on, and the time between them is about 4 times less than between the first 4. I'm at the 7th tempe and I've been playing for 30 hours so I'd say the whole thing will probably last me 40.
  24. James, the music is disappointing. Whether it's better than WW, that's up to individual tastes. WW had some classics, I'm struggling to find any classics in TP. Jordan, I'm not asking for Link to start pulling funny faces behind a character's back. I'm asking for little nuggets of feeling, character, ANYTHING from Link as opposed to that blank stare he's been putting on throughout the game. Something as simple as rolling his eyes or... SOMETHING!
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