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Everything posted by Slaggis

  1. Legally Blonde Absolutely love this film. Genuinely funny and heartwarming. Witherspoon is perfect as Elle Woods and I can't stop myself smiling throughout most of it. Plus: "Nice costume. Though, when I come dressed as a frigid bitch I tend to do it looking a little less constipated". Lovely.
  2. St. Trinians 2 As Sandy Ryerson in Glee would put it: You want to go see St.Trinians 2? KILL YOURSELF 0.
  3. Agnes - On & On Cannot wait to hear this in a club. Release Me still gives me multiple orgasms when I hear it, and I'm loving this too.
  4. I'm sure it will be soon enough. They'll be number one this week and then drop sharply next week with Joe getting the number one. I don't think there's any big release next week unless I'm mistaken?
  5. I love the guy in the wheelchair (His name escapes me). His bit in "Push it" was AMAZING.
  6. Slaggis


    Is there supposed to be more tonight? It's been snowing here for 2 days straight basically now. Took me almost an hour to get home via bus last night...a journey that usually takes 20 minutes. My fault for living on the edge of the Moors. BBC mention us in this article. 8 inches of snow overnight. (Pickering)
  7. Yeah, Mercedes is completely brilliant. Her voice blows me away in some songs and I love her whole persona. Supposedly the next 9 episodes (Which start airing in April) will have 6-8 songs in them, rather than the 3-4 they have at the moment. So hyped!
  8. Slaggis


    The snow's about one and a half hands deep here. Literally everywhere, it's almost eerie looking out the window. Still snowing too.
  9. Listening to Will Young's Hits Collection and absolutely loving it. Forgotten how much I liked his stuff. He's one of those people that's constantly sold well (4th and most recent album sold 500,000 copies), but always goes by almost completely unnoticed. He's had so many great songs. Tracks like Leave Right Now, You & I, Grace, Changes, Fridays Child, Your Game, Let It Go etc. Love his newest track too. Such a strange video though...featuring a pregnant Will. Grace and Leave Right Now are still his best songs by far though. Absolutely adore them both.
  10. Cannot stop listening/singing this at the most inappropriate of occasions. Absolutely love it. Not really bothered about the original.
  11. It makes me laugh that people really give that much of a toss, or think it actually matters in the slightest.
  12. Lies. It looks fantastic. Really looking forward to seeing Anna Hathaway as the White Queen, she can do no wrong.
  13. It started last night, but I've also been watching online. I'm sure it will be at some point...but they're only showing the first episode. The rest start in January. Glee - Sectionals (Finale until April) This made me feel so happy. Their performance at Sectionals was brilliant, especially "You Don't Alway Get What You Want". It was great to see some storyline's get wrapped up, or at least get a good kick up the backside finally. Happy television.
  14. Dexter - Season 1 I liked, but didn't love. Then it got to the final couple of episodes and it hit me just how much I was enjoying it. Absolutely fantastic and utterly twisted. Cannot wait to get started on the second season. Glee - Pilot Re-watched on E4 and I loved just as much the second time round. It has the same appeal for me that Ugly Betty does, it's total escapism. Glee - Ballad Brilliant. It was nice to finally see some proper emotion from Gwen and the situation she's in with her family was heartbreaking. The Stand By Me performance was completely amazing. So damn sweet and I couldn't help but have a huge grin on my face throughout. One thing though. I don't like how some of the songs are brilliant show choir versions and then others are just basically watered down karaoke versions. But when they get it right, it's fantastic.
  15. Haven't slept properly for the past two days, and I know exactly why. I hate this because I know it's only time that's going to resolve it, which frankly sucks. Maury & Dexter are my remedy.
  16. Graham Norton with Robert Downey Jr and Will Young Amazing. For the last 15 minutes (When Will Young came on) I laughed so many times. When he tried to blow the tea-pot I laughed so damn hard. Funny. Buzzcocks - Jamelia and Lily Allen "You said Javine's a slag!" *Laughs* "....Yeah, but she really is a slag". Or the bit at the end where Lily wants more points, gets a hug and then the round ends. Amazing. So annoyed Simon Amstell has left.
  17. I've completely fallen for Ke$ha's trashyness. And: are horrendously catchy. -- I keep finding myself playing "It's A Sorta Fairytale" to everyone, I refuse to allow someone to not love it. Though the discovery that my mum likes Tori, but had no idea I even had a clue who she was, was a lovely discovery. She already owned Scarlett's Walk which meant I didn't actually need to bother buying it. Annoying. -- I love 3 Words more than ever. Craving to hear it in a club. Make Me Cry is also a favourite of mine, but other than that I've not really got anytime for the album.
  18. Have had an amazing few days, and have ended them with coming back home. Had three brilliantly fun nights out in Sheff, and finally managed to see some people from college I've been dying to see again. Went out on Friday night wrapped up in Christmas lights for some Christmas Extravaganza thing at the Hubs, which was massive amounts of fun. Ended the night with another karaoke session with Lauren and myself absolutely ruining The Kill once again. Then Saturday was spent with some college friends and then Razz and Co, which ended up being terrifying amounts of fun. Got home today, and have spent most of it glaring at the television obsessively playing Tomb Raider. I love so much.
  19. A few from Saturday whilst out with Han, Chan an Razz & Co.
  20. Well I guess it would be nice, if I could touch your body, I know not everybody has got a body like you. Just rediscovered this after hearing it on Will & Grace. Love.
  21. Got up at some ungodly hour only to get a phone-call telling me Han missed her train. She'll be in an hour or so, so I'm terrifyingly happy right now. Been watching some Will & Grace, and there was a bit where Will started dancing to "Faith" by George Michael whilst tidying up. Now I can't stop listening to it.
  22. Hoping my Dads going to pay the deposit on the house we've all agreed on, which would be amazing considering otherwise I'm completely screwed. Then considering the phone I ordered a month back comes with a free PS3, that's being considered a Christmas present which I'm more than happy about. Now just to find myself a couple of games. Oddly craving Oblivion. Picture needed.
  23. Finally gotten an essay finished and now I've moved onto the next. So happy right now. Han's coming up tomorrow morning, but I have to refrain myself from ignoring work completely because it needs to get done. Plus, she's at Cambridge...therefore she can help me. The next four nights are going to be absolutely amazing. Night in with Han tomorrow which will be filled with Waitrose food and Netto alcohol. Friday night out with Han and some friends from Sheff. Chan comes up on Sat so we're going out with a few others for another night out. Then Sunday another friend's coming up to join us and we'll be spending the night just relaxing at a few pubs/bars. It'll be nice to finally have a night out with Em too. Hype.
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