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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Not all of them, a lot just say tips appreciated (especially on twitter) so you can even leave just one 99k bag for all your runs, or just a nice furniture. A lot want nook mile tickets these days anyhow (it's sort of become the main currency for trades), which essentially cost no bells at all to acquire. I also wouldn't say turnips really have anything to do with power gaming, because it's so easy and quick to buy some turnips and sell them. In my opinion it's more or less broken in this game and renders all other forms of money making a bit of a waste of time. And even if you don't have much money to buy turnips to begin with, just by putting the profits back into turnips each week you'll soon be able to buy a lot. Last point on this - I'm pretty sure every single week there's been a user on here too with 500+ sell price and no tip requirement (often even more than one user per week). It's a good idea to check on this topic a couple of times a day.
  2. If you're willing to use Twitter or Animal Crossing-specific community websites it's a dead cert you'll sell them for loads. Just got to look in the right places and try not to let the insane load times/people joining get to you.
  3. Catching bugs is the second best way to make money and the first best way for people who don't play online or have the time/connections to visit others. It's 2,500 bells per peacock butterfly and they're everywhere. Way more profitable than fishing and fruit.
  4. They're not nerfing turnips though, right? Which makes the decision to nerf bug spawn rates a bit strange. Turnip profits are already ludicrously ahead of anything else you can sell, so their focusing on reducing profit from bug hunting seems a bit strange. I have no problem with the game giving a lot of money. In fact once you have enough money, the game goes at an even more relaxed pace and you can more or less just do what you actually want, rather than perhaps doing a few things just to make money to pay off a debt/buy things.
  5. Yep, Saturday afternoon/evening is the last time you can sell your turnips before they spoil.
  6. I like how Admiral is becoming the resident N-E asylum seeker.
  7. Yakuza Zero is a great game, definitely pick it up at that price.
  8. Edit: sorry, the latest posts in this thread didn't seem to be there when I hit reply, guess I didn't refresh the page. I would take the music stand if that's still going! Thanks.
  9. If that's the case it would be a great idea for people to do a shout out when a resident is having a birthday. Sorry I didn't do it, didn't know other people could celebrate it too!
  10. My gates are open, Celeste is here giving away a recipe, and shooting stars aplenty. Come join.
  11. Yes I did! Interesting way it works! Yeah, I thought he had a bit of a moody look so binned him off. [emoji14]
  12. I also got the upgraded shop today, and tonight there'll apparently be meteor showers, so I'll probably open my gates later tonight.
  13. Let this be a lesson to you all. Ye who let the timer of life run out, be cursed with a thousand evils. (some wise bastard)
  14. You should double check the game saved for you too... don't suppose you still have turnips on you?
  15. There's a golden toilet . I got the recipe for it. Needs a whopping 6 gold nuggets...
  16. Right but, regardless of attitude, the people aren't rushing, because the game doesn't let them. Everything else people do that Nintendo allow them to do (terraform a lot in a day, for instance) is fair game in my opinion.
  17. See I feel this is a bit of a different argument now - people complaining about things being slow is different to people actually rushing. For the reasons I gave I don't think anyone has been rushing (what you originally said) because Nintendo don't let you; so much is time gated (like collecting all fish, fossils, upgrades, and events) that you can't rush it even if you want to, so long as you're legit. And I don't think you can rush terraforming, because Nintendo let you do as much of it in a day as you want (apart from moving structures around). As for complaining about things taking ages, I'd say that depends. There a lot of quality of life improvements Nintendo could make that would save time that I do not believe would detract from the experience. Reducing the amount of dialogue boxes when visiting other islands or doing the fishing tournament, for instance, or crafting (fish bait crafting can be very tedious). Terraforming is a bit slow but as someone who doesn't have much interest in doing it, I can't say it has really bothered me.
  18. Can we sticky or have this response hotkeyed for the next time someone comments on rushing through a game. I don't mean to take a dig Smeagol, but it is something I often see brought up on these forums too. This is really all there is to it, though - some people like to play the game quicker than others. If someone has a really great idea for terraforming their island and the enthusiasm to do it, then that might be all they want to do over the next week. Some people however only want to play little pieces of the game over a longer period of time. There is no right or wrong, especially with a game like this, and Nintendo have cleverly time gated a lot of content anyway.
  19. See I don't agree with your bolded part because nobody here (to my knowledge) has been time travelling. So long as nobody time travels, nobody is rushing. For this reason: - Nobody will have caught all fish/bugs until next year - Nobody yet has their shop upgraded because it is time gated - Nobody has experienced a seasonal event yet other than Bunny Day I have only just finished my fossil collection, 95% of which I'd say I got myself just by digging up the 4 fossils you get every day, so I'd say I finished my collection around a time that makes sense rather than it being an element of rushing. And Nintendo deemed to make these tradeable, and trading is fun, so I don't see a problem with finishing it off this way. I finished my house loans, because of the turnip market which was created by Nintendo, and lets you make money very easily this way without any element of rushing or real thought to it. My comment on cut content refers to things that could be in the game now but couldn't be rushed for by people who aren't time travelling. For instance, Redd could have been appearing from Day 1, just like some of the other NPCs, but could still take months (or even a year) to get all of his art. I will say though, there is absolutely no way to play this game "correctly", so while you say people are rushing, they could also justifiably say you are playing it too slow. There's no right or wrong!
  20. I'm not saying they should give us "even more" content now, I am saying that this is more or less base content that seems to have been cut, since it was all in New Leaf from day 1 (i.e. having more than just 1 shop upgrade, art being in the game, Brewster, Redd visiting, etc.). In my opinion they have either already developed this content but are holding it back and dolloping it out piecemeal over time to increase player retention, or (arguably worse), they haven't finished developing it yet, and the game went live prematurely. Regarding option 1, we know Nintendo have form for this, like with Splatoon 2 (content that was almost certainly developed during the main game was held back as amiibo "unlockable content"). Obviously there are some additional things in New Horizons that weren't in the past ones (like terraforming and crafting), but this is to be expected in a sequel which should be an improvement over the last game in order to justify its existence. But at the same time, I don't expect certain staples of the game to be absent at launch. I would argue that you are misconstruing people's comments by saying that, either deliberately or naively...
  21. My main complaint is that they took things out only to seemingly add them back in via updates. Imagine if they had this content in the game to begin with (like it was in New Leaf with Redd and more shop upgrades). If that was all there to begin with, all their updates/new content from now on would therefore be even more new stuff on top of this.
  22. To be honest though it's just artificial lengthening, and I guess if you don't have an internet connection then you're excluded from this content. Some of the time-gated events that are currently in the game also require an internet connection to even trigger (e.g. Bunny Day), which left Glen out in the cold. Which might actually be a blessing, but still...
  23. It correctly predicted my spike though. It doesn't give you one guaranteed result, I should note, rather some possibilities. Like, you could actually just be having a random turnip pattern that looks like a trend, but isn't. The way it predicts large spikes is also rather circumstantial. It usually requires you to keep having decreasing prices up to a point, followed by a set of peaks. So when you plug in your prices it can tell you that a peak might be coming later in the week - but if you get too late in the weak without a peak (e.g. after Friday), my understanding is that it's then too late to fit in the big peak model, so that becomes impossible. TL;DR: it lists possibilities, not certainties. But if your game triggers the big peak sequence of prices, it'll tell you that much.
  24. Don't worry, in this game they won't leave unless you tell them to.
  25. Gates are open, you're a friend so should be able to join.
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