Not sure when the price went back up, but the link to that ShopTo eBay PS4 is £350 again, so good call for those getting the PS4 while it was 300.
The beta is offline until the 23rd, so you won't be able to play Destiny til then.
In that case why doesn't your profile list getting incensed by NeoGaf posts and masturbation?
That alone shows that just because you do something a lot, doesn't mean you need to mention it right away. Or ever!
I don't think that's the best thing to mention. Do people that don't know you need to know straight away that you have assembled computers (or even jokingly, that you might be on computers a lot)?
I agree, it's a waste of time trying to help anymore. We've all told him how to change to achieve what he wants but it's his sheer belief that he is shit hot and irreplaceable as well as his obsessiveness that will keep him unhappy. Beyond that, there's the clear attitude and behaviour issues that seem completely incompatible with a loving relationship.
I'm going to be honest, I don't think anyone on this site wants to play your games. I can only imagine you're pasting these posts into multiple sites, which is really making this just a bit spammy.
But during the, say, 1-2 months when you shut yourself away when a Pokeyman game releases, you're working on getting the info out and not on a freelance/paying job, right?
All you need is three shmucks instead of you. They live normal lives, but still do more than you because there's 3 of them.
You said you would shut yourself away for a bit, so that'd almost certainly ruin your relationship. So yeah, it's ruining your life.
Sounds like this obsession is basically ruining your life! If you're doing something that is stopping you from pursuing a relationship that you want then maybe you should give it up?
Ah man, this game is great. By the way @drahkon, I was getting that problem with my internet setup first time I went to the tower and the game told me my NAT wasn't setup well. I went into my router configuration panel, assigned a static IP then went into my PS4 and assigned it the one IP. You also need to forward a few ports.
Strikes are amazing.
Yeah, very silly choice. Nothing worse than when entertainment clamours for somebody just because they've been popular in something else recently, no matter how poor the fit may be.
It let me validate the code, then the store went to shit. I want to know what bright spark decided to release all codes at the exact same time. And 3 for each person at once, too.
Something, something, complete.
So a bunch of us will be getting PSN codes to join the beta some time today, but the beta is on for a few weeks. As soon as you get your PS4, ask one of us for a code if you want to give it a shot.
Apparently people have been able to download the PS4 beta for a few days if they preordered through the PSN store (you can cancel it straight away and there's no charge). Seeing as I had the code already I didn't really want to do that though.