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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. They've done it once or twice before but they sell out pretty quick.
  2. It could be made that 2 x resolution would be enabled only in 2D mode. I'm sure everyone would trade for 3D in a heartbeat. Plus it shouldn't be difficult or expensive to up the specs enough to double the resolution of what the 3DS does. Compared to what else is out there, 3DS is rather low end given the low res it outputs.
  3. They could still do it actually, not sure why you're confused. While existing games would stay at the original resolution, new games would be coded at the new resolution (yet scaled down to original resolution on non-new 3DS devices). As long as the aspect ratio was the same, and the processor got beefed to support a new resolution (which it is being), then no problems. Shame they didn't, as that and a proper second stick is what the 3DS really needed. If that's just a laptop nub then that's a real missed opportunity, and no buy from me.
  4. Looks amazing.
  5. Hell yeah, that's pretty much cheaper than the Wii U premium was at the same point in its life. :p
  6. So Destiny + PS4 to be delivered in time for Destiny release is being sold by ShopTo on eBay for £319.99. That's a hot price, I'd jump on that!
  7. This very much rattled my inner scientist, moving someone's shit and leaving it out is a big no no. Sounds like it didn't really have much effect in the end though. When you saw the liquid go everywhere when he lifted it up...massive lol moment despite it obviously being infuriating for the guy. I totally would have had to battle urges not to bin that shit too.
  8. Damn, I envy you folks that haven't played AC yet and are going in fresh to Black Flag. Great title to introduce you into the series since the game is almost like standalone (the character you play as is new in this game and different to the one in all the previous games). Most of all though, because you get the parkour elements for the first time along with the beautiful environments and sailing. If you've not played the series before, get this.
  9. I think my favourite comment made on the day was by Goron. "It must have been hard for Sheik, all those years, having to not accidentally press down and B"
  10. Try compare what you see on the treasure map to a part of the region map or the surroundings (e.g. buildings/trees). When you walk over the right spot, 'x' will say 'dig'.
  11. To be fair, online might have been the air they breathed, and their resultant exhalation being whatever the sputum was that graced the consoles since. :p
  12. @9:50, damn that strike was clean. Sorry, dwarf. :p
  13. I would like to see that transpire in their next hardware iteration - level with or better the competition as per the gamecube/N64, and focus on third parties to make sure the right features are there. My biggest wish is that their next piece of hardware doesn't contain a gimmick that makes it feel like they're trying to reinvent for the sake of it. I would dread to think of something else like the gamepad, as it's really not the right way to go if they want the serious gamers back on board. I'd like to see them put their innovation efforts into software, in terms of maybe rebooting old franchises in a new way and doing away with a lot of old tropes. Less platformers would also be sweet. It strikes me as difficulty letting go. Fitness apps have the market penetration due to the prevalence of smart devices. I can't imagine people buying QoL in big numbers unless it really does something that no other fitness device can possibly do.
  14. Nintendo's account system is pretty much rubbish, such that if your system breaks then you might kiss goodbye to all your digital games. Something like this happened to @Blade recently, which I'm sure he'll fill you in about. :p
  15. Like 3D World was to 3D Land. Oh, Nintendo. That means you'll be able to go everywhere you can see, but that doesn't mean there aren't strategically implemented loading zones between the areas (unlike, say, GTA V, where you can use a blimp to literally fly the whole map without pause). In that way it'd still be different to Link Between Worlds, since it's a 3D game so you can actually see the places you can go from a distance.
  16. Hmm...wonder what he means by that.
  17. Man, got the exact same thing with my phone charger. Sometimes the wire has moved ever so slightly during the night and...no charge. It does seem odd that the Wii U gamepad has a charger port that looks ever so much like my 3DS XL one...but isn't.
  18. It came with a classic controller so yeah, can be played with it. I think Wii U supports them for Wii games. The game is seriously great, I definitely recommend it.
  19. I see the comedy, but I don't think it's the same comedy you see. :p
  20. Old faithful, just on time. You also think there is a link between wanting to look more professional at work and not wanting to indulge in Nintendo whatsoever at home due to some weird paranoid beliefs? Everyone else, let's not feed the troll here.
  21. Why would I lie about it if someone asked me? If someone cared enough to ask me, I'd just tell them. Hiding the banner in an open plan office just seems like common sense to me. Why publicise what you're on to everyone? If it was football, I'd also hide it, because that doesn't exactly send off the professional image either.
  22. Nope, because you could just play your 3DS or Wii U in your house, as most people do. See? It's such a ridiculous argument. No he doesn't, most of his deal is refuting other people's posts with illogical arguments and derailing topics by comparing everything to PS4/X1. If you look around here, most people will disagree with you about Serebii's 'deal' about these parts. You couldn't be further from the truth. Also, given you posted here to cause an argument, that is very bleeding rich from you. This is totally made up. Where did I say I would be fine if it was a marine? Yes, Nintendo is worse in a professional environment because it is inherently childish in appearance. That's not to say that other games on banners wouldn't look immature or unprofessional either. A Resi style zombie/blood filled banner would also be pretty NSFW, too.
  23. I think it's a bit babyish. I play one at home, but I'm not sure I'd play it at work.
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