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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. @Animal I am interested to hear your thoughts/actions.
  2. Bring your arc weapons and your game face.
  3. At least for opinions you just need to reverse engineer a signature to appear at the start of every one of your posts, simply stating "I think". Then you'll be covered.
  4. Sure, I will. Any other takers? @Zell @Shorty @Map? Would 8:15 PM be ok?
  5. I was successful last night, and my target was not Dedede.
  6. I heard it's good on PvP (well, according to Planet Destiny) but less useful on PvE. If you plan to PvP then you wouldn't really need your ice breaker so it could be useful for that.
  7. @Shorty Xur's apparently selling The Last Word (exotic hand cannon). I know you're a HC fan, and it's meant to be pretty good.
  8. Man, got the raid body armour again. At least I got the timebreaker sparrow though. The body armour was again from clearing the gatekeeper...
  9. Ugh, saying Destiny servers down!
  10. I think Persona 4 style slot reels after every boss battle for loot is the way to go with pretty much any game.
  11. I would love if they add something that is equivalent to Wind Waker's several floor dungeon with MM. Just thinking, it probably wouldn't be that hard to do and it would add more for returning players. Dat Song of Healing (is that along the same lines?). Also loved the credits reel music.
  12. I have literally no idea if the final boss was hard or not. See my signature for why.
  13. Woops, thanks Hero. Second time that's happened in 24 hours with me. :p
  14. Of course he fucking can't. Come on. :p
  15. So @Zell @ReZourceman, raid tomorrow (Thurs) at 8PM? Also @Daft, or have you done it twice this week now?
  16. Ooh Ground Zeroes for £7.49? Now that's the kind of price I was looking to pay. :p
  17. Man, don't defend that shit. A small smattering of online features does not air make. Yeah, basically the library that is there already is heavily beefed up by ported titles (many of which multiplatform gamers had no reason to buy again) and third party games. It's nice to look at, laid out like that, but it's the kind of thing to reflect back on rather than to think of it as a sign of things to come. Third party is dead, so don't expect that collection to grow much in a hurry.
  18. @Blade I suddenly don't think the lack of PS4 is money problems with him. :p
  19. Vote: No Lynch
  20. I read this as the suppository Mafia.
  21. Well it ain't gonna be. It has never been. Good stuff will always be spread across multiple consoles and asking for one console to have everything is madness.
  22. Literally have no clue why you don't just buy a PS4 when you're so dissatisfied with Nintendo's offering.
  23. Seems this game is scoring pretty well... 9/10 Gamespot and 8/10 Eurogamer. Gamespot say it's a return to form for DA.
  24. New games are currently still being made to run on last gen machines, since many are multiformat. You're not going to see too many AC Unity style 'bucket loads of NPCs on screen' and whatnot until they stop making games that can be easily ported across the generations. Aside from graphical touch ups, these games aren't going to look as good as they could.
  25. I would argue that with Pikmin 3, NSM3DW, NSMBU, Mario Kart, Smash, etc... that a lot of this is due to Nintendo's reliance on bread and butter franchises rather than innovating as much as they used to; on the scale that they used to (ie. not just indie/small scale games).
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