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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I think it has the best controller out of the PS4/PS3/360 (never tried the X1). But buy the clip on analogue stick covers as they can get uncomfortable after using them for a while.
  2. Yeah, PSN IDs are the same between Vita/PS3/PS4 I'll add you later.
  3. This game has sold over a million copies in under 2 weeks. Well deserved.
  4. You tried Tomb Raider or AC Black Flag? Both brill.
  5. You realise the Wii U has also had a year head start, right?
  6. Yeah I finished it the other day. Some of those bosses are indeed hard.
  7. Hang on a bleeding minute. I misinterpreted that you were arguing 'power isn't important' by using phones as a comparison? You CLEARLY just argued that power is not one of the Wii U's issues by using the example of phones. What exactly am I misinterpreting, Zechs? You must have known when you made the point that there is almost no comparison - phones are bought for different reasons, one of which is the fashion element. You don't carry a Wii U around, and games don't exactly get much better on the higher spec phones. Tell me, how did I misinterpret this? I'll put it here again for you:
  8. Comparing it to phones, really? Nearly all games (and certainly the most popular ones) can be run on most modern phones regardless of spec. Nintendo's Wii U cannot run new games that people want to play, or where it can, at a considerably lower level of performance. And why would people settle for what they had 7-8 years ago? Compare it to phones in this way instead; in 2007 they were selling the original iPhone. A hunking pile of shit by today's standards. But it would be like going and buying that instead of today's model, for all intents and purposes (even the dates match up). Who would do that? Nobody! Also with regards to why it's a bad comparison; a phone is also a fashion accessory, in the case of the iPhone. It's something you're seen with. And it does more than play games. Some people buy for those reasons; reasons that don't apply in the case of a Wii U. Wii U failed on specs, features and the fact most people knew the franchises they already loved would appear on the next gen Sony / MS formats (and loyalty to the game downloads/friends lists they had accumulated). Marketing of Wii U sucked but it ultimately failed on so many levels that it wouldn't have mattered a jot.
  9. They're not very interesting though. I'm looking at Smash 4, Mario Kart 8, New Super Mario 3D World, NSMB, Pikmin. You'd be hard pushed to say a bad word about them, but at the same time it's all old ground. It's not really surprising they don't really resonate with most gamers these days.
  10. Nobody said marketing "isn't important". What I am saying is that there is not a cat in hell's chance that better marketing could have made this particular £300 product a winner. It's in the situation it is in because people wanted to leave the last gen after 7-8 years and play the next generation of games. Wii U has no such gimmick as the Wii did to save it. It's not poor marketing that's the real reason it failed. It's the product.
  11. And yet games consoles, such as the Wii U (being discussed), are not. It is a commitment; a movie watch is (for many) a potentially throwaway choice. People aren't going to buy a Wii U if they don't like the gamepad and want, after 7-8 years in the last generation, a technically upgraded machine capable of running the next generation of games. It's as simple as that; marketing isn't going to save it. A desirable gimmick could have, but a desirable gimmick they did not have.
  12. Movies are cheap to see, games consoles are not cheap to buy. There's more people want and expect from a games console and ultimately if they can't play the games they want due to specs, or if it does not have the features they expect then it won't sell well. Marketing can glamorise what is there in the case of the Wii U but it can't tell people it has the features/games they want when it doesn't.
  13. When a last gen spec machine launches at £300, you bloody better have something to properly justify it.
  14. Yeah, we can't really put too much down to marketing. Ultimately a bad/undesirable product (which I believe the hardware is) isn't going to sell that well even with great marketing. Things that are amazing that aren't advertised well have a way of taking off eventually; word of mouth. That such hasn't happened already shows that this isn't mostly the fault of marketing - it's what's on offer.
  15. I think they would struggle with the Wii U rebranding/new model though (relative to the PS3 situation) for three reasons: 1. Lack of games, 2. Gamepad still being there (I really don't think this resonates with most gamers regardless of form factor) and 3. Underpowered machine. Number 1 in particular is really enough alone to prevent it from ever being much of a success.
  16. This is the game that I always come back to on my Vita. A surprisingly deep game with insane replayability and tight gameplay. Love it.
  17. I've had 2 free extra months of Prime now, just by complaining about a couple of things that didn't arrive next day (I have a cheap Prime deal due to previously being a student).
  18. That's really bad. They must know raids are the reason most people still play. I can't imagine why they thought getting gear to a new damage level was a good idea again. We've already done it once, why would we want to do it again?
  19. Gamestop UK. Absolutely no idea how the largest video games company in the world has a the shittest UK/Ireland website and customer service. - They don't respond for months or not at all in most cases to e-mails - Their phone number never reaches a person. You leave a message and they say they'll call back, but they never do. - They let you preorder something with PayPal, only for the order to become cancelled months later since you can only hold preorders with PayPal for so long. Yet they never tell you that, and let you place preorders with them. Easily the worst place to ever order games from.
  20. The X1 has just been slashed to £299.99 (was £329.99). 30% less than what it was a year and a half ago, already (albeit it had Kinect bundled then).
  21. I can't wait for Shovel Knight myself, I think it's supposed to be this month on PS consoles? Really want the Vita version more than anything!
  22. Me and my girlfriend put an offer down for a house on Saturday, and after a bit of haggling they've today accepted our offer! EXCITE.
  23. Yeah I'll definitely be on later too. Ah man, just cleared the defilement chalice. Difficult! Love the chalice dungeons though, add so much more playtime to the game.
  24. I can help, I'll be on in 10.
  25. Perfectly legal yeah. They let you play games from another PSN on your PS4 with your main PSN account, they could easily have not let us if they didn't want us to.
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